This Is Not An Investment. It Is Better. Buy OBITS, The Official Currency Of OpenLedger DC

in #investment7 years ago

Holding OBITS entitles you to become a part owner of the bright future that lies ahead of OpenLedger. OBITS are the official digital token of the OpenLedger DC, allowing token holders to reap a proportional share of the profits on OpenLedger, and any further projects added in the future.

Buying OBITS are the equivalent of buying an early stake in a ground-breaking technology company. And the great thing is, you don’t need to be an active investor holding OBITS. Let OpenLedger do the work for you.

OBITS WARRANTS gives you the right during 2017 to purchase OBITS tokens at a fixed price! From 1 January 2018 these OBITS warrants will then be invalid.

In order to secure the constant growth of OBITS a previous option to buying OBITS in bulk orders has been removed and replaced with the option named OBITS.WARRANT. A total amount of 7 million OBITS not yet in circulation have been designated to be used in connection with token drops on all investors of future projects on OpenLedger in the form of OBITS.WARRANT's as a progressive attempt to drive price up, read on to understand better.

In case of buying OBITS directly from the market it is suggested to focus on either btc, bts or bitUSD, check the below markets:

OBITS liquid markets with bts as best


The good part here is what you buy stays on your own wallet immediately wether OpenLedger or BItShares webwallet, desktop wallet or light wallet with no one else but you in control of your funds.

Beware to backup your account and with that backup key and password store it in a secure place away from your pc.

OBITS on centralized exchanges

You may also buy from the first centralized exchange offering OBITS, and we do expect more to follow in coming months as we are positioning OBITS to become the token you wish to support if you believe in the future of the OpenLedger DC and its many ecosystems and more to come. go check the btc market there.

OpenLedger buys back OBITS on the bts market every 2nd day of the month, so it could be advised to buy before that time on whichever market suits you the best, as the sell market is beginning to be much thinner than previously which makes it possible to drive the price up accordingly

It is again also a question of how much OBITS you are looking for, as average price on markets could be high depending on need.

the other option I could suggest is to buy OBITS.WARRANTS at the price of 0,10 USD bought in fiat or equivalent in any other crypto and then let me use this amount to buy back from market and burn it from existance, reducing overall supply and in the same time help drive up the price.

Here is the explanation for the OBITS.WARRANT and how that works

Every OBITS Warrant gives you the right during 2017 to convert to not publicly released OBITS tokens. Per 1 January 2018 these OBITSwarrants will then be invalid. Conversion rate: 1 OBITS Warrant + 0,16 BitUSD = 1 OBITS token.

OBITS Warrants are offered as part of certain ITO's (Initial Token Offering) presented by OpenLedger as a bonus offer.

A limited amount of OBITS.WARRANTS (as there are 7 million OBITS reserved, there are 7 million OBITS.WARRANTS available and thats it), however, are offered on the market for sale at the price of bitUSD 0,10 per unit. The limited amount is released in increments of 500 000 OBITS.WARRANT's, and only offered directly to interested party on the base of request or to anyone already on the list of subscribers of ours or holders.

Anyone believing OBITS will become worth more than 0,26 BitUSD in 2017 is able to benefit from this offer as you pay only the price of 0,16 BitUSD for every OBITS you buy with 1 OBITS.WARRANT even if price is 0,5 or even one bitUSD any given time during 2017. (Your cost 0,10 + 0,16 bitUSD=0,26 bitUSD)

NB! 1 bitUSD = 1 USD

100% of paid amount to buy OBITS Warrants on the market will be used to buy back and burn existing OBITS tokens, so the price is pushed up as we go, how much each time does depend on the traders, as some would be interested in pushing price down again, so nothing is certain until the time where we are able to buy back more from the market than the interest to sell at low prices, and that seems to be very near.

Approximately 1.4 million OBITS have been burned(erased from circulation) since early 2016, and 16,9 million in total is still left of which 9,9 million are in public supply.

Any questions to the above and to redeem your OBITS with your OBITS.WARRANT, feel free to send directly to Ronny Boesing, CEO of OpenLedger on e-mail [email protected]

you may buy OBITS.WARRANT here:

You may buy the bitUSD from the markets or create them yourself and then borrow bts to even buy OBITS, believing bts price will go up and eventully pay back the borrowed amount:

BitUSD markets


Thats all for now, so it really comes down to the point how much funds you wish to use. If bigger amounts it could pay off to buy OBITS.WARRANTS, if smaller amounts it could be worthwhile simply buy off the above mentioned OBITS markets.

