Investing Money My Next Rule

in #investing7 years ago

My 2nd Rule

I thought I would follow on from yesterday's blog as I do have a few rules and some guidelines when it comes to investing. This next rules is also one that I don't see often enough in books or courses. So what is it? Well, if you look like this after the investment product has been explained.....

Then you probably shouldn't be investing in it or at the very minimum you need to find someone better at explaining the concept to you. So simply put my rule is as follows:

If you don't understand it, don't invest in it.

At best the person explaining it to you has lost the ability to speak plain English. At worst they are trying to use jargon, and big fancy words to come across as super smart so that you would have to be mentally retarded not to invest with them. This leads me onto my next rule/guideline (sales tactics), which will be the basis for tomorrow's blog.

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