Spells Cast, The Vote is On, and The Precious Metals Trade Higher Muhahahaha!!

in #investing5 years ago (edited)

 Great and Wonderful Hallo’s Eve Morning Folks,    

      The day the witches promised to cast a spell against Trump now has Gold trading higher with the price at $1,508.30, up $11.60 and right by the high at $1,510.30 with the low at $1,496.00. Silver is up as well, Muhahahaha, with its trade at $18.035, up 16.8 cents with the high up at $18.13 with the low at $17.795. The interest rate reduced currency called the US Dollar, is now trading at 97.085, down 35.9 points, bouncing off it’s low at 97.015 with the high at 97.255. All of this occurred before 5 am pst, the Comex open, and the London close.     

      It seems the emerging markets currency watch we do, proves how powerful the US Dollar really is when it comes to the international currency churn. In Venezuela, Gold is valued at 15,064.15 Bolivar, adding another 130.84 in value with Silver at 180.125 Bolivar, gaining 1.349. In Argentina, Gold is now priced at 89,931.37 Peso’s, giving those that hold a 1,118.57 A-Peso jump in value with Silver now at 1,075.33 proving a gain of 12.37 A-Pesos. In Turkey, the Lira now has Gold valued at 8,629.29 giving the metal holder a 71.56 T-Lira jump in value with Silver at 103.189 proving a 0.734 T-Lira gain overnight.    

      Today is First Notice Day for the November Silver Delivery Demands with the Open Interest now at 304, proving a gain of 11 contracts since yesterday’s tally. So far this morning, we have a Volume of 1 up on the board with no price to offer (spread exit/entry/something else?). Silver’s Overall Open Interest is still elevated, even after yesterday’s attempts to scare out a few longs when the shorts added 1,187 more positions to the fray making the total count 222,682 Overnighters keeping the price of Silver Resolute.     

      Politics and Money go hand in hand, that is one scratches the others back until everyone under this control has had enough and we may be there now as the “vote” gets cast this Halloween against legally elected, the left hates so much! So far only half the committee has been allowed to ask the leakers any questions. Not that this is necessary because the phone call transcripts were released long ago with both presidents, who were speaking with each other, are saying the opposite of what the accusers are making up. The accusers need to ask everyone that was listening on the phone what he meant, and what others thought he meant, yet everyone who has a brain has read the transcript already and “know what was said”. You can’t parody away all the bullshit by leaking what is coming out of the double secret interviews when the transcript is already out! This would be a great comedy if it wasn’t really happening live.      

      Never mind the possibility that Pelosi and Schiff were in the sand box just before “some people did something”. In which just after, our elected president made the phone call to the parents of a raped American letting them know that their daughter has not been forgotten. All of this matter’s when it comes to confidence, and confidence is the name of the currency game which now has a bunch of witchcrafters, attempting to cast a spell against the president. I thank them for doing so! The last time they did this Trump Won against Hillary! Muhahahaha …     

      Have a great day! Keep that smile on your face and a positive attitude in the head no matter what, and as always …   

Stay Strong! 

J. Johnson  

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