Thingking what post i will write?steemCreated with Sketch.

in #introduction7 years ago (edited)

Hi everyone here on a 29 yr old single mom and i live here in philippines..
I have 3 kids.ages eight,six and my youngest is 1month old named ysh..

Yoyan six

Ysh 1mo.

JL eight
For past few weeks im trying to think what will post so that you will upvote me..
Still now i dont know what topic i will write about.
After being here for a week in steemit.I notice that almost all of my post theres an upvote.but theres no added on the dollar sign.I dont know what you call it.
I notice too that my introduction has almost 7 dollars in it.
But why is that in my other post.its just like cents?
Can anyone tell me what topic do i need to post so that it will trend.
Why is that when someone is just introducing himself/ sells like a hotcake?
And it booms too many upvotes or dollars?
while reading it..theres nothing special about what he/she post..but you guys upvoting it?
Still!i dont know what to post!
feel free to reply a comment or suggestions

facebook@roselle anne resma
instagram @iamkunaning


Legit introduction posts often get extra love. We try to welcome people. After that it's up to you. What are you passionate about? Got any cool talents? Any words of wisdom, funny stories from your past?

Steemit can be fickle and it's hard to know how many votes you might get. Also if you are new and starting out, you'll need to interact and make friends. Vote on other posts, comment on other posts. Build a following.

Don't forget to have fun.

I kinda agree with her tho , it seems the rich are keeping the rich rich . Some people put great effort in their posts , and get lousy rewards. And every whale that posts a simple picture get tons of rewards. It looks very unequal to me.

Where does the magic money come from? When you understand the answer to that question, then you'll understand what's going on.

From people investing of course . Investing money that is . Cause investing time , doesn't always seem very rewarding .

And the investors are called whales.

So how does a 20 year old kid get 200k to invest ? It looks to me , that they made that money at the start up , when it surged to 4 dollars

What point are you trying to make again?

that the distribution of rewards , is a bit off in my , and many others opinion

@neoxian.thanks for the advice.i think ill start to have friends here,comments and reply to others.thanks..salamat po!=)

After being here for a week in steemit.I notice that almost all of my post theres an upvote.but theres no added on the dollar sign.I dont know what you call it.

It's not just about getting more votes, it's about getting bigger votes. The payout happens after 7 days, half will be Steem Dollars and half will be Steem Power (which makes your vote bigger).

This here is the problem ! The bigger votes ? Whales only upvote other whales , and some other people i've noticed . I don't feel good about this system really . And it is exactly what i said in my previous comment , which i will post below here .

"I kinda agree with her tho , it seems the rich are keeping the rich rich . Some people put great effort in their posts , and get lousy rewards. And every whale that posts a simple picture get tons of rewards. It looks very unequal to me. "

You comment proves that the rich are really making each other rich , upvoting each other , even for posts with very small effort. Silly memes and stuff , while others put tons of effort in it , and don't get rewarded . It is really demotivating , and this will stagnate the growth of steemit for sure ! People want to brake out of the elitist world , and step into another it seems .

It was worse before the no-whale-votes experiment. The system currently squares the number of votes for the purpose of paying out rewards. Before, only the votes of the top whales mattered, because if you had 10 times more Steem Power than someone, your vote was 100 times more powerful on its own.

The experiment has helped to linearize this, so that there are far more people voting with meaningful influence, which means rewards are being distributed better than before. You can look at the charts posted by @eroche for proof of this.

The next hardfork will fully linearize the reward curve, so that all votes are totally proportionate to Steem Power for payout purposes. If you are demoralized now, take a break and come back after the hard fork, as it should distribute influence (and thus rewards) further.

Thank you for your comment , and i am glad they seem to be working on it. And although sometimes i might feel a bit demotivated , i will keep continue , and try to build followers .

I don't give up so easily , and i still believe in this community. But there definitely is so much more room for improvement in this. And it's normal cause it's new. can i get the bigger votes?thanks for replying.

Why is that when someone is just introducing himself/ sells like a hotcake?

We like to welcome new people with a good first experience. Hopefully with a good first post they can gain their first followers, and start building their blog.

But after that it is hard work and requires patience, gathering followers, if you want to have a successful blog with regular income.

Instead of blogging, you can try to just interact with people on their blogs. They may work better for attaining followers.

i i think its better for me to have more followers that if i post something.many will upvote it?

Yes. People can't vote what they don't see. If you have many followers, they have an opportunity to see your post and give it an upvote.

thank you so much @demotruk.i think ill start to find follwers now.then maybe ill post something nice..thanks!

Well write about topics you have a lot of knowledge or you are interested in. It would be easier to do and you will enjoy it. Also add some popular tags like life Introduceyourself and steemit etc. and you will know what you once you will be here for a while and you have a cute baby :)

Yea but if you use the introduceyourself tag, you should be introducing yourself, which is considered poor form to do over and over.

I agree I was mistaken about introduce yourself tag.

@looftee thank you for suggesting for what i will post.and most thank you for saying my baby is cute..thanks.=)

My Pleasure.

Beautiful mom, beautiful kids 😊

thanks so much for appreciating.

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