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RE: The Traditional Stock Market is Redundant

in #investing6 years ago

Yes, that's a good point and I should have clarified. The Facebook and Amazon coins are not intended to represent equity, but it indicates they can see which way the technology is headed and they at least realise they need to be part of it.

At some point I would expect them to de-list on the traditional stock exchanges and migrate their share registry to a crypto token and platform. Then again it's possible they will just go the way of the other dinosaurs and never properly survive the transition :)

I would suggest that nearly ALL of the NEW tech startups are raising money now via ICO rather than IPO. This is just the thin edge of the wedge and an indicator of things to come.


True, the only issue I see with ICO's these days though is that a huge portion of it is basically almost to be considered as fraudulent activity... So many projects are popping up without anything to present nor any intent to deliver. For that to change the people will either have to wake up and stop to blindly throw their money at anything or alternatively it has to be regulated in some way, which is already happening a little.

There is a lot of scam, fraud and outright theft going on in Crypto right now but that is because it is such a new and immature market that most investors do not yet understand. It's still the Wild West but over time that will change.

Some would argue for regulation but I think it just needs investors to wise up and for ICOs to get independant respected auditors and ratings agencies to go through their operations, like a voluntary accreditation process that investors can come to trust.

EOS also apparrently has made strives on the Governance side of things too, so dispute resolution will exist and scamming on that platform may be a lot harder. These are baby steps, but steps none-the-less and the direction is clear.

Regulation doesn't have to come from the official side only of course as I see any action towards a more open and transparent ICO market as a step towards a brighter future for us all. Might it be Governance on EOS or initiatives rating ICO's, they all contribute to regulate the market in some way just not through direct laws.

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