A Little About Me Including my DNA

in #introduction7 years ago

As a newer’ish citizen of the Steemit community I thought it was probably a good idea to introduce myself . Here is a little about me...

• I have a 2 year old little girl ❤️
• I drink coffee daily
(The above two really go hand in hand huh?)
• I have a loving husband that also steals the covers at night
• 2 dogs with very obvious personalities
• I work from home for a HigherEd Publisher
• Family is everything
• I love rainy days more than sunny ones
• I make up songs all the time about whatever I’m doing at the time (example... I loooovveee typing and clicking and clicking and typppiinnngggg sung like an opera singer)

In a nutshell I feel like the above bullets give you just enough insight into me to know who you are dealing with.

Side Note: Looking at that list it’s so funny how we define ourselves. In your mind right now think about if you had 5 or so bullets to quantify the essence of you, what would you write? Feel free to add yours in the comments; I would be interested in seeing what you all would say. Of course, getting to know you is a great bonus too!

While you marinate on that... it’s nice to meet y’all!

Now that we have that formality out of the way. Here is my genetic makeup per Ancestry DNA. There’s definitely some backstory here but I’ll fill you in on that in my next post I’m doing that compares my DNA results from 2 different testing sites, and I discuss genetic genealogy a little further 😊.

I realize genealogy probably makes most people yawn but I could lose days diving into research!!! I love love love it! I like puzzles and mysteries too so maybe that’s why I like the research part of Genealogy so much?

Well, I’ll wrap this up, thank you for taking the time to read about me. I look forward to posting in Steemit and getting to know some of you brilliant minds!

Sending you love, light, peace, and smiles! 🌻❤️😁


Welcome to Steemit!! Hope you enjoy it as much as I have been!!
Are you a promoter of sorts, or just an art enthusiast, if you dont mind me asking?

Hi! Nice to meet you and thank you for reading my post 😊! I don’t mind you asking me a thing! I actually am an art enthusiast, love all types of art and mediums. Although, I think you were maybe asking if I’m a promoter of Ancestry? Is so, to that question, no, I’m not. I just wanted to identify the site I used for those results because through my personal research I’ve noticed variations in the different sites 😊. Hope you have an amazing weekend!

It always so awesome to find out about your roots , and heritage....where you come from . Theirs always a great sense of pride and new found respect for when you discovery the trials and tribulations your ancestors faced just to bring you here....Great Post !

It really is! The best part is finding old pictures or reading about your ancient past through primary source docs! Thank you for checking my post out and so glad you liked it! Love your posts too! 😊

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