in #introduction7 years ago (edited)

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Hello Steemit Friends,
Below are :

  1. GOD



  1. Liberate your heart from hatred - Forgive me.
  2. Free your mind from worry - most never happen.
  3. Live simple and enjoy what you have
  4. Give more.
  5. Expect less from men, but more from God.
    "Being happy does not mean everything is perfect.
    This means that you have decided to look beyond the imperfections and meet your challenges with courage.Hmmm!
    Don’t be surprised that you can’t buy satisfaction and happiness. If this were the case, the richest country in the world, the United States, would also be the happiest, offering the best opportunity for a satisfying life. However, the 2016 update of the World Happiness Report prepared for U.N. by the Sustainable Development Solutions Network ranks 13th on the global scale of happiness, just ahead of Puerto Rico, a country on the brink of bankruptcy. This applies to individuals! Nor is it a warm and sunny climate, as Denmark, Iceland, Switzerland and Norway occupy the first place.
    So what determines happiness and satisfaction? "People living in the happiest countries have greater life expectancy and more social support, greater generosity, more freedom, choice of life, less perception of corruption and increase of the gross domestic product ..."
    Why are not we happier? Is philosophy focused on the lives of so many others?
    So let's go back a moment and see what we can do to make your life more enjoyable:
    So what determines happiness and satisfaction? "People living in the happiest countries have more life expectancy and more social support, more generosity, more freedom to make decisions, have a lower perception of corruption and gross domestic product per capita."
    So why are not we happier? Does philosophy focus so much on my life?
    So let's go back for a moment and see what we can do to make your life more rewarding:
    For many, "significant relationship" refers to marriage and family. Many unmarried people enjoy satisfying, meaningful and content lives. The fact that they do not marry prevents them from making meaningful connections with friends or people of similar mentality.
    Everyone needs work, wants to get a salary or not. Everyone must believe that they bring something for the world that the world needs from that. If your job is the president of the country or the garbage collector - do something good and good and know if you do not do it tomorrow, someone will miss you and what you did.
    Observe others just as you want people to realize that you are here and do what you can to help others live meaningful lives. Serving others means different things, depending on what other people need. Something as small as a smile when you pass, a person can make their day. Pay attention to what others need.
    Studies show that religious people are generally happy. All traditional religions form their brains into a positive perspective. You can do it alone.
    The density becomes monotonic, without direct impulse. Put your life with opportunities and rituals, sensitize to certain moments, places and activities.
    Considering that the planning of the past and the future offers continuity in life, it is important to balance that with your presence at the moment and to thank and thank the moment.
    Throughout history, people lived rich and satisfying lives in all sorts of circumstances. Wealth is not a prerequisite. The compound full with meaning is. Connecting with other people, the environment that supports us, our communities, our ethnic and national histories and transcriptions, gives us a sense of our place in eternity. Maybe we are small, but we are part of something very big, and that gives us a different perspective on change and loss, even in suffering.
    To live a satisfying life, fight for me. Look for the world and the people around you. Connect, connect, work, and serve. Celebrate and participate in the ritual to raise awareness. Pleasant gratitude for great beauty and joy in every moment that you are alive.



(A) (Before loving or marriage).
Man: I was expecting this
Girl: Will you leave me?
Man: NO!!!
Girl: You love me?
Man: of course!
Girl: Have you ever cheated on me?
Man: never in my life!
Girl: Have you ever wanted to kiss me?
Man: all the possibilities I have!
Girl: Are you going to win?
Man: Are you crazy...?
Girl: Can I trust you?
Man: yes!
Girl: my sweetie.....!
(Now read from bottom to top)

