First off, cool post.
I like how you own farmland across several areas like that. I too own crypto- currency.
In America during the 80s, a huge bank-backed movement corporitized most family farms (I know first-hand because my parents own a farm). It was a deliberate grab of critical infrastructure, but it was supported by real efficiencies of scale. The grab employed financial techniques that were more subtle than outright stealing, but at a system level, it amounts to similar.
I have noted the exact same thing with home ownership in America since 2008 as well. People were displaced from houses, money was pumped into corporate apartments and the result is increased rental demand. It appears that people are being forced into a 'consumer as commodity' role that has been engineered.
I suspect your 'Nazi' land thieves are instigated as a tool by state level powers.
Yes the corporations there do some immoral things, but why were people so gullible to fall for it?
In Europe it's a different situation. Most of these lands were never privately owned, they were always state land, that was barren for hundreds of years.
I literally know a village where about 70% of the land is owned by the village council as it's called there, and most of the village lives on welfare or they are old pensioners. Some young guys are unemployed?
Well how come? If 70% of the land is owned by the "council", why are they unemployed? Well it's because the "village council" is not actually a council of villagers, it's just a local bureaucratic arm of the government, and they sit on 70% of the land, while the young guys there are unemployed or on welfare.
So foreign investors have to come in (local ones are apparently broke or something), buy it up, and then rent it out to people, instead of the government doing this, because the government is incapable of anything.
So there are now zones that are completely foreign owned, but they still let the villagers work on the land, sort of like an aristocracy, but much better since we charge 4-8% commissions, and there is no income tax on grain or vegatable sales. So they have a very easy job, just grow food and crops and sell it in the cities or to distributors.
But with these Nationalist movements, they want to kick foreign investors out ,because they think we are oppressing them somehow, when they can't see that their incompetent government left them unemployed in the first place. And there are real Nazi elements of this that show themselves in the xenophobia that spreads around all this issue.
I get that a lot of young guys are unemployed, but it's not my fault that the government there sucks so badly, we are actually helping these people, but I don't have enough money to buy up every single acre to give jobs to everyone.
I haven't heard of much nationalization without pay in the leading European countries. Europe is in for a rough ride in 2017. I can see why you are concerned. Are you anywhere near ROI yet?
It sounds like you are primarily just trying to make the world a better place and extracting a small wage. I have a social engineering project (utopia) I have been working on but I am still in the analysis phase. Our goals seem similar, but you moved straight to the action phase.
The nationalization is not happening under the current governments, but there are radical nationalist movements that call for it, that might win future elections. In some countries they already have 10% of the parliament.
So although the danger is not imminent, that doesn't mean we should just stand by and do nothing. Financially speaking I am already looking for buyers if it will be necessary to sell the land one day.
Yes I am up 60% at least depending on if I can find a buyer that buys land that is not interconnected, then even 80%. Land prices had gone up quickly where I bought it years ago.
Yes all we do is just buy the land from the government, and then provide it to be used to local farmers for a small fee. There is no income tax on the profits of the agricultural activity, and the fee is much much smaller than the income tax on other stuff.
And since the farmers are too poor to buy their own land, this is the best situation for them. If they would take out a bank loan to buy the land, the interest would be at least 6% of the land value let's say on average for an average land 1200 EUR monthly, that's 14400 EUR yearly. These poor farmers don't produce anything near that from agriculture, the best farmer that I know makes 9500 EUR yearly for a 20 acre land, so a 4% commission from that is more preferable than to pay huge interest to banks.
This guy StormcloudsGathering is exceptional. He has a prototype society in Nicaragua or somewhere. In the link below, he speaks in detail of the chain of identity with strong applicability to the neo-fascist movement.
I agree with the video except with his individualism criticism.
He said that individualism never existed and can't exist, but it's false. Because individualism doesn't refer to "living alone in a cave", but rather on a philosophy that is centered around the individual.
People will still be part of groups, that is of course inevitable, families will be needed, but individualism means that the individual will be the center of it. So even though you are part of a group, you still act as an individual inside it, and make your own decisions, rather than "surfing on the wave".
Here is a quote from famous Jewish philosopher Maimonides:
If this were the attitude towards individuals, then all the violence and unjustice would cease in the world.
"why were people so gullible to fall for it?" Unfortunately the answer to that is the same answer to why people 'fall for inflation'. The forces at play simply exceed the sphere of influence of the affected people. There is no credible action that someone acting on the micro-scale can take that actually affects the operation of the force at the macro-scale.
I see what you are up against with the social movement against you. It is the same micro-macro action dichotomy. The economic micro/macro problems tend to have to deal with macro scale, cohesive, adversaries - The term 'super-organisms' from Howard Bloom applies. It may be true that the macro scale of the social movement is not very directed by a state actor and it is emergent behavior from grassroots. Unfortunately, that appears to mean that your adversary is human nature and genetic instincts of group formation. People don't break off into groups because of reason X. The causality is reversed. The need to break off into groups causes reason X. The differentiation process will seek and use any identifiable reason that can serve the role of membership identifier.
I don't know the solution to it. I'm still working on that.
I looked for a link for you to the brilliant but unfortunately named book: "The Lucifer Principle" by Howard Bloom, but it looks like the net has been scrubbed now and all copies are behind paywalls.
Howard Bloom is an interesting guy, I used to listen to his show on Youtube some years ago, I haven't followed up with him for a while. I am not sure what you mean by super organisms but I think I know.
If you are talking about the State, or more precisely the will of humans to dominate and extend themselves, which manifests at the state then it's true. However it's still the fault of the individual that submits to the State.
People can choose themselves how much of a collectivist they want to be, whether they want to belong into a groupf that has millions of members, or to a group that has 10 members, and to which one they are more loyal too.
But regardless if humans can't think individually then it's useless. The fundamental problem with the State is that it doesn't represent the group.
Nobody likes taxes, then how come they exist? If it doesn't benefit anyone, then why does it exist? Well they do benefit the welfare recipients. But then they are not part of that group, they are merely an outside group that feeds of the main group.
So if I am part of Group A, and Group A forces something on me that doesnt benefit me, nor anyone else in the group, and there is a Group B that only benefits from it.
Then I am not actually part of Group A, i am enslaved by Group A.