My lovely and wonderful introduction.


Good day to you all,
I am writing my introduction,I just wanted to tell you all a little about me.

I am a community type of person who has his fare share of problems cause lets face it,no one is perfect without any flaws, in fact it is our flaws that make us who we are,with out our flaws or problems we would not be the person we are today.

Now if you are interested in hearing a little about my family then continue reading but if not which is also perfectly understandable,skip down a bit.
I have a mother who is pretty cranky but we all love her even though she throws her false teeth at us sometimes.(Do you know how hard those things are not to mention her accuracy.)
I also have a little sister,now if you who are reading this have a little sister who drives you bonkerz,well i need not say anymore.
I have a dad,he is also a bit on the cranky edges but he is manageable,I'm glad for that otherwise i would have lost my sanity years ago.
I have my wonderful grandparents,my dogs,our cat and i think thats about enough crazy for me thank you,lets get back to it then.

I am also a gamer,

As you are probably aware by now by the picture above Minecraft is one of my biggest hits on my youtube channel.
I also enjoy just as much as the next person a bit of call of duty.
I also do a bit of halo,I mean who does not play halo in the gaming community.

I am also a big fan of the out doors.

So far it may seem as if i am an in doors type of person well your in for a big surprise cause i enjoy the out doors very much, i love going camping with my family and fishing and even a bit of hunting.

So,to me it seems as if i am a jack of many trades but who knows you might think differently.

I really hope you all enjoyed and thank you for reading it.

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