How I Introduced Steemit to About a Quarter Million of my YouTube Subscribers

in #introduction8 years ago (edited)

Well, so far, my work on Steemit is averaging about 2 or 3 cents per article. And, while I may have to live out of my car next month, as long as I have an internet connection at the local Laundro-mat, I’m not giving up! I believe in this concept and in the community that supports it. Monetary rewards, while nice, are not the end-all and be-all of my creative efforts. I have a message and a way in which to convey that message - been spreading it before I ever saw a penny for it and will do so till I die.


Before I'd ever heard about this platform, several people contacted me to tell me to take a look at Steemit…that (maybe because of my YouTube channel) I’d “be great on there, make a bunch of money and maybe even be a "whale"” A "whale?" What in Tarnation is that?!?

Well no worries... 14 days into this thing and I'm certainly not a whale. I'm not a minnow. Heck, I don't even think I'd qualify as micro-plankton! haha

I feel like that high school football player who was told by the recruiting scouts that I’m going to “make it big in college football,” only to NEVER be called off the bench by the coach to play in a real game. haha

Regardless, I’m sold on this Blockchain Social Media Platform and see the massive potential for each person in this community to strive for individual excellence!

That’s why I was motivated to produce a video introducing my, almost a quarter of a million, YouTube subscribers to what Steemit truly is and what it could potentially do for each individual…and, in the broader sense, the entire WORLD!

With the help of my new anarchist friend @jaredhowe, this video/radio interview takes the viewer though the steps of getting them from where they are now (bogged down in their current time consuming, unprofitable, censorship-laden social media status quo) to the higher ground of the Steemit experience!

I’m less informed on Steemit than Jared is and must admit that I have MUCH to learn. Your criticisms of this endeavor are welcome. Thanks for taking the time to watch. This is part one. Enjoy the video!! (the link to part two is now live on Jared's Steemit BLOG. The link is below this video)

Here's Part 2:

@jaredhowe, you continue to impress me with your knowledge and the way in which you clearly and calmly articulate the rock-solid principles of voluntaryist thought! I’m convinced that, with a steadfast determination, we will all make a HUGE dent (for the good) in this world!

Steemers mentioned in the video are @larkenrose, @dragonanarchist, @sterlinluxan, @jaredhowe, @corbettreport, @dollarvigilante, @dantheman

I'm Brian Young, anarchist and owner of the YouTube Channel HighImpactFlix; and the HighImpactFlix Facebook page:

Thanks for watching and commenting!


Thanks you my friend! I LOVE the people here and what they stand for!

Well I hope your followers aren't upset when they see how things work around here.

I don't see why they would be.

Thank you so much for telling us about this!

Thank YOU for leaving a comment.

Hey man, i've been watching you for over a year now on YT, great content, I will surely be up voting you and maybe bring you to 4 cents a post!

hey @highimpactflix have checked out a few of your videos on youtube they are great!

Thank you for making me discover Steemit!
The freedom of speach of this platform is in itself already extraordinary.
Keep on with the great work!

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