
Theoretically, to me, what you say is sound, but I find it kind of difficult to put it in practice since the stablished projects are already high in market cap and growing potential is slow comparing to the new good ones that might replace in the future. Remember it’s tech which is risky and no guarantees... so I have to dig in many new ones before I simple say no ... of course there is a sure and easy ‘ NO’ for any clear sh*t coin or project .. but still the work is hard to discover the potential new hidden Gems for the future .. that cost time and stress and overwhelmingness sometimes ... overall, I like your article and it’s sure something to consider and remind ourselves ( about value added projects) not only everything about quick money !! However, it’s not easy for everyone to keep that value focus especially in this unfair world !

Well-said. Though for sure, some of the bigger we’ll-established still have significant upside potential. We probably won’t see 1000x on ETH or BTC this year, though it’s pretty safe to guess they’d still outperform any traditional investment vehicle.

Thus, the classic wisdom of a diversified portfolio - with well-selected constituents, of course. Hold a majority in the “safer” but still reasonably profitable options - while throwing in some newer ones with strong fundamentals.

Or not. To each their own. Though, that is what many might suggest - for valid reasons...

Great post,

I've come to learn to keep it simple in investing. Spreading thin is very tempting. I think after a while you get numb to the advertising and the shilling and realize how much of this is just a big circle jerk.

The crypto economic and communication experiments happening here are world changing, but as @rok-svante suggests, our time is more valuable than the effort it takes to be invested in all the perfect networks. Let gravity do its work. Stick to what you can really understand and what is truly useful.

I'm gonna also give a shout out to not for its token, but for the mutual funds it provides (digital asset arrays). Let some one else do the research, to understand what is really a good team and product, we are all too easily fooled by marketing. Don't waste your time chasing the next coin, most people just lose money in the long run that way.

First things first the title of this blog looks very interesting for people like me who have interests in crypto trading.

"Saying NO: The Rarely-Spoken-Of Secret Sauce Of Successful Crypto Investing."

Investing is risky but we have all the tips and guidelines on the internet it is up for us to learn different kinds of techniques for us to win and succeed on this trading or crypto currency investment.

This post is one of them that helps us guide on what to do for us not to lose money. You did well on helping investors understand about investment.

Thanks for this article and looking forward for more tips from you @rok-sivante

Consider me as your follower because I loved your contents. More power! Oh bu the way, I just clicked the upvote button.

Enjoy the rest of your day!

That's gotta be one of the best pieces on crypto investing that I've read in a while. Being discerning in your investments is definitely a virtue, and the opportunity cost of investing in too many coins is more than most people ever consider. I imagine if you've less than $10k to invest you probably shouldn't be holding more than 10 coins at a time, which actually makes your investing more effective since you need to sell something if you want that 11th coin.

Hey @rok-sivante, happy new year!

I like how you explained this. It's actually how I tend to go about my crypto investments, too.

I'm just not a "pump and dump" guy.

I am a minimalist in many ways. I don't buy things to dump them or to disregard or scrape from. I'm actually more of a pleasure-delayer. I buy things I really enjoy or want to support in some way.

I find that developing a sense of cohesiveness with my interactions in life brings me more joy than passing sensations or the next cheap thrill, et cetera.

I arrived at this same conclusion last year, when the crypto and Altcoin buzz was at an all-time high. After taking a hard look at the markets and the rate at which new projects were being launched, I came to the conclusion that trying to buy into each new project is a fool's errand - I told myself that necessarily, a rational investor must have to leave out a great many crypto coin projects (including some great ones).

The situation in the crypto markets right now makes that line of thought even more compelling. Most cryptocoins are bound to fall into oblivion, sooner or later. Maybe 4 or 5 would survive over the long haul.

Great news
Thank you so much

Good information I will try to learn it. guide me because I am new to beginners and I will follow you

Very interesting information, to apply, thank you friend, always providing valuable information for those who follow you. Greetings.

True. The ability to tune out the noise makes for a great investor. Trying to take a position in all may leave you open to making a wrong investment decision. Though sometimes we may say no to that project that may turn out to be our Lambo-buying project. I never regret such a situation. I just remind myself it could go either way.

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