An Introduction, Because I've Hardly Given One So Far...

in #introduction7 years ago (edited)


I've been here on Steemit for almost two weeks now, and I've realized I haven't exactly given much of an introduction. I just started posting tech stuff. And that's all well and good, but I'm sure you probably wonder who I am.

My name is William Joseph Cagle, AKA Joey. I currently live in Charlotte, NC. I'm an Eagle Scout and National Technical Honor Society member. I have a degree in Digital Media. I do website design and development and I've been slowly moving into content creation. And I have very mild cerebral palsy (spastic diplegia, specifically) as well as Asperger's Syndrome. I'm actually quite tall for someone with cerebral palsy, at 6'3". I guess genetics won out there, as most would have their growth stunted from the condition. Then again, mine is very mild too.

I am currently in a wonderful relationship with a wonderful woman named Lisa. She loves me even with my social awkwardness and I think that's amazing. I love her very much too. You may occasionally see her in my videos. I actually did a live stream on Christmas Day this past year with her on Youtube.

I've had a difficult adulthood, with lots of letdowns and financial difficulties as a result. I'm very knowledgeable regarding tech, website design, and website development. I've had some good experiences, but also a lot of difficult experiences too. I think a lot of that is credited to what I know now is Asperger's Syndrome, which is within the autism spectrum. But now that I know, I know how to work with it.

I'm a big fan of Marvel Comics. Well admittedly, I don't have a lot of comic books as it's tough to afford them when you don't have much money in the first place. I am a big fan of the movies, too. The TV shows, well, that depends. I love Agents of SHIELD though I haven't watched it this season due to various reasons. Daredevil was awesome too. But I've been disappointed by other Marvel TV shows so far. My initial interest in Marvel probably began when I was a kid. I was actually really into Transformers, and at the time, Marvel did the Transformers comic books. And though I am a Marvel fan, I've got to give some love to DC Comics as well as I am a fan of Batman, The Flash, and The Green Arrow.

Speaking of Transformers, I would say that was my special interests even into adulthood. However, Michael Bay has kind of ruined that for me. I saw the first four films but I didn't even bother with the most recent film, and I wasn't going to bother with the fourth one but I saw it anyway. That interest has since switched to more Marvel related movies and TV shows.

And yes, my special interests are tech and and Marvel, if you haven't figured that out. I can, and will, talk your ear off about those two subjects, specifically.

So I mainly came here from Youtube to Steemit, thanks to a video from @jokerproductions titled "WTF is Dtube & Steemit". Of course I was interested in monetization, but more importantly, I was interested in actively engaging with people and actually having people find my videos. I feel that Youtube is a bit saturated. Right now, Steemit, DTube, and the like are not. There are plenty of people on the platform but it's not so many that your voice gets drowned out. Also I have had more of an interest in cryptocurrency, both mining and investing in it, generally because I do think it's the future and I personally would like to improve my financial situation. Although it's volatile, cryptocurrency is probably one of the easier investments you can make, but you have to be willing to take the risk. I'm almost 38 years old, and the older you get, if you want to have a decent retirement, unfortunately that means the riskier the decisions you have to make to achieve that. But it's possible, in cryptocurrency, that if you play it right, it can be very rewarding.

So that's a bit about me in a nutshell. Not a literal nutshell. That would have to be one big nut. And some would say I am a big nut. So, I'd love to hear from you and get to know you!

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