The DOJ Vs. The Morgue, Ag Stays Resolute!

in #investing5 years ago (edited)

  Great and Wonderful Thursday Morning Folks,     

      Gold is trading lower in the early morning with the price now at $1,509.10, down $6.70 after being forced down to $1,496.30 with the high real close by at $1,509.70. Silver is leading the trade this morning with its price at $17.925, up 0.006 cents and it too close to the high at $17.945 with the manipulated low at $17.655. I think I can say that with some evidence to prove it’s a real thing now (manipulations), what say you? The US Dollar is trading lower as well with the current value now at 97.85, down 28.4 points with the low right there at 97.82 and a high at 98.21. All of this was done before 5 am pst, the Comex open, and the London close.     

      The Venezuelan Bolivar seems to be losing its strength with Gold’s trade gaining 2 Bolivar with the price at 15,072.14, Silver is still losing value (barely and not for long) with its value pegged at 179.026 showing a 0.15 Bolivar loss in value. In Argentina, Gold’s price is now trading at 85,192.89 proving 27.21 Pesos of value being removed with Silver having 1.19 Pesos removed from its value at 1,012.03 Pesos. Europe’s admitted currency in crisis, the Turkish Lira, now has Gold valued at 8,605.57, showing us a 40.01 T-Lira increase in the real money of the planet with Silver at 102.229, it too showing a 0.423 T-Lira gain.      

      September Silver Delivery Demands continues its reductions with the demands for receipts at 168 fully paid for contracts and once again with Zero Volume or Trading Range posted up on the board and with the closing price after yesterday’s No Buy Day at $17.795. This proves a 94 count reduction being settled out either here or in London.      

      Silver's Overall Open Interest continues to drop with the total count now at 210,967 Overnighters, proving a reduction of 1,610 more shorts leaving the field of play the day before, and setting us up for, the Triple Witch Day and the closing out of our nations fiscal year on the last day of this month.

      As a reminder, the October Options in Silver will come off the board next Wednesday. Then on Thursday, we have the Last Trading day for the September Deliveries. This staged event was set up over 3 years ago using all these purchased options (inside Silver’s July, Sept, Dec 2019 contracts) as a preplanned move. Moving forward to now, we see the sudden jump in count within these two cereal months (October, November 2019). Is there a plan? We hope this Resolute Buyer’s plan is to mess up the algos to favor a real price discovery. With over 7,000 October Calls “Deep In the Money”, we could see a few of these newly exercised Calls, get that turned into Futures Contracts, then they can get pull out of their October trade and can be put right into the September deliveries (if there is full cash for purchase) where the centrals have NO CHOICE but to deliver a receipt for physicals by the very last day of the month, Sept 30th.     

      This is probably won’t happen, regardless, this stage has been set long ago. Plus, we’re at the end of the middle of this time period of purchases, and the markets are not acting like they have in the past. We also have never seen such aggressive language used by our DOJ when it comes to the manipulations of Silver by the Criminal Element called JPMorgan. Are there DOJ investigators reading all of GATA’s, Jim Sinclair’s, Eric Sprott’s, Andrew Maguire’s, the rest of our league of truthers writings these past few years? I like to think so, because there is a “feel good” going on inside the precious metals arenas, and all of us support law and order and feel like law and order is about to arrive. It could be a positive for prices. Especially when we’re supposed to have fair trading platform in Commodities. This is what all manufacturers’ need, a fair playing field for their needed products, and it’s been proven to be manipulated by the centrals.      

      Regardless of how this all turns out, everything seems to be pointing to much higher prices in a manipulated market, that is getting the algo controls ripped from the hands of the controllers, and we’re on it! Enjoy your day, keep a positive attitude in your head and a smile on your face no matter what, and as always …   

Stay Strong! 

J. Johnson   

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