Ronny Boesing voted onto the Official BitShares Committee

Ronny Boesing, Founder and CEO of OpenLedger ApS, has been voted onto the Official BitShares Committee. The OpenLedger DC is built on the BitShares Technology Platform which also supports multiple companies who are hosted on the ecosystem, benefitting from OpenLedger’s Crowdfunding (ITO) services, including Internet of Coins, AppTrade, and GetGame.

Inspired by the persistence, drive and passion behind the crypto-pioneers, he was driven to learn all about cryptocurrency, eventually leading to the creation of OpenLedger DC. He most recently resigned his position of CEO of Coinsbank to concentrate full time on OpenLedger’s future, but is fully committed to the Official BitShares Committee.

Ronny is in the last phases of developing the OpenLedger crypto debit card, and he – along with his team - are working full steam ahead, looking forward to the day that OpenLedger will stand out not only in volume of transactions, but in the increasing number of businesses joining the OpenLedger Crowdfunding Solutions (ITO) with their tokens available on the DEX.

Read the Proposal

On 7 and 8 April, Coinfest UK 2017 is open to visitors at the Manchester Conference Centre. The event will host talks about cryptocurrencies and diverse applications being built on blockchain technology, and our own Ronny Boesing, CEO of OpenLedger will be there.

Read More

The OpenLedger DEX is our trading platform, which was designed for high-speed transactions, allowing users to trade assets in real time, securely, and with ultra-low fees. Trading on the OpenLedger DEX has been successful with increasing volumes lately, due to the growing interest in BitShares, the ecosystem that OpenLedger is built on, and its native assets and smart coins.

Read the full article on Crypto Ninjas


From MAY 1, 2017 the FUNC is going to become FUN-CASINOs Primary Currency.

Currently, FUN-CASINO operates on both Bitcoins and FUNCs – the official token of FUN-CASINO (FUNCs). FUNC tokens are based on Bitshares and issued on the OpenLedger fintech platform.

The FUNC can be deposited and played. Moreover, anyone who holds FUNC tokens will receive a slice of Fun-Casino’s income. The only thing you need to do is buy the amount of tokens you desire, and wait for the monthly Profit Distribution.

Withdrawals in FUNCs will be available via request from the casino administrator and will be sent to your OpenLedger account immediately.

Furthermore, any winnings you make in FUNCs can be paid out and withdrawn, without limits. If you win 1 Million FUNCs, you will receive them to your OpenLedger wallet instantly!

The Profit Distribution will be paid from the FUN-CASINO monthly revenue in FUNCs, and as before, 30% will be distributed amongst all FUNC holders within the casino and sent to their OpenLedger accounts.

Read more

The Internet of Coins ITO is Going Strong – and Participants do not want to miss this Opportunity. Internet of Coins are a smart choice for token participants as it:

• is an easy-to-use environment for personal (crypto) finance;
• is a universal design for a broad range of financial applications;
• has a decentralized approach;
• allows comprehensive asset swapping: it should be easy to exchange value;
• has deterministic encryption: keys are not shared with third parties, and user assets are safe.

In case you've missed - Check Crowdfunding Video Tutorial


OpenLedger’s Apptrade, the platform creating "Kickstarter for Apps on the Blockchain", has received a $100,000 USD boost from OpenLedger ApS, the world's first blockchain powered conglomerate.

The APPX token supply will be capped at maximum of $8.2M tokens, with no additional APPX tokens to be created – and APPX token holders are entitled to receive 20% as profit of the total gross revenue from all App Portfolios of Apptrade LLC, or its legal successors.

Read more about what is Apptrade for participants

Yours sincerely,

Ronny Boesing and OpenLedger team

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Very good article. Really appreciate you bring this to our attention. Buy and hold for the upcoming 2 to 5 years and the market will find it's way. We really need more insights in the market and previous investment results (even though they don't deliver any guarantee for the future). I really advice people to take a look at: Since I use this site I make so much less basic investment mistakes. For example: For a complete OBITS Analysis.

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