Ben Bernanke's Legacy Hangs Precariously on the Broadening Wedge! A Must Read (and Resteem!) Post!!!

in #investing7 years ago

Former Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Shalom Bernanke is about to have his make-it-or-break-it moment.

As you all know, in the aftermath of the 2008 global financial crisis, Bernanke enacted the bond-buyback exercise known as quantitative easing. In lay terms, this monetary policy is called "print your way out of trouble."

Thank to big government and big banks working in concert with each other, Bernanke's QE experiment appeared to work. But in the past few months, we're now seeing the consequences of this reckless policy.

Let's take a look at the U.S. Dollar Index chart:


Here are some key takeaways:

  • The US Dollar Index is currently charting a bearish broadening wedge formation, sometimes known as a "megaphone pattern."
  • Since December 1985, the average point value of the U.S. Dollar Index is 92. Notice how the 92 point level is near major support/resistance lines...
  • Is it a coincidence that just above the average value, the dollar index forms a broadening wedge? I think not.

Folks, if my broadening wedge analysis is proven correct, we're going to see a return to all-time lows, around the 66 point level.

Fundamentally, we have no economic justification to keep the index at its average level. We wasted trillions chasing after globalist wars, we waste even more supposedly flying out into space, and ridiculous endeavors like "mission to Mars." In the meantime, we have nothing to leave to future generations.

With that said, anybody who is still investing in the stock market needs to consider some protective measures -- I'm not saying get out necessarily, but just be ready.

Thanks for reading, and I hope you'll share my latest analysis to your peers! :)

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come on, deserves a better comment than that

Cheers to 66 US Dollar index!

Hahaha, that's hilarious! You made my day! :)

Cryptomarket is far more self-protected compared to any type of stocks.. fiat currency or whatnot certified bs..

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