Introducing myself - Anthony Field

in #introduction7 years ago

Think this is correct! Definitely still learning about digital currencies and the steemit website/community, but I look forward to learning, and reading what you each have to say. From what I've seen, this seems to be a website/community that interacts with one another a lot which I find really cool. A lot can be built this way.
I find blogging or vlogging awesome, because we each have something unique to say and that can add a lot to another person's life in a huge way, so a platform like steemit coupled with the interaction/closeness of the community is something I'm very thankful for.

I started blogging about 3 years ago. You can read what I've blogged so far here:

I started blogging when someone introduced me to this group of people and website named Desteni. This group's principles are Equality and Oneness which I was immediately attracted to. When I saw all the chaos, abuse in the world, I thought, and always thought, that there must be another way, another option, SOMETHING. So I investigated further into this Desteni group/website and found out that the issue, and all issues in the world and with people, starts with ourselves. We're the ones that create everything that happens within us and we're the ones that create chaos and abuse.

And so my journey and process of self-change/self-improvement started. It's to take self-responsibility for every single thing that comes up within me, every thought, emotion, feeling etc and to stop myself from participating in it and so to stop any chaos/abuse that I cause because chaos/abuse isn't as clear as murder or robbery. A single judgment towards someone that is harsh is abusive, just on a smaller scale according to ourselves, but abuse is abuse, chaos is chaos.

Anyway, I'll share more in posts to come showing my process of self-change, how it happens, perspectives etc. I'd love a world, people and society that works with one another, that is kind unconditionally - I believe it's realistic and I'm a believer because of the process I've walked so far and am still walking.

Thank you for reading and look forward, as I said, to reading what you each have to say and of course learning more about this website/community :)


Hi Anthony, cool to have you here with us :)

Thanks Leila, look forward to this new chapter! Seems very cool.

Cheers Anthony !! good to see you here !

Hey Tormod, likewise! :)

Hey Anthony, welcome aboard, enjoy the blogging and vlogging. see you around.

Hey Gian, thanks for the tip to join here and post! Cool, yes, see you around too.

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