Who got the best fill on BTS?

in #investing7 years ago (edited)

Wow! What a spike lower! Did BTS get hammered, or what? Sellers took out the entire bid stack! I dare say that there are no more margined positions above 24¢ on BitShares! And I can vouch for it as I got a fill just above 24¢! The charted price on BitShares only shows a low of 30.5¢, but I can tell you it got down at least into the 24¢ area, given that I got filled down there! And the buy book went to a virtual zero. What a massive spike lower! And it was on good sized volume too. That’s a sign of capitulation, and it looks to have happened across the board. (I picked up some more STEEM too - the best fill there was $3.50ish - the chart does show a $3.20 low right at the 89 DMA.) Everything got slammed in synchrony, and everything’s bouncing now. We may be putting in an intermediate term double bottom. Going to put in some more bids just in case we take out lows on a secondary spike down. Good “fishing” everyone.

Anyway, what was your best fill?



Bonus Chart: Very nice buy zone for BTC


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Again cryptosale with heavy discount...best time to buy because i think it is limited time offer....i bought steem vechain and eos...i already got some benefit....and thinking of of buying some BTS too.

Glad you mentioned EOS. Forgot to check it. It's not showing on my BitShares screen though. That's the 2nd time that's happened. It just disappears! Looking on TradingView it looks like there was some nice buying there too.

Sometimes luck favors the smart guys ;)

The old saying is that it's better to be lucky than good. 😁

An excellent analysis and I think that if the correction in the short course Bitcoin and the BitShares drops below 0.24 cents. Although now it is also possible to purchase the BitShares . Thank you @cryptographic


Nice chart showing those long legged candles down into support. Big volume on this one. I want to see it close above 31.5¢ but it wouldn't bother me to pick up some more first. 😉
Thanks for the quality comment.
Wish there was a way to get rid of junk posts without having to spend SP. 😒

Props to fantastic fills in BTS and STEEM! The master strikes again... Unfortunately, no buying over here, just HODLin'. BTS STEEM and EOS are all bouncing off trendline support and their respective charts look a lot healthier than BTC.

A bit frustrating that I'm not positioned to take advantage of these sales. This is what happens when you FOMO during the euphoria phase and load up a full position. I wonder if you had put a penny bid, whether or not it would have filled during that capitulation move...

Unlike most panics, I'm very glad that the price is going down. This makes it possible to replenish reserves.

В отличии от большинства паникующих, я очень сильно рад, что цена снижается. Это дает возможность пополнить резервы.

Lol, it was definitely an excellent day to have multiple buy orders waiting on this BTFD moment! So many coins, for so cheap!!!

In Binance lowest BTS recorded as 0.00003030 in last 48 hours and I got a chance to buy at 0.00003358. Not a bad call, but this time I had no huge amount of money to buy more. Anyway now it's on a good profit. At the moment my main focus is on STEEM. Trying to buy it much more lower around 0.0004038. Hope it will drop at that level too.


16th of last month I got a chance to buy BTS (a huge lot) around 0.00003218 and I think it's a good trade than last 24 hours trade of mine. Anyway I am looking forward to hear from you more updates!

This is a good sale time, this is how I believe about the Red Market Times


DEX hit about 0.22, so yep, was a nice dip! Seems much more content around 0.30, so free 20% for the scalpers. :)

I agree with the buy zone sentiment for BTC, but it’s nerve-wracking with all these calls for capitulation to 3-6k. That said, I remember that at 1800 there were calls for 1600 and sellers in the mid 18s missed the boat.

I suppose we could drop ANOTHER 50%, but I bet it’ll be fast when it happens and the r/r seems iffy on catching it.

Looks like we got that other 50% you were supposing might happen. Picked up 3 more batches with an average price around 18¢ (the best fill being 14¢ and change). I thinking/hoping that was it for the selling for now.

I find it funny that I remember a few weeks ago you were telling me to sell at least a part of the Steem at 4$ and that would have been a good choice because it got lower just in the very next day. Now 3.5$ is a good moment to buy. I am still impressed how fast does this market evolves!

My best buy would have been (because I was too afraid to do it) buy Cardano at 0.02$ and sell it at over 0.6$ three months later. That would have been a nice trade, but again, I still blame myself for being too scared to do it.

I am still impressed how fast does this market evolves!

Unless you're a very nimble and expert trader, the speed of these markets is one of the biggest reasons why the best option is to hold long term. It's a long term bull market, and the long term surprises should therefore usually be to the upside, and sometimes when we try to get too cute, we get left behind. In fact, I'm only "trading" 20% of my overall holdings - 80% is a long term hold that I won't even touch and going from 90¢ to 22¢ doesn't even phase me precisely because I know we'll be above 90¢ again sometime probably very soon.

going from 90¢ to 22¢ doesn't even phase me precisely because I know we'll be above 90¢ again

That's encouraging! And I got fooled by all the trading advice that you provide, thinking that you are a main trader and not a holder. I had tried to trade before, obtained some profit after all, but I don't like it anymore after I lost some money there :) Never going to do that again :D

I like Bitshares as a distributed exchange. But it does suffer from irregularities and lack of support. My ETH deposit went missing a few weeks ago (either due to Bitshares or OpenLedger's mistake), and I'm still waiting for it. Support is either not responding or blaming the other party. It makes me hesitant to trade on it, as you can imagine.

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