Introducing the MoTinkerGnome

in #introduction7 years ago (edited)

Introduction goes here.

Hello world.

We all seem to start a new endeavor in technology with that simple phrase. Since this is an introduction I suppose it is the proper first sentence. Now that that is out of the way. I would like to introduce myself. I am the MoTinkerGnome.

You may have been able to decern that from the first 2 letters that I am in Missouri. How correct you are. If you are reading this from parts far away. Missouri is a state in the USA that is pretty much smack dab in the middle. Popular media tends to paint the residents of Missouri as some backwoods hicks, or a rioting mob. I can assure you with utmost certainty that is only about 50% of the state. (cue rimshot)

I am a married 39 year old father of 3. Being an interesting husband and dad is the most important thing in my life. As such I try to keep things interesting with little projects that will get the kiddo's thinking about how to fix and make things.

Professionally I am a network administrator, and volunteer as a firefighter in our town. unprofessionally I am a mad scientist that loves to tinker with making stuff out of junk. Before my untimely shut down by the FAA I had perfected an fully autonomous drone that would have sped up the process of wide area search. After that little business was shuttered due to crushing government regulation. I cut my losses and focused on working on other things that interested me.

Outside of technology, I like hunting, camping, fishing, cheering on the StL Cardinals and Blues, playing guitar and video games, photography, along with reading and furniture making. I would document my builds on Instructables and youtube, however, I became tired of someone else profiting off of my work. I self-fund my projects to show others how I did it, but there is only so much I could do for a that is cool.

My hope is to use steemit to share my tinkerings and thoughts to replace both Youtube, Facebook, and Instructables. If someone else appreciates what I do cool. If not that is cool too.

I guess I should post a pic of me or something sorry about the selfie.


Hurray, another mad scientists !

Welcome, on behalf of myself and @steemmakers, to the place where your mad science shall flourish ! XD

Thank you, good sir. I should warn you that I do have an extremely eclectic taste. Don't be surprised if I discuss all manner of topics. I will tend to stay away from religion politics and sports as they are known to cause arguments. But I do like to shoot and will probably resteem posts from content creators like "Demolition Ranch" that does the whole what if senario. Think of those topics similar to the old mythbusters.

Hi and welcome to steemit,
We have started a woodworking community here on steemit and would welcome you. We have a discord channel, link here: Woodworking on Steem Discord Channel And a weekly woodworking post competition ,
you can read the post here



Thank you Jist, I am going to add the discord channel and keep my eye out. I love primitive woodworking although my results are primitive. ;) I guess it is all those years of watching the wood wright shop on PBS.

No problem, see you over there.

Welcome to steemit. Have you found yet? I think you will find it more useful than youtube.

I did, I just need to do some stuff that is post worthy. I like how it is more the old youtube with creators instead of mass marketing machines.

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