
in #introduction6 years ago

HI, I would like to introduce myself. I am new in this steemit and look forward to knowing and sharing with you guys. My name is #Teuku Azhari, you can call me #Ayi. My students often call me #Mr or #Sir as I am a teacher of English. I was born in Kutacane, South East Aceh on November 28th, 1979.

HI, izinkakn saya memperkenalkan diri saya. Saya baru di steemit ini dan berharap untuk mengetahui dan berbagi dengan kalian. Nama saya #Teuku Azhari, Anda bisa memanggil saya #Ayi. Murid-murid saya sering memanggil saya #Mr atau #Sir karena saya seorang guru bahasa Inggris. Saya lahir di Kutacane, Aceh Tenggara pada 28 November 1979.

I am married to dr. Juwita Sahputri in 2011. She is a lecturer at Medical Faculty Universitas Malikussaleh Aceh Utara. Now, we have one beautiful daughter named Cut Kayla Lathifa Azhari aged 5 and half. She is now studying at Bunayya kindergarten.

Saya menikah dengan dr. Juwita Sahputri pada tahun 2011. Istri saya adalah dosen di Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Malikussaleh Aceh Utara. Sekarang, kami memiliki seorang putri cantik bernama Cut Kayla Lathifa Azhari yang berusia 5 dan setengah tahun. Dia sekarang belajar di taman kanak-kanak Bunayya.

I completed my bachelor degree at UIN Ar-Raniry Banda Aceh back in 2004. then, I continued tertiary study to USA and graduate in 2008. Upon returning to Indonesia, I joined Universitas Malikussaleh, and been here ever since. I teach general English to students of various faculty, especially engineering.

Saya menyelesaikan gelar sarjana saya di UIN Ar-Raniry Banda Aceh pada tahun 2004. Kemudian, saya meneruskan pendidikan tinggi ke Amerika Serikat dan lulus pada tahun 2008. Setelah kembali ke Indonesia, saya bergabung dengan Universitas Malikussaleh, sampai saat ini. Saya mengajar bahasa Inggris umum kepada siswa dari berbagai fakultas, terutama teknik.

I come from a nice family and I love them so dearly. I am the second of 8. I have 4 brothers and 3 sisters. Most of us live here in Lhokseumawe while some others live in Sigli, Jakarta and Batam. I really enjoy whenever we get together, its such a great feeling and fun.

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Saya berasal dari keluarga yang menyenangkan dan saya sangat mencintai mereka. Saya anak kedua dari 8. Saya punya 4 saudara laki-laki dan 3 saudara perempuan. Sebagian besar dari kami tinggal di di Lhokseumawe sementara beberapa lainnya tinggal di Sigli, Jakarta dan Batam. Saya benar-benar menikmati setiap kali kita bersama, rasanya meyenangkan jika ngumpul bersama.

What do you think about my introduction guys?
your comments and responses are welcome


Welcome to Steemit!

Many thanks @thanhtam.
More attention and help are really appreciated :)

@tazhari, A warm welcome to Steemit. This is a great community and I know you will have a great time here.

I want to invite you to join the discord channel #steemschools and we will teach and support you to grow up in Steemit, to choose the right topic to attract readers, to use the right tags to get more visibility, how to make quality posts and comments on Steemit.
images (22).jpeg

Great. I will.
Its good to have good support from other Steemians. many thanks

Welcome to us...Have a great journy on steemit platform......

Many thanks. Hope I can stay on this platform for many and many years

Welcome to Steemit, tazhari! Wish you a very fun journey here in this culturally diversified yet mostly unified community :) Life is good!

By the way, there are several groups you as a newcomer can join. They will stay with you for your journey, helping and mentoring along the way.

@greetersguild invite link
@newbieresteemday invite link

Many thanks for the response. I feel welcome already. Thanks for the invitation. I am still new and need sometimes to learn and adapt.

hello, i am romesh akila welcome to steemit my friend.follow me

Welcome to Steemit! I enjoyed the intro and liked that you provided the translation. Looks like you have a very large and beautiful family. Where did you study in the U.S?

Many thanks,
I thought it would be hopeful for people for non-Indonesian speakers to read my post and therefore I used bilingual.
Actually I do. I have large family and I am enjoying it. They are all fun and kind. love them.
I did my master in Arkansas froom 2006-2008. It was small town but very friendly neighborhood and great place to live

Cool! Never been down to that state, but I hear good things about southern hospitality

Lovely Photos! Welcome to Steemit and have a good time :)

Welcome to steemit aduen, I hope you can be survive on this platform.

Welcome to Steemit @tazhari
For your kind information keep safe your master password.
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