If you are in his or her position, I wonder how disappointing the feelings of that day will seem like.
In all, it’s a good thing to be in love and a good happy marriage with your family but before your mind moves cautiously, your partner - or a perfect imaginary companion, who only exists in your imagination - first look at other sources and ways of love that must be said, remains the only reliable and make close source.
No one begins marriage because it is evil or cruel. It's just forgetting how to be kind. Somehow, we wake up and grow less sensitive. We neglect to use charm and laughter as a tool to ignite our relationship. We are unthinking with our words. It does not take much effort to cause pain. You will agree with me about this fact!
Even if we were under the chopped, we know the person of our dreams; soon we perceive that nobody is perfect. They all have their shortcomings. We must work together to create a solid foundation for this commitment to exist.
There is incredible potential in every wedding. How can we get the best out of our relationship and make the potential of our reality? When we consider our marriage as a project throughout the life of the construction of love, we come to the understanding that marriage requires constant care. A good project manager knows that we need the right tools, time, effort and equipment to reach our goal and successfully assemble all the parts. If we want a marriage that will last, we must think of a plan to strengthen our marriage.


Many couples say that physical intimacy is the first of a marriage that begins to collapse. It is important to remember that a physical connection is maintained through expression and affection. We can reduce stress and responsibilities, such as child labor and education, do not allow us to diminish our ability to show that we are still dealing with each other. When sending warm and funny lyrics, calling "I love you" and putting notes in a bag of the spouse who must travel is a great way to manifest affection. Reverence usually especially for small moments, which many times can be ignored. Be sure not to take your spouse as true.
Happy couples assert that acts of kindness are a daily part of their lives. Be legal should not be left for special occasions. This does not mean that we should spend a lot of money. Get a favorite chocolate or cappuccino, leave your partner to sleep on Sunday morning, fill the car with gas to help you save the time of your spouse. Judaism teaches us that the more we give, the more we love. We believe that wrong, the more we receive, the more we love. We hope the other person gives and forgets that love grows when we invest and we dedicate ourselves to the relationship.
Recognize that each person has its limits. We all make mistakes. Everyone has a habit that will drive us crazy. And so? Stop trying to change your spouse. Accept for what it is. Stop concentrating on what drives you crazy, it will not make you crazier, instead of seeing the positive qualities your husband has. We need to focus well for our love to grow. It can be awful to buy gifts, but it's good to clean the dining table. She may not be the best organizer, but she does not lose her pressure. Once you accept your spouse and you are not registered for the blessing, the foundation of your marriage will be strengthened.
Going to us is easy over the years. It works to make you feel and feel attractive. This also applies to men. Positive changes have positive reactions. Loose long sleeves and colorful t-shirts. Commit to spending a weekly time routine together. Be sure to turn off your phones and devices. Remember that it is not a matter of valuable time to discuss problems or children. It's about waking up the spark.

Maybe we cannot always be sure. We do not always have the last word. Everything that bothers us does not need a speech or "I said". Sometimes we do not choose a situation, but we can choose our reaction and that reaction can be built or destroyed. Sometimes, easy daily problems did not solve me. Persistent reactions of irritation and elongation of silent treatments threaten to swallow the connection that a marriage sustains.
If you are angry or angry, ask yourself: what is my goal? There is more than just paying the mortgage, having the kids go to school or on vacation. My goal is to create a "mik-dash me ‘at" - a mini sanctuary. This means that I live in a house full of peace. I seek to harmonize. Always ask "this action that answer, help me reach my goal?

Under the chopped, we bless the bride and groom and say, "Give your beloved friends many blessings ..." Develop the friendship side of your marriage. Remember that real friends do not trust or join. They protect their friendship, make time between them and do not jeopardize their relationship.

You can see it's time to change the old man. Talk to your spouse and go to the same page. Say: We have to change the way we treat ourselves. Let's try to find time for each other. Lower negative and frustration and work to be positive with each other.
We can all work harder to show how much we love each other.Think of God -because without the love of God we will be nothing; the family, a constant presence in our lives from birth to death; true friends - always in good and difficult times; Comrades, well, if your heart were broken and brutally bourgeois, you would not you agree with everything I say, right? So I let it slip. But in reality, the companions offer true love and joy. And whoever thinks that he can do without love would be truly miserable, and under this harshness and tenacity there is a will and desire to be loved, believe me. Any suggestions and opinions are welcome, so we can make steemit a better platform for a solution to many others .

