Today we have “Chock a Block Politics”

in #investing5 years ago

    Great and Wonderful Thursday Morning Folks,    

      Gold is giving us a slight shine this morning with the trade at $1,278.90, up $2.10, closer to the high at $1,279.70 then the low at $1,273. Silver is barely following with its trade at $14.955 (May), up 1.6 cents with the high at $14.99 and low at $14.895. This may be the last day the Open Interest in this month’s contract leads the trade because July’s OI is going to beat out May’s today. The US Dollar has turned sharply higher at about 3 am cst with the trade now at 96.94, up 28.2 points with the high so far at 97.005 with the low at 96.62. All of this was done way before 5 am pst and the Comex open. Gold’s value under a currency printed in order to stay a government now has a Bolivar price at 12,773.01 finally showing a gain in value of 7.99. Silver under the same issuance is now pegged at 149.363, a complete reversal from yesterday’s crushing blow proving a humongous gain of 8.19 Bolivar overnight as we hope this here, is a new signal to glean an advantage.    

      April Silver’s Delivery Demands still shows a count of 1 and with a Volume of 1 already showing up on the board so far this morning proving a purchase was made at $14.89. There is also a demand count of 37 under the Bid showing a buyer wants Silver at $14.935, a price that is 4.5 cents above the trade that made the Volume go to 1 and with no takers so far. Whoever this guy is, his order has been posted all week long (in a day order format) but it seems the sellers are reluctant to fill the trade. Silver’s Overall Open Interest fell quite a bit yesterday with the count now totaling 220,088 Obligations showing a drop of 4,762 overnighters leaving the trade before this weekend’s global holiday.    

       Nigel Farage's Brexit Party Leapfrogs Tories To Lead European Election Polls. “… According to the latest YouGov poll, the second in two days, Farage's newly formed party … has leapfrogged both establishment parties in the upcoming European Parliamentary elections…” This second day count certainly points to the fact that the British masses are finally seeing some sunshine showing up after the intentional cloud covering politics of the MayDelay amassed into a political storm of their own making. The battle between the Nigel Nudge Vs. MayDelay will be fun to watch, from afar that is, with the voters regaining their government, Bravo Britain! We hoped you’d get your voice back, and it is Loud and Clear from here!  We Q the support!    

      Of course today is the day where the release valve of USA politics gets set to blow with the Mueller Report coming out after The Justice Department informed Congress that they will receive the report sometime around 11 or 12 on Thursday after Barr and Rosenstein hold a 9:30AM Press Conference As DOJ Releases the Mueller Report. I’m wondering where the other 12 frustrated team Democrats signatures are and what these signers are doing right about now, before a 3 day international holiday. Today sure seems to have a large serving of “chock a block politics” with a huge smothering of precious metals control being added to the stay everything. All this doesn’t matter much if you are in physical precious metals and positioned properly in the risk department.     

      We hope this holiday serves you well, today may be a day to cherish (if we stay calm) as we remember a prayer we learned in our youth;     

   May the Lord bless you and keep you.
  May the Lord make his face to shine upon you,
  and be gracious to you.
  May the Lord lift up his countenance upon you,
  and give you peace.   

As always ... 

Stay Strong! 

J. Johnson  

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