Someone Seems To Be Working Overtime, in Precious Metals

in #investing5 years ago

  Great and Wonderful Thursday Morning Folks,   

       Gold is trading lower this morning, that’s because yesterday was a positive day and it seems the rules of the exchange is “No Two Day Rallies Ever” with Gold now at $1,282.20, down $4.20 inside another tight trading range after the trade was pushed down to $1,279.20 with a high at $1,285.10. Silver is still signaling the Algos with its trade down 3.8 cents at $14.45 with the high at $14.485 and the low at $14.42, a trade swing of only 6.5 cents (someone seems to be working overtime). The US Dollar, the global currency lynch pin to it all, is now valued at 98.055, up 2 points after reaching up to 98.145 earlier with the low at 98.00. Of course all this is done way before America trades aka the Comex Open, and before the London Close.     

      The Emerging Currencies Market is showing Gold priced under the Venezuelan Bolivar to be trading at 12,805.97, taking back 62.92 Bolivar from yesterday’s gains with Silver at 144.319 gaining .998 in the overnight. The Argentine Peso now has Gold pegged at 56,971.28, losing another 588.77 of A-Peso value with Silver at 642.034 regaining 1.018 Pesos as the Silver Signal points higher under these 2 South American currencies. Turkey, which is closely aligned to the European mess now has Gold pegged at 7,546.81 proving a loss of 195.49 in T-Lira value with Silver at 85.0452 losing another 1.1704 in value.     

      Yesterday was the close out day for the May deliveries with the final count for physical Silver demands showing 194 fully paid for 5,000 ounce contracts waiting for receipts. Only 1 more purchase was made during the day but Harvey Organ’s count shows a settling of 119 leaving a balance. Hmmm, if we had a CFTC commissioner who was actually able to be reached and respond to our requests, we would ask them how this could be, then ask them about those Emergency EFP’s going to London these past few years and if they are really for physical deliveries or another part of the hidden paper play? But alas, these commissioners are not here to help us understand the play, they’re here to do something else. June Silver is now our delivery focus with the starting count at 306 obligations with a volume of 27 up on the board so far this morning. It is very possible that the 27 volume in June is an agreed upon rollover with more to come, time will tell, maybe.  Apparently, yesterday’s rally was all about the shorts exiting their trades as the Overall Open Interest lost 7,140 overnighters in order to stay the price with a possible measure of how much of a spike Ag would make since the longs are refusing to exit their positions, leaving the shorts in trouble. This is what we want to see, hopefully the longs, that have “stayed the trade”, are as serious about their positions as the physical buyers are, who have been sopping up as much physical at these prices, knowing full well the future will be counting Silver with a much higher US$ value.      

      The media hyped commotions are really starting to heat up. If one had the chance to listen to Mueller quitting his job yesterday, which was a highly questionable 100% democratically controlled team of investigators that did the tightly focused investigation on a legally elected president, and by totally ignoring everything else that has been found while they searched for anything and everything and still couldn't find squat, made (what’s left of team) CNN vibrate like crazy. We have a news flash for you CNN, it’s not going to bring back the viewers, or your pimp-daddy writers you employed at the London office. People are reconnecting to the real, and walking away from the fake, and all of media’s antics have proven this to be factual. JOY!!!    

      As far as our markets are concerned, PIMCO is saying what we've all been thinking for a while now, "This is the riskiest credit market ever, (the) central banks' control over markets is coming to an end". US Treasuries have fully reversed, which is why, we’re on this physical precious metals “buy side” of the equation. This side is all about hodling (holding on for dear life) our precious metals, and our positive attitude no matter what is placed in front of us. This even goes to those “Longs” in our precious metals markets that have deep pockets and balls of brass. They too know what will happen, it is inevitable under every mathematical equation one looks at. So keep your physicals close, have a positive attitude no matter what, and as always …   

Stay Strong! 

J. Johnson   

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