  1. (A)


The root of all evil, nor the desire of all men. It would be selfish to ignore the importance of money and be extremely naive to rule out the corrupting influence it carries. The extent to which money would be worshiped would have stolen his wife or children instead of estimated money. Money is a voice that can speak so loudly. And, in this present world, which ruins us of money, you must seriously begin to inquire (as a guy expecting a relationship) register as a venerable parent.
“John bull was dragged to the church for salvation because of his crazy way of life for his wife ... On the way home they were attacked by armed robbers.

Robber: Hi, your money or your life.

John Bull (still) ... woman (crying)

"The thief asked again." Give us your money or your life”

John Bull: please sir, I cannot get any of them

Thief: (surprised) why?

John Bull: In the church, I was told to give my life to Christ, and I gave it to Jesus Christ. They also asked for my money, gave them everything. I'm sorry the thief, the church reaches me in front of you, you see that life and money do not give!
In life, you would have a white car and say, "Man, that guy's car is black and looks really cool," but what you do not know is how hard it is to stay clean. "Hey, the grass is not always green on the other side," someone would say.
But money can buy happiness. Here are examples I literally thought to prove it. Money can pay:

1.RELIABLE TRANSPORT. You mean you'd rather wake up an hour earlier to wait in the rain for an urban bus and make you fall by a stuffed-up that looks like piss while you switch for 90 minutes?

2.MEDICAL BILLS: You already have a heart attack? Of course, you might be happy to get it back, but having the money to pay the entire bill will give you enough happiness to make sure you do not have one for a second.

3.GOOD MAINTENANCE FOR CHILDREN: of course, you can junior trainer at a dredge center on the road and mix it with a devil that hits all other children because "it learns to manage its feelings" - but do not you prefer?

4.HELP PEOPLE IN NEED: if you count as a "good person", guess what? Having a good heart is nice, but having ways to do something is even nicer.

5.THINGS THAT TAKE TIME AWAY FROM YOUR FAMILY: you work 8 to 9 hours a day, go home, make dinner, clean the house, then ... grill, the day is over. So go ahead, let's shadow the family with a housekeeper, but when they finish their work day, they spend time with their family. You are not.

6.EMERGENCIES: Do you already have an emergency outside the city, but not enough money to get there? Happiness will not bring you there, but the money will be.

7.KNOWLEDGE, EDUCATION: there are many colleges and universities, but vouchers tend to cost more. You can say that Local City Community College is just as good, but if you have a choice, would you tell me you would not want to go to Harvard instead?
So go, work hard and make money. He will not buy you happiness, but ... jokingly. Yes, it will. Anyone is free to deliberate on this.

Or if you prefer not to put a second coat on this wall because it looks very good, but hello, "better than sorry".

But there are others that are not true. They are not even close to the real. As "love is blind” my butt is, you can bet my eyes will be open to something) or "what kills it does not make it stronger" - true or deactivated.

But one of my least favorite recordings, which is not true, is "Money does not get any luck".hmmm!

At first, "money does not get any luck" is not a chorus that many times you hear of people who actually have money. This is usually a broken type trying to train yourself believing you can still be happy despite a financial attitude that shows no signs of improvement. Wow!



A word that should not be reported in some ears. This would mention that animal, which is called of hunger in this dungeon, called a stomach. The way our bodies were projected by God, then he always wanted to eat with a message sent to his brain. Once I went to a program that required us to do it for a few days quickly; No food, no water in all the traffic. I felt the world was about to end. And when it came time to break our speed, how and how people invaded the canteen after the grace, you will wonder if a wild animal came.
‘’ Ben went to a restaurant with hardly Gh ¢ 50. Then he ordered food with Gh ¢ 40 value.

