Silver is showing a shortage of shorts of sorts

in #investing6 years ago

Good Wednesday Morning Folks,    

      Gold is giving us a smile in the early morning trade with the price now at $1,250.50, up $3.30 and close to its high at $1,251.30 with the low at $1,247.10 in what should be called a super tight trading range, at $4.20 geez. Silver is leading the way with its trade at $14.745, up 11.7 cents and it too close to the high at $14.765 with a low down at $14.63. The US Dollar is absorbing all the volatility for now with its trade at 97.13 down 22.8 points and at the low with a high at 97.47, with all this happening sometime before 5 am PST. Going over to the Venezuelan experiment and our currency converter, we see gold trading at 12,484.38VEF losing 1,498 overnight with Silver at 147.266VEF losing a nickel in value. When we go to the pre-devalued site we see gold at 309,429,800 Bolivar losing 387,700 with Silver at 3,644,016 gaining 4,971 Bolivar over the last 24 hours.     

      The delivery obligations for Silver jumped in trade yesterday and now we have a count at 630 demands for physical showing a gain of 157 more contracts (this does not include the receipts settled out in yesterday’s trade) with a volume of 6 up on the board so far today. The overall Open Interest in Silver is showing a shortage of shorts of sorts with the count now at 174,200 overnighters as another 2,409 contracts got lobbed off during yesterday’s 9.2 cent trading range. We have Open Interest dropping and deliveries increasing with less brave shorts swimming around since Deutsche Bank talked. And they are still talking, but this time, it’s about Teresa May’s Brexit failure.    

      The rumors are everywhere with the French government supposedly reducing all discussions involving the Yellow Jacket Riots, but the social media group reports are everywhere and have to be labeled as questionable until other sources can confirm, but the rumored is, the Yellow Jackets may have an EU army tank that turn coated against its original purpose and there’s a photo too. Of course the media has some explaining to do because their energy riots story is missing all the emotional ingredients to make up the mass upheavals. Their story seems to be missing race, gender, or whatever other flashpoint of social justice is being fed to them by MSM and academia. We are seeing the world in a different way and the media is not involved. Will they (msm) even talk about the precious metals rising while it’s happening, or will they wait till much later to talk about it?    

       Just in and of currency swing importance; Conservative lawmakers in Britain will hold a no-confidence vote in Prime Minister Theresa May on Wednesday that could see her removed as the leader of her party, and the British government. The announcement throws Britain's already rocky path out of the European Union, which it is due to leave in March, into further chaos. We need to keep an eye on England, France, Italy, or Deutsche Bank, because any of these entities could set off the precious metals to much higher prices if the fear, uncertainty, and doubt, move forward like they seem to be. Why the precious metals haven’t moved already is obviously known, but “when will it go?” is the last question to be answered     

      These are the reasons we have been suggesting the idea of keeping ones wealth in hand and out of the fiat system. The challenges to global government authority is rising and has been doing so for quite some time. There is not going to be a happy ending unless you are prepared. So keep your metals close and in hand, always have a positive attitude no matter what, and as always …   

Stay Strong! 

J. Johnson  

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