Cloaking the Comex vs. The Resolute Longs!

in #investing5 years ago (edited)

   Great and Wonderful Tuesday Morning Folks,     

      Gold continues to lead the charge with the trade right now at $1,431.90, up $13.70 and after it spiked to $1,442.90 from the low down at $1,421.40. Silver, is still screaming in the grocery store as momma Gold is forced to deal with the anchor that will soon lead the precious metals rally with AG’s trade at $15.475, up 1.4 cents as I watched the Algo’s make the signal that has failed these past few days with the trade right by the low of $15.42 with the high I want to see beat at $15.59. The US Dollar is barely moving with its value pegged at 95.56 up 7.3 points and close to its high at 95.585 with the low at 95.365. All of this was done while we sleep before 5 am pst, the Comex open, and the London close.     

      Gold gained 178.77 in Bolivar value in Venezuelan with Silver now priced at 154.557, a gain of only .10 of a Bolivar. Argentina’s Peso now has Gold priced under it at 60,752.96 A-Pesos, a gain of 247.96 with Silver at 656.624 losing 7.288 in Peso value. Turkey now has Gold trading at 8,277.74, showing a gain of 78.55 in T-Lira value with Silver pegged at 89.4546 showing a loss of .2041 in T-Lira value, and all done in the overnight.     

      The key to it all is in the delivery system within the Commodity Sector with June Silver’s delivery demands now positing a 4 lot with zero volume up on the board so far this morning, proving a drop of some number I’m no longer sure about (94) since the math doesn’t jive again. Yesterday we had an OI number of 102 demands for physical (5,000 ounce contracts each). But during the day (yesterday) a Volume of 24 was posted and with no sales price displayed on my trading screens. Apparently Silver’s Overall Open Interest is showing the “fear of the shorts” as a number of contracts were added in order to give us the Silver Signal we have now and during the cloaking of the deliveries to the tune of 2,777 more positions in trade bringing the Overall count back up to 231,366 Overnighters in order to keep Silver from doing the move Gold is doing now.  Will the signal work like it always has in the past, or are we in the change of a lifetime? Pay attention to the deliveries! They matter the most.    

      Cloaking the Comex only makes us more positive about the things these Resolute Longs have been fighting against these past few years. The Open Interest levels have really jumped during this period of time and they have remained in play, why? Is it time for more of the JP Morgan court case data to come out in which they admitted guilt in manipulating Silver, Gold, Currencies, and Treasuries, with several other centrals that just so happen to own most, if not all the shares of the Federal Reserve? Does the G20 meeting this week have anything to do with this as well? This week is the gravy for the goose. Today the July Options come off the board, after 2 years of wonder, and still the deliveries are happening but in a cloaked manor, which will be ironed out soon enough in price. All we have to do is stay in position and wait. Tomorrow is also the last trading day for the June Silver deliveries, and with this Resolute buyer doing his thing at the same time Comex is cloaking, the intrigue we have seems to be right out of a Sir Arthur Conan Doyle story involving Sherlock Holmes.      

      Enjoy your day, keep those precious metals in your hand and away from the markets, and keep buying the physicals! Why? Because even the search engine “Google” is against the truth, cloaking all the evidence we know to be true. With all these entities going against us, it only makes us Resolute! "The facts are real", as Sherlock Holmes would say, I can imagine Mr; Holmes would also say "knowledge always allows us the ability to …   

Stay Strong!" 

J. Johnson   

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