When he sat down to eat, a man sat beside me and put a good shirt on him and said, "Lord, I love the way you eat, you can add more food, I'll pay."

Ben quickly gave more food to Gh. 80. The man said again, "You eat so well, add 2 bottles of non-alcoholic drinks so you can drink after you eat."
Ben asked. After drinking a bottle, he tried to open the second bottle, the opener fell, and when he moved to look for it, he was surprised to see the man sitting next to him with bare feet

Then he realized that he was a madman.

The madman smiled, looked at Ben and said, "The way they're going to beat you today, only God will save you!

5(B) food2.jpg

In continuation, I like to read simple things we can do to increase the mood and stimulate satisfaction. Deep meditation, proper sleep, laughter, volunteer work and vacation time with pets (as well as with happy people) are useful. And believe it or not, science shows that you too can enjoy!



In a recent Dutch study, 20 healthy subjects received probiotic supplementation or placebo for four weeks. Those who got the real market showed a markedly reduced sensitivity to sad mood, which is mainly due to a reduction of aggressive and ruminant thoughts (you know, if you think too much or go beyond the negative ones). Conclusion: The nature and amount of bacteria in your digestive system affect your mood. Scientists even have a name: the intestinal-cerebral axis or the pathway between the GI tract and the brain, and it's fascinating.

In an animal, a study conducted at McMaster University in Ontario, mouse intestinal bacteria were exchanged with several personalities. Mice without fear became timid after receiving Darmbacteria from an anxiety counterpart, and vice versa were also true. Anxious rodents became more expressive and less frightened. The researchers also found that aggressive mice were quiet when scientists changed their intestinal microbes by improving their diets. All this means that, for all intents and purposes, your intestinal bacteria can be literally random. To reap the benefits, store fermented foods rich in probiotics, including kimchi, sauerkraut and kefir, or consider a probiotic supplement.


In a study published in the British Journal of Health Psychology, about 300 young adults daily for three consecutive days to cheat not only psychological and mood notes, but also daily. The researchers found that increased consumption of products led to more energy, rest and a greater sense of happiness. They also discovered that the effects were observed not only during the days when vegetables and fruits were consumed, but also the following day. Another study published in the survey of social indicators, which followed 80,000 adults, found that consumption of more products strengthened mental well-being, with the magic number of congratulations being seven servings a day. To use products to boost your mood, first place fruits and vegetables and build each meal around them.


Coffee drinkers can be seen as ballots, but surveys actually linked regular consumption of Java to positivity. In one study, the researchers found that coffee consumed in the morning was associated with energy, friendship and pleasure. Socially esteemed coffee was bound to affection, friendship, contentment, and good nature; and when we left silently, Joes' bowls were still, happy and peaceful. Another study, published in JAMA Internal Medicine, found that women who drank two to three cups of coffee a day were 15 percent less likely to develop depression over a 10-year period than those who drank a up or less every day. Well, that does not mean that a pot a day is a recipe for happiness, but if you like coffee, there are other health benefits to make it a daily habit.


I also think about dark chocolate lift my face, but research supports its benefits. Antioxidants in dark chocolate can trigger the walls of blood vessels to relax, lower blood pressure and improve blood flow. This may be the reason a study has found that eating more than an ounce and a half of dark chocolate a day for two weeks reduces stress hormone levels in people who say they are severely stressed. Dark chocolate also contains magnesium, a mineral that has been shown to help relieve PMS symptoms, including fatigue, depression, and irritability. Finally, the unique natural substances of dark chocolate unleash a feeling of euphoria that resembles the feeling of infatuation!


