Reasons to Invest in STEEMIT

in #investment7 years ago

In  recent days the value of STEEM has been devalued due to the strong  hangover that has had BITCOIN, but nevertheless I remember 7 months ago  when the Bitcoin was 1000Dolares and STEEM 0.20 Dolares, comparing this  to today with Bitcoin in 2250 Dolares Approximately and STEEM 1.08, we could say that it is a good idea to  have STEEM and not Bitcoin, for another post I intend to explain from a  mathematical and logical point why not invest in Bitcoins in the short  term ...

If  we wait for SEGWIT then the Bitcoin to rise to 4000 or something,  either the division or the original this will lead to the rebound of all  the coins that normally go up to the wave. So it is better to have STEEM in STEEMIT to Bitcoins ... 


  • You can generate money and keep a real investment.
  • You can help others with your vote.
  • You can increase the value of your investment by investing.

Lately I've seen the rewards come down and before this was raised  because most people are doing SteemDown unscrupulously to make a profit,  so the Low Pool.

Right now I am expecting to invest about 500 Dollars in STEEEMIT, this  afternoon or Monday I will spend that amount on my account with what I  expect to reach about 1000 SP ...

The  SEGWIT or update has hit us hard because of the uncertainty it has  caused, but this change is necessary because of the many exchanges that  are done daily ... But I think the solution would be to use several  exchange currencies due to the problems of Exchange  your local currency to Bitcoin and soon we will see the rally of coins  like Dogecoin, Litecoin and ETHEREUM since Bitcoin if they ask me I hope  to stay longer than it will rise in time, of course STEEM should go up  since We use it as community currency as the community increases and the value of STEEM increases.

But  however many people have stopped writing every day I get 20 or 30 POST  when I received 50 to 100 before because every time I walk STEEM people  panic and panic is not a friend of creativity, maybe the need Yes, for better results write quality things that help others ...

This  is your moment writes things of Quality and increase your followers,  since there are very few writing at least in Spanish greetings ... God  bless you


There is no downside to investing in Steemit.

There is no inconvenience, I only give a few reasons that investing in STEEM is better than BTC

Steem is a part of my portfolio too , but make sure you spread your money over multiple coins , I don t want to bet on a single horse :)

Well that if but if you can take with powerdown 10% weekly also devote to your favorite publications and generate more money seems an excellent option not only invest in STEEM but STEEMIT, greetings

Decent point. Same mindset here. In my opinion blockchain is here to stay. A proper investment for the long term. I was researching a way to do better investment analysis on the current cryptos. An interesting website I found: This site did all the research for you. It's truly amazing. See: To check Steem Investment research.

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.19
TRX 0.15
JST 0.029
BTC 63818.94
ETH 2624.28
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.78