Hello Steemit! My name is Aum Song.

in #introduction7 years ago


Who am I?
Hello Steemit. I am grateful to my good friend who continues to encourage me to start posting!

This feels like the hardest post ever to write. How do I introduce myself to you? What do I share with you???
I love life. It is a joy to be alive and to feel and experience life. I see every moment as opportunity to love. Committing to myself to explore; how do I be love in every moment? How do I acknowledge and bring light to the shadows that arise? Shadows that close my heart, which causes me to close me to myself, to life and to love? Well, this is my life journey to explore, which I look forward to sharing with you. May we all live our lives to our fullest!

Golden Milk in Thailand

I have been very fortunate to grow up on the west coast of British Columbia, where I still reside. At the age of 18 high school complete, wondering what next, I discovered Jin Shin Do Acupressure and my life forever changed. I had discovered another way of looking at life, people, our bodies and emotions. I also had my first introduction to Qigong. Every morning we started our day with a series of 8 Qigong movements. Everything was so new and strange and I loved it, even the hugging! At 18 hugging strangers was not something I had done before. Now I delight in hugging. I understand our need for human touch. We need human contact, we need to be held, we need intimacy, especially the deep healing of non sexual intimacy. We need to feel love, to know love and be accepted unconditionally. My mom encouraged me to take this workshop for which I am eternally grateful for it opened me to the magic of the human experience. It opened me to my journey now. I've completed my Masters in Medical Qigong/Shamanic Chinese Medicine and am a Sacred Femininity instructor from the Tao Tantric Arts Lineage. I delight in sharing these teachings to connect people to their body and heart, uniting bodymind and spirit. I wish we may all know love, know we are love, know we are loved. There are many circumstances that may lead us to believe otherwise, which is why my commitment is to share the teachings that have been shared with me. Movement, meditations and sounds that may open us to the oneness we all are. Powerful resources in these stressful times we live in.

IMG_0718 2.JPG
Teaching Qigong in the Yukon.
Qigong is the cultivation of life force energy.

Qigong in the mountains

I love being physically active exploring yin and yang, active and passive. Finding softness in strength and strength in softness. I love to climb mountains and love to sit in meditation. With curiosity I explore how do I find balance in this dance of life? This dance I share with you. More dancing to come!

With Love,
Aum Song


Great introduction and Welcome to the world of Steemit. It's a pleasure to have you here @aumsong. I'll be sure to Upvote and Follow your journey. When you have a chance reclassify this post as #introduceyourself and #introducemyself, this will improve its exposure.

Thank you. Much to learn! I appreciate the help.

Hi ya Song!
So glad you finally decided to push that "Post" key!

I'll be somewhere along the Skeena for a week or two in July. If you are going to be in that area, please let me know. I'll let you buy me a beer :-)

I'll buy you a beer if you can make it to Vancouver! Love to see you.
Thanks for all your encouragement. Much love

Welcome to Steemit! I hope you'll enjoy your stay :-)

Beautiful so far! Thank you.

Welcome to Steemit! :) Well done on the introduction post!

Upvoted & Followed

Thank you! Such a pleasure to join in and be welcomed!

I don't care about yin and yang. Maybe your posts will change my mind :) Welcome. Upvoted & Followed.

Ah, that's so sad. They care about you! lol

Wonderful. Thank you for being so open! I look forward to sharing more.

Welcome aboard @aumsong!

It has been a while and we were looking forward to seeing you out here soon. Here she comes! Namaste :)

Thank you. Wonderful to see you here!

I am now officially FLLOWing you! Joy... Namaste :)

Love you

Hello Aum, welcome to the platform. What is Qigong? Is that a form of martial arts or something different?

Hi. Qigong movements work with the energetic meridians that run through the body to move energetic blockages that may be stuck along the channels in our bodies and then brings in fresh vibrant energy into our beings. I will write a more in depth article soon.

Interesting. Its more of a concentration? I'd like to know how is it done :)

Wonderful. I will share more with you soon.

Follow you so I wont missed it

Wonderful! Thanks

Welcome! Glad to see you here on Steemit.

It's wonderful to be here. Thanks

Que buen post. Gracias . Lindas imagenes!!

Nice introduction, welcome

Thank you.

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