Documentary - DotCom Crash: What Happened ?
2001 DotCom Crash
An interesting documentary that covers the DotCom market crash during the late '90's and that led into early 2000. It's about; 1hr30mins long, but it's definitely worth the watch - if you need a little refresher...
It ain't what you don't know that get's you into trouble.
It's what you know for sure that just ain't so.
-Mark Twain
I've seen this documentary before and it's really eye-opening. I believe that the startups that serve no purpose, other than to make money, will fade out. However, blockchain tech as a whole, just like the internet, is here to stay.
Oh for sure !
I was using NASDAQ as example to compare BTC to a buddy just the other day. It's the way I see it anyways -maybe I'm wrong. You'll have or we currently have the mother ship (BTC or Ethereum) spawning all these smaller coins which will become all the smaller trading companies/techs fading in and out. Some will stay and thrive and others will just be complete strike outs.
Appreciate the Resteem.
Nice post, let us vote and follow @svtechnik @coreyou
People tend to forget the past about bubble mania 🤔😀
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