I love mushrooms. In an earlier publication, I wrote about five amazing benefits of this over-exaggeration, and because of their unique nutrients, mood regulation may be a sixth. Mushrooms are rich in selenium and research has a deficiency in this mineral (which serves as an antioxidant) for a greater risk of depression, anxiety and fatigue. Fungi are also the only source of natural vitamin D herbs, an essential nutrient from us is not enough. In a study of people suffering from a seasonal affective disease affecting 11 million Americans, scientists found that those who increased their intake of vitamin D experienced an improvement in mood. To increase your intake, harvest mushrooms in omelets or quiches at breakfast, salads for lunch and fry, broil or cook at dinner.


In Japan, a study of more than 40,000 people found that the level of mental stress was 20% lower among people who drank five or more cups of green tea a day compared to those who drank less. The results were also true of according to other factors such as age, sex, medical history, body mass index, alcohol consumption, smoking, and diet. Reach green tea like a drink, or take tea leaves in bulk or green tea in the kitchen. It is fantastic in smoothies, marinades, soups, and sauces.

6 (A)


If you do not agree, try to stay with the days and tell me when you feel comfortable at a hot temperature. Worst case scenario, you would observe that people are losing you and covering your nose as if your body were a decaying corpse. A good bathroom, no one can get up. SOUND Unless you are Kyle XY, who has trouble sleeping, sleeping is something your body can not guarantee. I must tell you that there is nothing like a sweet dream.

If you have your bathroom first thing in the morning, it can be difficult especially during the damages caused by extremely cold weather. But here are the simple steps to see your bathroom as in the picture below the language in the cheese factory

  1. Check the temperature of the shower water to find out what you are looking for. The water temperature can be close to 0 degrees Celsius

  2. Then tests with your leg so that your hands does not deceive you

  3. Now hold your head and gently in the shower for only 2 seconds. You know why?

  4. Now soap, sponge and anything that does not affect your hair

  5. Repeat step 3 to wash / rinse hair

  6. Try to wash the rest of the body in 5 seconds. Then you are ready to go. Hahaha!

Try. Thank you later. I guess this is pretty cool! Jane, is your weather so cold, tries this trick.

If you hear the bathtub siren call, you would be wise to listen. One in the tub is a solution that is as old as time - even the ancient Romans knew that taking off for a dive was the cure for every catastrophic day. Recent research from Japan suggests that only 10 minutes of bathing can improve your response to physical and mental stressors.

From frozen Monday to Friday maniacs, these 7 DIY toys can help you get out of everything you are:

Your bath solution: dying to enter the sofa with a novel Nicholas Sparks that induces the cold while you devour an ice cream beer? I was there, I ate. "You need an ingredient bath to combat the hormone levels you experience," said Geraldine Howard, a scientist and co-founder of luxury bath products company Aromatherapy Associates. "Geranium is ideal to ward off emotions, pink grapefruit can provide mental clarity and the rose is known for its properties that improve the skin." Then you will feel out of the bathroom and look like a new woman.

Your Bath Solution: You've probably heard of a good hot bath can help you get darker (your body temperature drops immediately afterward, speeding up a natural cooling process that occurs when we sleep, says Jennifer Persimmon, holistic health coach at the National Holistic Aromatherapy Association). But you can turn it into a good night's sleep by mixing chamomile (10 drops) to relieve tension, tangerine (10 drops) to reduce blood pressure, lavender (14 drops) to combat the physical symptoms induced by insomnia, like headache and incense (8 drops), to deepen breathing and induce a state of sleep, should sleep - now, says Persimmon.

Your bathroom solution: Checking emails that work after hours is the new unhappy standard. And it can grow quickly from a late poll scattered from your boss to never be terrible. Laura Benge, National Spa Manager of Exhale Luxury Spa, recommends the integration of essential oils that are used in bath restoration in your bathroom for home immersion and stress reduction. "We use a teaspoon of bergamot to combat high blood pressure while we stimulate sensory hormones such as dopamine and serotonin," she says, another teaspoon of vetiver to boost your immune system and the wise Clary to bring peace of mind You feel mentally aroused. ".

