Intuitive tip for July - TIMING IS EVERYTHING

in #intuition7 years ago (edited)


Hello steemers, 1 July 2017 marks the half of the year. Interesting numbers, right? You can find out more about the meaning of the numbers at excellent numerological portal, which I also follow, here.: (but after that do not forget to return to this intuitive guidance, because it has quite a few powerful messages for you).

You may be wondering where did this year go with almost nothing or little to show. It may seem so though at first glance. The first half of the year has certainly tested our patience and faith, June especially.

Even though things will not turn for the better a.s.a.p. you can relax and acknowledge not so visible but significant progress you have made. Suma sumarum you positive growth has happened; perhaps a change in perception, perhaps changes in the use of knowledge, perhaps in the way of responding to the challenges of the environment. If so far it seemed like nothing was happening as you imagined it this year, or too slowly, it’s time to enter the July anchored in the present moment and completely conscious.

It is important that you start using all your knowledge, classical and alternative, not only when you find yourself in crisis but in everyday life!

In the future, it seems that we will be moving to a new dimension, while others who have done nothing about the above-mentioned will remain in a state of negativity, disaster and mentality of lack. It seems as if this July is the turning point.

It is also a time to celebrate your strength, all the tests and initiations that have led you to this moment in time. It is also a time to celebrate commitment to your growth, positivity and personal development without attachment to material results. They will come to you, don’t worry, when you stop working because of them and dedicate yourself to serving and changing the world for the better, not just your life. And I don’t mean occasional donation to a charity organization as being of service to others. With all due respect, every contribution is worth a lot, but it is also the easiest way to make a donation or send that SMS and not really tackle the problems of the world on your own but rather donate and go on living as before.

If you succeeded in getting out of the energy field of disasters, negativity and mentality of lack, then you now know what I’m talking about, but if you’re not yet fully there, I suggest that you keep following my posts and events, since by the end of this year, the use of your intuitive skills will become “worth the gold” and therefore your best investment.

One of the free events that will soon start is the 31-day challenge From Passion to Purpose. Check it out here:

July therefore invites us into the full presence in the now and mindfulness.

Things that have been delayed will start moving forward, lessons will become clearer, and learning will in fact be lifelong. So, what you’ve learned so far, you will never forget, just upgrade.

They are asking me to ask you how will you help people from the hold of negativity during this period? The first step is always starting with you. A strong message is that people have to wake up, because things will be manifesting quickly, good and bad. They are intended, of course, to awaken you and spiral you forward.

Taking the reins of your life into your own hands is very important, taking the lead is very important. I am not writing about self-esteem and leadership lead by ego, but mindful guidance through awareness of now without attachment to yesterday, or tomorrow. If you want an idea of how to apply that principle to life book a complimentary call with me. Just click here: The connection with intuition is again emphasized. If you want to take rains of your life in to your hand and lead by example following your intuition, you will need this – Intuition, Basics You can’t do without: You can also work me one-on one in From Intuition to Success program. Both programs will help you strengthen your confidence in yourself and your decisions.

Remembering to manage events with love in July. Nobody is perfect you know, not even you and if you are constantly punishing yourself even by blaming others, the universe will quickly serve you with what you have ordered. On the other hand, if you will be able to laugh and recognize the spark of the divine in imperfection, the universe will quickly serve you with the divine. Be present and mindful in July because everything you have planted will be realizing quickly.

Do you know what you have planted? Yes, that is a tricky question.

If ever the saying – Seize the moment – served you, you will definitely remember July 2017 after how many moments you managed to seize, or not …

Your turbulent mind will surely represent one of the major challenges in July. You will find the Alliance in full awareness of everything that is happening, the ability to anchor yourself in peace and tranquility…

Excessive attention to details will only make you drift away from clarity and your goal. This is not a good time to pay to much attention to details.

Have a wonderful and most successful month.

With love, Tamara

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