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RE: Steeming towards retirement - How I plan to retire in 5 years thanks to Steem!

Good Luck. I am now following you. Please share in your progress. As a widow and single mom of 3, with 2 in University, I desperately need a backup plan for retirement, as it went down the tubes 7 years ago when my husband passed. But hey I managed to keep the house and mortgage going , so holding my own, but not my retirement package. So hope STEEMIT will help a little with that. Thanks for sharing


You get a 100% Upvote from me.....I do not know the joy/heartache of having kids but I feel for you and your struggle. If you ever need anything find me on Steemit.Chat and send me a Direct Message. I will help anyway I can!

You are so kind. Thank you for offering. STEEMIT has a chat? I have been on here for a year and still learning. I might seek advice on how to get started in buying Crypto. I do have one question that maybe you can answer. What is the value in Resteeming a post, or what is the purpose. Is there any benefit to the person who resteems. I cannot seem to find a single article to read about Resteem. Thanks again so much.

To the best of my knowledge RESTEEMing only benefits the Author. It is used to help bring additional exposure to articles you think deserve it.

Yes you can go to to get on Steemit Chat!

thanks going to check it out now.

All the best on your steemit journey to retirement @gardengirlcanada - following you and upvoted!

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