
in #introduction8 years ago (edited)

Hello there, this is the introduction for my account. That isn't much of a gripping first sentence but whenever something is "mandatory" (it technically isn't in this case) It's hard for me to get into it. The more I learn about myself the more I realize I should preface everything I ever say with, "I'm a contrarian asshole."

Why I'm an anarchist

The contrarian asshole thing is real though, but thanks to that it's allowed the truth of government slavery to enter my head more easily than the other person. But that being said I didn't become a full on anarchist less than 5 years ago. I was always one however, in the sense that it always seemed glaringly obvious to me that whatever system we set up, we could just NOT go along with it any longer.

When I was in middle school my first political identity was one I got from my older sister at the time. She doesn't identify with the latter anymore these days, but I remember considering myself a "liberal christian" because she said she was one. Fast forward a little bit through my teens, ditched the religion but was still a liberal democrat. My idea of politics came exclusively through the daily show (yikes).

So then I went through the big "question mark" phase. I know this is all bullshit but I don't know what the solution is. I was always this way, despite having to inevitably land somewhere, and sadly it was as a dumb liberal early on. But whether it was socialism, communism, capitalism, or whatever, I felt something about everything was bullshit despite not really knowing what any of those isms even meant. They just FELT wrong, education and society in general doesn't have a grasp on different learning styles and personalities, I had to find out myself that not only do I tend to think emotionally, but that I learn creatively. I have to play things out myself, have them come from my own wellspring. You can't just force me into something, even if it is better for me. I will get pissed off (emotion) and genuinely not understand it at first without playing it out in my head (creative). Like learning guitar, I won't tune the damn thing until I see for myself that not tuning it makes it sound like crap.

I always liked the idea of anarchism, or the idea of just getting rid of all this garbage- weird politicians, stupid pointless wars etc. Just a general anti-authoritarian attitude toward everything. But I couldn't just vaguely hate stuff anymore, time to grow up, my right brainedness needed some actual left brain intellectual engagement. So this is where I went to the library and- ha! Just kidding! I went on wikipedia and looked up the different anarcho-isms. Of course the contrarian asshole knew the red one was more popular, so fuck that. Let's see what the yellow one is about. I didn't really pick up on them that well. So I was like, damn, I guess I'll find the original thinkers in these ideologies and read some of their boo- ha! Got you again! I went on facebook and liked a few different pages, a few ancap ones and some ancom ones, red and black anarchists and anarchist memes. Quick thing you find out about AM is that there is really never talk of anarchism nor are there any memes, really. And I don't mean, "no talk of anarchism" as a jab at their philosophy. I mean, you seriously never hear anything from these people that relates to just vanilla anarchism. It's always about racism, sexism and the poor. The Anarcho-capitalists pages on the other hand actually mention all the statist fallacies. I remember seeing the circular logic pic, "...we need a government made up of people are bad so..." and that's what really did it for me. A meme, a friggin' meme.

And, yadda yadda, following down that trail the ancap argument made the most sense to me. And that's where I'm at now.

Who am I?

My name is Tom Warner, I'm a 25 year old artist (26 this March). I paint and I draw but the biggest thing for me is music. None of my stuff is truly out there yet "professionally." That sounds depressing, like I've been at it for a long time just trying to catch my break, but actually despite being this old I'm just getting started on actually doing the things I really want to do in life. I think this corresponds with some statistical trend out there about 90's kids, something about us all just sucking in general.

But anyway, unfortunately this Steemit thing is just a little premature right now. There will be a website for my art that I'll put up and link eventually. And the music, which is coming along, will be uploaded to youtube as well as to a bandcamp account.

I also write, I started my first novel last year. It's being put on the back burner at the moment. I'm really playing catch up with my life right now, so much I want to do and I can only focus on so much at a time. It's just been a grind lately, paint and record stuff, paint and record stuff- practice this and that. Getting these things out of my head and into the physical realm.

What I plan on posting

Commentary on various topics. Obviously directed towards an anarchist audience. It's hard to get any more specific on that because I don't want to sit around and try to churn out content constantly, it will be spontaneous. I won't treat this like a serious blog because I don't want to be a serious blogger. I like the idea of this being like a glorified status update. Which it seems to me is totally compatible with this website, which I really like. The idea of making money off of this is just a nice side bonus if it happens.

I mostly like the idea of just building an audience of some kind. It's hard to get your art out there as it is. Any way you can advertise yourself is a plus. And I think this is a great and fun way of doing it.


Welcome to Steemit. A little tip, a photo always helps to introduce yourself. Stephen

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