Your bath solution: you felt the burning yesterday, and you experience it today when you try to get out of your chair. Physiotherapists know how to experience these pains, and UK based spa and massage specialists recommend this lavender bath recipe; if your clients are so steep, they cannot slip for friction: Combine 10 drops of lavender oil with a piece of dried lavender to improve the soothing properties of this restorative plant (bonus: lavender pieces act as a peeling when massaging the skin). Fill the bath with 5 drops of rosemary oil that has anti-inflammatory properties ideal for treating muscle pain, headaches, rheumatism and even arthritis. (Make sure your essential oils are not wrong, here's what to look for).

    Your bath arrangements: it's the night of the festival; your partner is definitely in the mood, and she definitely is not. At least not yet. Dial up your sexual desire with these meditation coach essential oils recommendations has wedding therapist Ashley Turner, who spent some time searching for the most innovative ingredients in the world. Your best options: sandalwood, celebrated in India as a powerful aphrodisiac; the rose, combined with the heart chakra, is oriented towards the novel; Ylang Ylang, known for the collection of sexual energy. Be direct to passion using SoulKu Essential Oil in Va Va Voom ($ 15, etsy.com), which combines all three with a balanced hormone in your next bath.

Your bathroom solution: sad to say, there is plenty of coffee for a day. So if you are beyond the threshold of healthy caffeine consumption, but you still want an espresso shot, make a trip to the tub. Bulgarian rude oil has a stiff, firm odor that awakens the senses as it emits skin pollution to make it physically lighter and more lively, explains Georgie Smith, chief therapist at Dormy House, a popular British seaside resort. Meanwhile, jojoba oil is packaged with energizing B vitamins. Add a few drops of each to the water in your bath and prepare to wake up.

Your Bath Solution: Putting work first, family and friends is a recipe for fatigue and anxiety. Then mix a few drops of eucalyptus oil, a stimulant that works against slowness and relaxes blood vessels at work throughout the body, "explains Nicole Yih, assistant of the Mandarin Oriental Spa, in New York City. all the man's needs, this probably means that you do not care as well as you want, so that the skin is boring and sloppy, she also recommends applying that peeling body before diving: "Mix equal portions of oil or oil coconut with honey and sugar. Rub everything, then drain in the bath and let it melt at the same time.



Before the arrival of social networking platforms such as Facebook, Twitter and taste, we are very excited about the era of Yahoo! And, by comparison, it was not funny, was it? It is the fact that you buy a transmission time of # 100-200 for 30 minutes, or you should wait for a computer user for the same period, or the unnecessarily slow network or the old computer system (I forgot, I said) , or the mailbox, for which we were all proud, but we can only talk from time to time? We do not want to change that period for that period, right? Now we have access to the Internet with a finger and, like a rubber, we cannot help without our iPads, tablets, Android, Blackberries and our Nokia 3310 transfigured. Remove some people from their mobile devices and ask if they have become infected with a chronic disease.

A man talks to his wife. Suddenly she interrupts and asks:
Woman: chris, do you love me? sure, I do
woman: how much do you love me then?
chris: words cannot describe.
Woman: What!
chris, come on. Please tell me!
Chris: (see your Smartphone): Well, if I were a Smartphone, my life would be useless as a Smartphone without a SIM card.
Woman: Oh, it's so cute! (Tears of heart)
Chris:(in his head): Yes, it's good, I'm a Smartphone with a place for two SIM cards.


Sincerely, Smartphone’s receive a very bad rap, and not for any reason. We play on our phones instead of talking to our friends, sleeping with them instead of people and losing vital moments while looking at the screens.

But in a recent study by New York magazine, all the demographers who investigated the "W'Burg Hipsters" and "Parents" of the "Games Parents" were more satisfied than the fear.

So, is your smartphone good or bad? It all depends on how you use it. Here are seven ways to use your smartphone to make you happier.


Remember the days when you had to pick up the phone if you wanted to know what your friend's day was like? Your smartphone can do it too. Triggering text back and forth may seem sufficient, but Sherry Turkle, an MIT psychologist, discovered that we "misled" our relationships when we called the text instead.

