URGENT Update on Cannabis Market

Dear Reader,

Since the legalization of cannabis, it’s been red across the board.

As I said last week on the Kerry Lutz show, we expected the typical “buy the rumor, sell the news” type of move for cannabis stocks, setting up plenty of buying opportunities over the next few weeks.

Well, Christmas has indeed come early. Yesterday, the entire cannabis sector had its worst day since inception.

It was a “blood in the street” moment, without anything to even be concerned about. In fact, it’s just the opposite.

Last week, Canada became the first G7 country to implement full legalization.

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In Ontario, Canada, the online stores’ products sold out in less than 12 hours. Even the largest producer was down to one single product on day 1!

British Columbia experienced the same thing, only the online stores were sold out within minutes!

By mid-morning, cannabis stores across Vancouver had nothing left to sell!

There’s incredible demand and fundamentals for a market that is about to be legal worldwide over the next decade.

Here is where I suggest you look to buy while the market is experiencing a serious dip.

***Disclaimer*** Buying low sucks. When things are crashing, NO one wants to buy. It just is what it is… Human nature…

But here we are, and we are finally seeing a real meaningful pullback in the cannabis space. You can choose to ignore it or consider buying shares while they are down.

Here is our Future Money Trends Letter shopping list for the cannabis space.

Consider Shares of International Cannabis (CSE: WRLD & US: KNHBF), CannAmerica Brands (CSE: CANA), and Koios Beverage Corp. (CSE: KBEV & US: KBEVF).

“Buy when there is blood in the streets, even if it’s your own blood” – Rothschild

Best Regards,

Daniel Ameduri
President, FutureMoneyTrends.com

Editor’s Note: There’s major news from International Cannabis today. In case you missed it, click here.

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Original Article Available HERE

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