Perkenalkan diri

Hai steemit,
perkenalkan nama saya @muhammadriza1
Saya berasal dari aceh saya lahir di takengon, pada 26 oktober 1992. Sekarang saya tinggal di dusun lhok desa kumbang teupin punti kecamatan syamtalira aron, kabupaten aceh utara, saya lulusan dari politeknik negeri lhokseumawe jurusan teknik sepeda motor pada tahun 2011
Sekarang saya bekerja di kampung saya dari tahun 2013 sampai sekarang. Saya telah banyak menyelesaikan masalah dilapangan perkerjaan karena itulah tugas sebagai pekerja. Semakin banyak masalah yang saya hadapi semakin banyak pula saya mengajarkan cara mengatasinya. Hobbi saya main bola dan travelling, saya pernah travelling beberapa kota di indonesia dan tempat-tempat wisata yang terkenal diindonesia. Saya memiliki dua saudara perempuan dan dua saudara laki-laki. Saya sangat menyayangi mereka dan kami sering menghabiskan waktu diakhir pekan bersama keluarga.

Bravo steemit indonesia


Hi steemit,
introduce my name @muhammadriza1
I come from aceh I was born in takengon, on 26 October 1992. Now I live in the hamlet lhok beetle village teupin punti district syamtalira aron, north aceh district, I learned from the polytechnic country lhokseumawe majoring in motorcycle engineering in 2011
Now I work in my village from 2013 until now. I have discussed the issue of the field because it covers the job as a worker. The more problems I face the more I teach how to overcome them. My hobbies play ball and traveling, I had traveled several cities in Indonesia and famous tourist places in Indonesia. I have two sisters and two brothers. I love them very much and we often spend the weekend with the family.
Bravo steemit Indonesia


Welcome to Steemit! I hope you enjoy this platform and can meet a lot of great people. It takes to build a presence here and gain followers. Because it takes time try and have fun. It is great to meet people from all over the world.

I will resteem your introduction. I home some of my followers will follow you and upvote your post.

I also have a discord channel where people can ask questions, share their posts, and have discussions. you can go their and introduce yourself and provide the link for this post.

Again welcome, I look forward to learning more about you.

Selamat datang di Steemit! Saya harap Anda menikmati platform ini dan dapat bertemu banyak orang hebat. Dibutuhkan untuk membangun kehadiran di sini dan mendapatkan pengikut. Karena butuh waktu mencoba dan bersenang-senang. Senang bertemu orang-orang dari seluruh dunia.

Saya akan mengembalikan pengantar Anda. Saya pulang ke rumah beberapa pengikut saya akan mengikuti Anda dan memberi tanggapan atas posting Anda.

Saya juga memiliki saluran perselisihan di mana orang dapat mengajukan pertanyaan, membagikan pos mereka, dan berdiskusi. Anda dapat pergi dan memperkenalkan diri Anda dan memberikan tautan untuk posting ini.

Sekali lagi, saya berharap dapat belajar lebih banyak tentang Anda.

Welcome to the world of steemit friends, here we are a place to share stories, we both learn, develop your imagination, Here there are people who are very helpful, one of them like @ r2cornell

Very nice comment sir.

welcom to steemit @muhammadriza1,,
hope you become the best here

This post has received a 0.29 % upvote from @speedvoter thanks to: @muhammadriza1.

This post has received a 2.35 % upvote from @drotto thanks to: @muhammadriza1.

You got a 5.64% upvote from @lrd courtesy of @muhammadriza1!
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Of course steemit is a community very good here, we all will work together here to welcome you.

@youtake pulls you up ! This vote was sent to you by @muhammadriza1!

Can you help me.@r2cornell

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