Is shutting down governments a new trend?

in #investing6 years ago

   Good Wednesday Morning Folks,     

       Gold is continuing its price drop with the trade at $1,281.50, down $4.40 from yesterday’s Comex close with the low right at $1,280.90 and the high in the night, so far, at $1,288.10. Silver is following along with its price at $15.645, down 6.8 cents and et tu’ close to its London low of $15.63 with the high at $15.74. Not only are the precious metals trading in the red , so is the US Dollar with its value priced at 95.425, down 5.4 points with its low down at 95.26 with the trade closer to the high at 95.515,  all this Algo controlling being done sometime way before 5am pst. Gold trading under the Venezuelan Bolivar is getting 12,798.98 for each ounce, but still cannot get Britain to give back the 500mts as the price once again drops another 31.97 Bolivar during the last 24 hours. Silver is continuing to drop but barely with the latest price at 156.254, losing only .30 Bolivar. We’ll keep an eye on this to see if an emerging market price will predict the turns in the so called developed markets.     

      January Silver Deliveries show a gain in demand with the count now at 736 obligations as another 11 contracts are added to the boards count and with zero volume posted so far today. The Overall Open Interest is all the proof we need to see that the short traders have come in to make themselves more obvious as the count continues to grow with the early morning Open Interest number at 186,546 overnighters, adding 4,675 more contracts in order to drop the price by 4.3 cents during yesterday’s trades.      

      Last night, our president pointed out the long list of reasons why we need a border wall. Facts and numbers were all brought out by Trump, including the amount of illegal drugs, killers, rapists (who are also raping along the way), criminals, and coyotes who cross our borders without concern and these people are being supported? Why? All anyone has to do is to listen to what both sides have to say. Pelosi and Schumer did not even discuss any of the numbers nor challenged any of the facts that were given, except to say the numbers were wrong. Nor did they say anything about Police Officer Ronil Singh, or Pierce Corcoran, who are two new victims murdered or killed by illegal aliens on our side of the border. These two latest victims were added to this list of murdered or killed Americans. Unfortunately this list keeps growing and growing and growing. Is the Democratic leadership that dense that they simply do not see they are the ones NOT on the American Side of the border? I can hardly wait for people to start asking them, in front of the camera, how many Americans had called in like Trump requested to support the wall or not? Trump told all America to call in and make your voices heard, so do it, make your point or don’t! I won’t even go into what the media was trying to do before Trumps public announcement or after it. They cannot be counted on to do any evaluations at all.    

       The world bank has stepped in to hate Trump too as this money printing oligopoly is claiming everything Trump is removing from their control is wreaking havoc within their system. “So - weather (climate change) (Trump), trade tensions (Trump), and lack of inclusive policies (Trump?) are the problems with the global economy? (Trump) Oh, and the war on cash needs to be stepped up to counter "informal economies."(Trump). The World Bank is upset, who rally cares ? Very few..        

       Maybe shutting down governments is a new trend? After all, the French Poodle is having a hard time with the real French People and Britain has now entered into fray with .. “another stunning defeat for Theresa May and her senior cabinet, MPs on Tuesday backed a measure intended to thwart the possibility of a 'no deal' Brexit by attaching an amendment to a crucial Finance Bill that will effectively force the UK government to shut down if Article 50 isn't suspended or Parliament doesn't explicitly vote to approve a 'no deal' exit.”     

      If this wasn't enough to make gold go higher, good Ol’ trusting Rod Rosenstein the US deputy attorney-general and deep state actor, is expected to leave the Department of Justice in the coming weeks. Of course the media will not say anything about Mueller or his Russiagate story, and Rod’s involvement, even though that subject is still floundering like dead fish out of water rotting under a hot sun. So Good Rosie gets the picture post of the day.     

      The reasons for holding Silver and Gold are many. Even government shutdowns in the “developed” world should be supporting the prices of precious metals but alas, the prices sit under the control of the Algo system which is now being defined as a Sustainable and Unchallenged Algorithmic Tacit Collusion. Things are closing in fast around this system due to fail, all one can do, is be in the position you want to be in, when the change comes. So keep your metals close, have a positive attitude no matter what, and as always …   

Stay Long and Strong! 

J. Johnson   

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