Does the Recession Threaten Your Sanity?

in #introductions8 years ago (edited)

Do you ever wonder if other people are experiencing the recession (depression?) quite as severely as you are ?

It has been over 14 months since my own personal recession started with being terminated from a well-paying job. It has taken me this long to even become comfortable talking about it without a box of tissues in hand. Now here I am, a year later (still) trying to pick up the pieces, and find a way to move forward. Since that office position, I've worked in fast food, stood on my feet with a janitor's broom and mop for hours a day, and assisted elderly people in their homes to make ends meet.

In the meantime, my two children (in their 20's) who live with me have stepped up to help pay utilities and household expenses--thank you to both of these great people--, I've had one vehicle repossessed and most of my other long term payments have had to wait their turn for payments. It's been a crazy learning experience. But my personal philosophy is that as long as you learn something from whatever experience you go through, it's not a waste of time. Although it doesn't feel like it, it can be a growing experience.

In the last year, I have asked myself continuously, "what do I want from life?" and "what will make me fulfilled and content?" The answers have always involved writing and volunteer work to give back to the community. I love expressing the creative side of my personality through writing , and I can't stop myself from trying to help someone when it's within my capability to do so.

So I've written more in the past 6 months than I have in my whole life combined. I've written on blogs, I've written ebooks available on Kindle, I've written on forums. Everyone has a story to tell, everyone has an opinion on something. Through all the craziness of this past year, writing is one of the few things in my life that has kept me sane, I think.

I'm not going to allow my personal recession devolve into a depression. But until the economy improves, it's something I can cope with every day thanks to writing.

What keeps you sane?

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