Literally A Fantastic Investment

in #investing7 years ago (edited)

Investors spend most of their waking lives looking for good undervalued investments with the potential for great returns, and, if yesterday’s first ever crypto ratings by Weiss Ratings that put STEEM in their top 5 are any indication, this certainly is one of those rare occasions when investors have come face to face with good fortune.

Price action is looking rather nice as well.


When bullish fundamentals and bullish technicals line up, you’ve got a powerful combination for more upside. 😁

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I won't lie... I was absolutely rapt when I saw this... I've had a position in about 10 cryptocurrencies since I found the space in October... but I've hardly cared about any of them since I found Steem. I'm absolutely invested in this platform, emotionally more than financially, and it's so super exciting to see that independent reviewers agree and that the market has responded to that.

It is all so exciting to me!

And to think we're only getting started!


Weiss Ratings ?? Who are they? Is it Moodey's for the crypto world?? how reliable is their rating?

And that, my smiley friend, is the most exciting part of all.
If Steem got to 3 figures, imagine all the changed lives around here...

Love it. I also think the fundamentals (I'm admittedly more old-school in my investing approach) are ripe for a long, upward run. The power of the social effect is one of the greatest differentiator of STEEM and could really propel it. Also once people realize this is the only social network where we get to reward each other (as opposed to advertisers), we'll really see the user base spike.

All the more reason for us to load up on STEEM, power up, and spread the love in the meantime!

Eos and steem both are my core holdings and rated in top 5. Slightly disappoonted with IOTA. Cant win them all. Steem new base is around 4 usd so happy days are here in steem land.

With the recent growth in active users and total signups combined with the Weiss ratings, STEEM is really building up some positive momentum to start mooning!

BTS has been the laggard since I started tracking positions on 12/15. It's the only one that hasn't moved since:

It will be glorious once it starts catching up. I was able to pickup some more on this recent pullback, just patiently waiting for the pop!

With the recent growth in active users and total signups combined with the Weiss ratings, STEEM is really building up some positive momentum to start mooning!

More great fundamental data pointing in the same direction, UP!

You keep this up and you might convince me to move off my neutral stance with STEEM...damn if that happens I will have a $500 price by year end. 😁

Wait until you see my article about how STEEM cannot fail...that it is impossible...there is nothing to stop it.

I have it all mapped out in my head and the reasoning behind thing that people like to do is look at blockchain like they do comparing this to MySpace...there is a fundamental difference that is missed.

I am trying to decide when we hit the point of no return....Is it when SMTs are out? That is for certain but it might be before that. HF20? That is a game changer too....I think the manual sign up, if it continued is a failure long term so it would have to be after that.

I keep powering reason not to...STEEM will only go higher, much higher.

Wait until you see my article about how STEEM cannot fail . . .

Looking forward to it!

I am trying to decide when we hit the point of no return . . .

My vote is that we already have, and the implementation of the scheduled improvements you mention will reinforce in a big way!

Okay my friend...I couldnt help myself....

Put up a post guaranteeing steem success.....the fact that there are no strategic decisions with this blockchain prevents failure....unlike MySpace where leadership needed to decide what to do...and bitcoin is confronted with that....steem just keeps going until it nears 100K transactions/sec...then it can decide what to do.

Will be sure to take a look tomorrow when I get a chance. I'm sure I won't be disappointed. Cheers!

First of all thanks for the post. Do you think STEEM will be staying in top 5 for a while? If it will how long? Do you think is it going to be stable after this jump?

My expectation is for it to be stable with a very strong upside bias. Barring catastrophy, I would be very surprised to see STEEM trade below $4 again. Surprises should all be to the upside in my opinion . . . that is if there is any surprise left for that. 😉

Of course i am not even close to your knowledge about this subject but i feel like it will go down below 5$ at some time and stay between 4-6

Last year June, I started my journey on this platform it took me 2-3 months to get an idea how this platform functioning. After that I had a chance to learn about Graphene blockchain technology and I found your articles!
Before that, I also went through @stan's articles. For me sometimes I didn't get a clear idea what he is talking about! He talked about Speed, Low Fee and Block times of BTS but I didn't get them very well at that time. One day I heard about STEEM also built top of that Graphene blockchain technology. STEEM, BTS, EOS, GOLOS and few others are build top of this blockchain framework.

EOS took the lead first! Now at the top 10 of marketcap. Then BTS started, but amazingly STEEM took the lead! As you said, STRONG BULL TREND yeah, I believe the same. I am not a genius market analysis like you do! But I feel STEEM is on a strong up trend. And the market price can't be dropped once again. Probably this time we are #marchto10
I mean two figure price value infront of the STEEM can be found in soon time!

I am TheGuruAsia, but you are the Guru of mine! I went through a lot of market analysis and signal providers in STEEMIT platform! But no one else, predicting long term market analysis like you do!

What I noticed from STEEM current market price it's bounce between 6.0 - 6.6 USD range. I could see 6.6 USD level at the moment is giving high resistance on STEEM price and probably STEEM will break this resistance level soon and I wish to see two figure value infront of this amazing crypto currency in near future!


I see resistance currently in the 6.6-7 area and support down around the 50% retrace of this last move higher from the January swing low, with a slight possibility of maybe even getting down to the 61.8%, but I wouldn't hold my breath on that. 😉


Yep, Steem is going really high after it was rated so well. What I don't know is if there is going to be a correction in its price. I mean I expect this to be so, but I haven't seen signs of correction by now. If it doesn't go below 6$ it is pretty good!

We're getting a pullback right now. I just posted a chart a couple of comments up with the Fibonacci levels that might present very good entries for people looking to get long.

Yep, even with the current correction, we can see that Steem is very promising on the long run. I have seen by the time that a few coins went to the top 30 or even 20, then a part of them fell back getting lost through the multitude of coinsthe market has. But Steem kept its position, advancing slowly so I really believe it is here to stay.

In the daily chart, STEEM price is not only trading above 50DMA, but also trading above 100 DMA and 200 DMA also which is creating a stong bull base for steem.


And most important thing is that in the daily chart the MA cross over is just about to happen and once that happens it would be a signal for significant upward movement for steem.

2018 is going to be special year for STEEM, BTS and EOS.

Thank you.

In dollar terms things are looking even more positive!


Yes thats correct and the cross has already happened, so this is daily chart and just imagine if this crossover will expand more, the subsequent bull run will happen and this shows that for next 200 days at least means roughly 6/7 month, this bull run will continue...why ?? because we have considered the 200 DMA as the support line and for this to break the trading graph has to break on multiple ocassion, so if we take the average also then it will take at least 3 month time, which are enough to assume that we are firmly in bull trend.

Thank you.

Hi @cryptographic ! Steem is one of the 5 five cryptocurrencies valued by Weiss Ratings, but is the cryptocurrency generating more value, and with more transactions and more people in the world. People drive economies (product and services), and more people and transactions take place on Steem, as blocktivity shows.

Steem is the most generating value blockchain today, and will skeyrocket when SMTs are launched.

Thanks for this great post, were technical analysis and rating analysis by an outsider get together to also show that steem is currently going upside!
And in the long run it will skyrocket!

Thanks for this great post @cryptographic !

Regards, @gold84

When is the scheduled launch for SMTs?

@dirkboy41 It is within this 1st quarter of 2018, but do not know when yet.
Lets keep us posted.

Regards, @gold84

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