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RE: Sad fishy investing

in #investing5 years ago

"It is probably too late to get into crypto and make a profit"

This is what a lot of people think when they enter the space, Including myself. Then I came to realize that as long as fiat lives crypto has infinite potential.

Thinking it's too late to get into crypto is like thinking it's too late to invest in iPhones when 99% of the population still uses a flip phone.

Even when Fiat is dead and gone crypto will still increase in value, as it is impossible for centralized authorities like the Fed to inflate gains away from the community and back to the top of the pyramid.

The impending paradigm shift is going to be bigger than anything humanity has ever seen in it's entire history. It might be on par with going from hunter/gathering to farming. Imagine the change in lifestyle and the ability to scale.


Thinking it's too late to get into crypto is like thinking it's too late to invest in iPhones when 99% of the population still uses a flip phone.

This is a good way to imagine it I think.

The impending paradigm shift is going to be bigger than anything humanity has ever seen in it's entire history.

I am certain there are going to be many conflicts along the way but I am hoping at least that this time it will swing the pendulum in the other direction. The biggest challenge is the trained mindset of the average.

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