"The complexity and disorder of human communication is becoming scarce," Turkle said after the time. "These things are what lead to better relationships."


If you are typing more than texting, you are doing well - as Jeffrey Kluger writes in the times, Americans will send between 18 to 29 and will receive about 88 letters compared to 17 calls per day - but FaceTime and Skype are still better options.

Studies show that we need intimate relationships to be happy and although actually spending time with another person is the best way to forge a real connection, able to see that the person's face is on a screen a tight second.


Of course, there are many applications that waste time and look at you, Angry Birds, but applications can also improve the quality of your life. Although we recommend that you code your devices out of the room every night, if you insist on keeping your phone, try downloading a sleeping application.

Get more high quality sleep can increase our health and happiness, then try SleepCycle, SleepBot or Sleep as Android.

Other suggestions include Embark and MetroNap, which can help ease the stress of your trip (and help you sleep more), and Yelp and OpenTable. And, that always helps to get the opinions of others when it comes to monumental living options ... how to eat. Do not forget Google Maps - you always feel a little better to know where you are going.


Everyone has fitness goals and their smartphone can help you get there faster. Using fitness apps can help you develop your exercise regimen, which will produce more endorphins, the joyful chemistry of our brains during exercise.

Try downloading the Endomondo and Runtastic applications. They calculate their miles and daily steps and encourage you along the way.


There is no doubt that all day on your Smartphone will lead to a rather unproductive day, but a study has found that short cuts - adding about 20 minutes in total - with your Smartphone during training can make you happier.

"We have found that employees can recover from stress to refresh their minds and pause," said Sooyeol Kim, a Ph.D. student at Kansas State University.


Are you one that does not seem to meditate regardless of your efforts? With the large number of meditation applications, you can finally take advantage of the many benefits of meditation.

Try to download Headspace, Calm.com or MindBody Connect and get ready to say so much about all the stress you've had.


Shifting your Facebook feed for hours that feel jealous of everyone's life is definitely not healthy, but studies suggest that social media can also increase your happiness.

In fact, Cornell's teacher, Jeff Hancock, found that students felt "more loved and worthy" after visiting their Facebook profiles than they did in traditional execution drills. So while you do not do much, you can see your social media applications as friends and not as enemies.

To get to the next level, transfer Happier, an application that not only helps you express more gratitude, but connects you to a positive and supportive community.



Unless you are Kyle XY, who has trouble sleeping, sleeping is something your body can not guarantee. I must tell you that there is nothing like a sweet dream. Huhh!
Sleep is important for high performance in all efforts you choose. All the high profile artists composed it. But sleep is often a part of our life, which we neglect.
The negligence of Creeping Sleep Studies showed that, after 6 hours of sleep, your cognitive performance suffers and you did not even perceive it.
Sleep keeps us healthy, regulates our hormones, provides us with mental clarity, happiness and rejuvenates. Fat loss is impossible without sleep.

A bad dream is unpleasant, tired, lethargic, unhappy and sometimes bad. Bad sleep always leaves you hungry, because it damages the level of glucose in the blood.
So, let's make sure we know how to sleep better; we can feel incredible all the time.

    Studies show that a Smartphone, iPad, TV or computer monitor 90 minutes before sleeping bothers your sleep.
    Looking at artificial blue light emitted by electronic displays, you remove your melatonin secretion and trigger your body to produce more diurnal hormones such as cortical.
    Melatonin helps you feel a deep anabolic dream. You may sleep shortly after using your electronic device. But it confuses the natural preparation of your body for sleep, which means that you will be tired of waking up. So be sure to turn off all electronic devices two hours before bed. Sometimes you see things in the real world, so think about installing the f.lux for free on your computer. Reduces the artificial light of the screen.

