Precious Metals Is The Best Insurance In A World Of Lost Confidence!

in #investing5 years ago

  Great and Wonderful Monday Morning Folks,    

      We start the week off with a smile after watching some early trading pressure hit the markets right at the Sunday night open but later turned to the highs with Gold at $1,416.90, up $4.70 after reaching to $1,421.60 with the low at $1,411.20. Silver is Silver (stop screaming in the store your making a ruckus) with its trade at $15.345, up 10.9 cents with its high at $15.385 and the low at $15.185. The US Dollar is steady Eddie this morning trading at 96.45, up 2.6 points right smack in the middle of its range between 96.525 and 96.375. All this of course was done way before 5 am pst, the Comex open, and the London close.     

      Venezuela’s Bolivar now has Gold priced at 14,151.29, gaining 69.91 Bolivar over the weekend with Silver at 153.258 gaining 1.897 in Bolivar value. Argentina’s Peso now has Gold pegged at 58,901.14 proving a 103.52 Peso gain with Silver gaining 5.871 A-Pesos with the trade at 637.916. The Turkish Lira now has Gold priced at 8,081.72, showing a gain of 18.61 Lira with Silver at 87.5301 giving us a gain of .8698 in T-Lira value.    

      We have some trades in the July Silver Delivery month showing us a Volume of 4 up on the board with the Open Interest at 533 fully paid for contracts proving a drop of 17 with those spoof/ghost trades still showing up after the last trade was made in the delivery contract “equaling” each other (July and Sept) again at 24, 22, 14, 30, 29, 45, 50, 46, 47, within a blink with the trading range of the “4” purchases at $15.285 and $15.26 with the highest price being the last trade so far. This is not huge demand yet it still is evidence of purchasing at these prices and the waves of ghost trades that occur after. Silver’s Overall Open Interest fell a little over the last trading period with the count now in the early morning at 217,753 Overnighters proving a drop of 369 obligations during Friday’s positive ending.     

      Q has been quite active these past few days (and years) with some of the sickest stuff still being digested in the minds of us who are seeing this for the very first time. But Q has now linked Nxivm with its scores of nursery schools, Hollywood elite, some royalty, and politicians around the world. Also, let us not forget the Planned Parenthood and Googles ability to hide what they do not want the masses to see (thank you Veritas for exposing this).     

      Q, Judicial Watch, and Veritas, have been exposing all of the deep states antics over the past few years in a slow and brutal process. At the same time the media giants are doing everything they can to keep their hypnotized viewers in line. Trumps masses are gaining, someone has to be losing some followers here (obviously). This procedure had to be done in a slow motion process because the entire evil gang is spread far and wide and the links are deep, very very deep. All of this had to be digested amongst those that work 8 hours a day with a few hours of driving time, 5 days a week (if they are lucky).     

      The masses are not liking what has been done behind their backs, including having illegals trucking in children from foreign countries as well, children being brought here by adults, not their parents. Why is the media still supporting open borders with some politicians glued to defending the subject after this evidence has been introduced and for so long? This all leads to the discussion of confidence in government, then confidence in the currency that represents that government.     

      The best insurance in the world when a government’s confidence breaks is precious metals. I personally think that when multiple governments, at the same time, are seeing confidence break within their people minds, precious metals would be the best insurance in a world of lost confidence, but that’s me, what about you? Thank You so much for allowing us to be part of your life, I hope in kind, we help you too to …   

Stay Strong! 

J. Johnson   

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