Fact of the Day - #cashtags on Twitter

in #investing7 years ago
As someone who has taught and been involved in finance for quite some time I am a bit ashamed that I didn't know about #cashtags on Twitter. I'm not sure if they are not that widespread or if I just somehow managed to miss them but it was something new that I learned today and thought I would share.

What are #cashtags?
They are like a Twitter hashtag but instead of putting a # on the front of a term you put a $. The feature has actually been around since 2012 and was originally for stock price news where you would use the firm ticker symbol - for example if you want Google stock price related tweets you would search for $GOOG

They have now expanded to cover ETFs, commodities, emerging markets, bonds, and cryptocurrencies. For example:

  • Soybeans is $SOYB
  • First Trust Hong Kong ETF is $FHK
  • Australian currency is $FXA

The cryptocurrencies are mostly what you would expect ($BTC, $ETH etc) but these are possibly less useful due to the amount of spam.

Did you know about #cashtags? If not, hopefully this has been useful.


Always good to know more things. Now I have to put it on my "study" list and learn EVERYTHING about it. That's for peeking my curiosity.

Useful info @datascience - do you know if it only works on twitter?

I haven't seen it on any other platform (of course I hadn't seen it on Twitter until today either).

Yeah i just found out abiut cashtag late 2017 and i find it quite impressive.. Its good that you shared it here tho. Great information, im sure alot of people dont know about it either

Awesome, did use a cashtag when I was signing up with teamaustralia.

Cheers for the quick overview

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