Swannies goggles blocking blue light. Well, let's be honest. You do not want these devices 90 minutes before going to bed, right? Haha

You ignored Tip One, right? It's good;)
You can solve this problem by wearing blue glasses, like Swannies, to block artificial blue light.
Then ... 90 minutes before bed, place your swans and hold your smartphones, watch TV or work on your computer.
This option is not as good as Tip One, which turns off the electronics.
But if you are addicted to your electronics (are not we all?), Blocking the blue light of the swans will help your body to prepare itself naturally for sleep. You can fall asleep faster and sleep deeper.
Get ready to wake up and be happy!

People sleep more deeply in a gloomy environment. When we were caves (and caves), we slept while the sun fell and in the dark. You cannot see anything, so you can go to bed. Today, we have lots of artificial light in our lives like lamps and electronics - we often do not sleep in complete darkness. It is a modern problem. If you have light sources in your room, you may bother your sleeping habits. Your skin actually has receptors that capture light.
When there is light in your room, your body detects and sends messages to your brain that disturb your sleep. Invest in dark and heavy curtains that completely block outside light. Make your room a cave. And eliminate your alarm clock with your white or blue numbers watching you. Cover it before bed, or get an alarm clock with a dimmer, or throw it out and get a better alarm without the digital display.

Television in the room is associated with obesity and lack of parenting. Couples with televisions in your room would have 50% less sex! Then turn your room off and sleep through. Your sleep will improve drastically.

Science proves that increasing sunlight, especially the morning sun, is best at night. Your body has a natural biological clock called "Circadian Rhythm".
He wants to know when it is day and night.
So, stay in the sun and tell your body what the day is. When you expose your body to sunlight, your body "wakes up" to trigger natural hormones during the day.
The body clock reacts from morning to morning sun, between 6 and 8:30.
Then, when you wake up, take a walk for at least 30 minutes.
If you are in an office away from natural light, go eat after a 15-minute walk and expose your body to sunlight. All that sunlight during the day informs your circadian rhythm that is all day.
Then later, when the sun goes down and you load your swans and you turn off the lights in your black room ... your body will know it is all the time and ready to sleep.
This will help you sleep through the night until you wake up, refresh and return to the sun.

Appalachian State University has discovered that morning exercises are best when you want to have the best sleep at night.
The researchers followed the sleep patterns of the participants, who worked for three different hours: 7am, 1pm or 7pm. Those who exercised at 7 o'clock slept more and more than the other two groups. And they had up to 75% more than 6me in the deep sleep stage during the night.
If you have no other options than exercising in the afternoon or evening, try at least 4 hours before going to bed.
This happens because your body temperature increases with a workout and your body should be the most pleasant to sleep better.


Magnesium is an anti-stress mineral that can improve the quality of your sleep. The survey estimates that 80% of the US population is deficient in magnesium.
And one of the symptoms of magnesium deficiency is insomnia. The supplements are correct, but can be filtered during the digestion process. So rub the magnesium cream on your body is the best. Or use a spray of magnesium. Or an Epsom salts bath.
Magnesium can also be found in green vegetables and varnishes. Then, eat your greens!

    Yes, alcohol at the end of the night, you can sleep faster. But the bad news is that REM sleep is significantly disturbed by the alcohol in your system.
    You will not be able to fall into deeper levels of sleep, and your brain and body will not fully recover.
    You do not feel well after waking up from an alcohol-induced sleep, right? Then take a break from alcohol.

I don’t think any human on this planet earth can live without these mentioned above. The beauty of it is that, this things mentions can make human happier any day, anytime if apply accurately.
We are definitely free to add our opinions, like, share, comment and up vote.
Thanks to you all!


Welcome to Steem @rolexino I have upvoted and sent you a tip

Thanks to you and you are so much welcome.

It's sad commentary on our times when people have to be reminded to get enough sleep. I really appreciated your tips on getting a good night's rest. Sleep deprivation is a serious problem in the USA.

I was once a victim Iof Sleep deprivation. but I am so gladly now when i go some tips.

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