GREETINGS STEEMIT! Mastering Life intro. Here to discuss life and how we can enjoy it better!

Good evening from rainy Japan! I am @Masteringlife and I am happy to be here. First off, thanks for stopping by to have a look at what I had to say. This being an intro I will take a short moment to introduce myself and then I will cover what I hope to add to the community.

My name is Brent. I am from the San Jose area of California and more specifically, right in Google's backyard. Like to say that I am pre-google but don't want to date myself too much! Was lucky to have been able to live all over the place, in perhaps 15 states in the US from the North to the South, East to West. I found myself in Holland for year, Spain for a year, and have called Japan home for over 4 straight years now. I am able to understand quite a bit of Japanese, but for those that I have tried it isn't an easy language. I am moderately fluent in Spanish. Shout out to my Nana for helping me get my Spanish to that level. God rest her soul. I am educated at the Masters level with a degree in Human Relations. I specialized in group dynamics, leadership and life coaching, addiction, and social change.

Far as work, I do a number of things. I am a full time Logistics and Facilities Manager that also specializes in Electronics Material Management. I am also a part time entrepreneur with goals to take that to the next level. I focus on certain arts and handmade crafts from Asia, India, and other exotic locations. Not the kind of stuff you will find at Target. I dabble at modeling when my schedule permits. I recently did a shoot and will post on that once the photos hit the billboards. I should be able to see them go up in Shibuya for example in July. Shibuya has that super busy intersection that everyone sees in the movies. For those that are interested I'd be happy to do a post of foreign modeling in Japan. They look for all shapes, sizes, ages, and colors. Definitely not a cookie cutter market. Just look at their commercials! I do a bit of investing with the aide of some very savvy friends of mine and have done well over time. I will try to share some of my vehicles to financial freedom.

I do a bit of blogging, also when time permits, but I really only do it to help other folks navigate Japan a bit better. Definitely not doing it for the pennies on the dollar they pay per article. I started a blog on dating a while back, but put it on hold. Plan to start in further discussions in that realm as time goes by. I have always been lucky in dating, even as a pasty Irish skinned guy; but then again, we all know dating isn't about luck. It's about attitude!!

In my spare time I love to travel and see the world and take in its awe. Nothing like enjoying a sunset in a new and far away land. Try to do at least a couple of new countries every year. I have enjoyed time in over 35 countries so far and it would be more if I had time. I'm one of those that works to live, not lives to work; but then again, I need to pay the rent. Plus hookers and blow aren't cheap...joking. Somewhat of a connoisseur of quality libations that include alcohol and beer and make it a point to try the local brews when I visit a new place. Love to find the exotic art and quality antique pieces when I travel. At least one painting usually finds it way back with me when I travel. Also like to collect masks. Have a pretty decent collection going with some pieces dating back a couple of hundred years. Big lover of plants, nature, hiking and mountain climbing, rafting, bungee jumping, snow and water sports, soccer and tennis, activities like Spartan Race, hitting the gun range, enjoying a nite out with my lovely lady, sushi, singing, amateur astronomy, and the list goes on and on.

End of the day, I am not a millionaire, but workin at it. I live my life to the fullest. I live debt free and save and invest on the front end so I can spend some of my money to enjoy the present. I try things, sometimes make mistakes, learn from them, and become better in the process. I like helping people in all ways. Moving forward I plan to post on topics that include life in general and how we can better tackle it, travel tips, dating, art, modeling in Japan, health, and investing.

Thanks a bunch for reading and look forward to chatting with some of you up in the Steem!



The word happyness is not absolute in nature. When our desire fulfilled we happy for some time. But we have unlimited desire so we can't happy permanently.
To become a happy person we have to control our desire. We just to do our work not waiting for their out comes. Then unhappy Ness don't comes our mind and we can be happy.

I agree that there needs to be balance in life. However, goals not set are adventures never experienced. I have desired to travel to South America for years and thus far it has evaded me. Someday I will make it there, but so far I have tempered that desire with other things that make me happy in the present. Thanks for the comment.

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