Introducing myself to fellow Steemians

in #introducingmyself6 years ago (edited)

Hi there fellow steemians,

It's a pleasure being welcomed to this interesting platform by a dear friend of mine, Gabchik. She told me about the positive impact of Steemit and after hearing here curating and seeing her beautiful posts I definitely got motivated to find the time to make a profile.

Ok, now let me introduce my voice shortly, where do I come from, where I am, where do I go and what am I intending to share with you.


I am Frederik (Freddy) who saw life from the first time 33 years ago in the Netherlands where I grew up happily with my family in beautiful little villages on the east-side of north-sea. Haha, yeah.. There I was discovering timeless spaces in seemingly endless vast forests and experienced almost daily the symbolic action of crossing a river that was passing in front of our majestic house where me and my brother discovered 'on the other side' a whole museum of artifacts in a meadow nearby a monastery.


As soon as I got to go to school, I started to question why life there is so dull in between walls, in classrooms with other children who also seemed to be lost somehow there and with elder people who we had to obey without question. Most of the time I saw myself remembering what I had experienced in the forests and invited classmates into my life at the bevrijdingsweg (liberation-street) afterwards if I was not too busy learning ballet, piano, tennis and field-hockey. Later on I found the time to discover that the roots of my fathers side of the family are to be found in Indonesia (where I miraculously still never have been yet, but I surely have the pure wish to get there at some given point and leave better traces then the Dutch before me did). In order to know where I go it is good to know where I came from, which made me to be more aware of the impact of colonization and slavery on myself, others and on the Eco-social setting I am part of. Due to this I am deepening my focus to realize a state of freedom in myself and in the world which I live.

Mainly the feeling of being privileged, experiencing inequality and by reading many of the books my grandfather L.C. Vrijman wrote about the Dutch slavery story I lightened up my quest even more to extend a life where freedom and peace are to be experienced in a societal manner.

Privateering and Piracy

This is shortly the reason I started being in the world outside of the Netherlands five years ago to discover other cultures and learn about what it is to live like a freeman. After many crossroads and utmost inspiring new connections I made I happen to get myself sitting on a chair in a little village close to Sofia, Bulgaria, writing this post.

Next to helping a friend with his idea to host a space for sharing knowledge about beekeeping I work mostly on the initiation of a participatory global mash-network of local changemakers which I like to introduce to you. The idea is to find one-another in an ever increasingly free and joyfully responsible light where global connections are being made with local actions that could spark the dawn of better days to come..


In that sense this grass-roots network with spaces being transformed for the good of all and co-created by the many I wish to find this to become an interactive social platform with people, projects (rural and urban), blogs, zines, groups, forum and chat. The idea is that more people could easily affiliate as it is a decentralized structure. At the moment it's mostly me, but I am actively reaching out to the world which is also one of the reasons to be visible on Steemit. Read more about projects to co-create at the website


Love as decentralized community based currency
Lets introduce a bit more about the community currency I am envisioning as a [blockchain cryptocurrency of L.O.V.E]( what stands for the** Liberation Of Vital Elements**. This is to be a social and sustainable token/currency to exchange within the networks scope as a value that could grow infinitely as love not really has limited measures. By this I wish to achieve the growth of trust amongst change-makers and build new relations to grow the GDP (Global Development Plan) in the weconomy, where we are bringing the value by our hearts connected with other hearts.

If you like my work it is highly appreciated to up-vote my introduction here as it will give acknowledgement and support for me to continue keeping this this job a full time on. Actually I am yet going to take stewardship of a piece of land close to the capital of Bulgaria , Sofia where to make a space4change rural setting and welcome people to co-steward the land by a **permaculture lifestyle with gardens, fruit-forests, natural swimming pool, sweat-lodge, geodesic domes (functioning as greenhouses and gathering space), art/musical expressions, community reviving initiatives, vision guests and basically realizing the manifestation of more spaces for changes in Bulgaria and abroad. For example an urban space4change in Bulgaria's capital to realize a [spaceroom]( to get to know more about where change comes from in a macro and micro level and where it could bring us collectively and people personally to. I could spend more effort on improving the websites usage, updating information, create more promotional material, claiming the URL, involve more options like a forum, a registration possibility for space-changers and change-spacers, and more..


Looking forward to share with you updates and to read other posts and meet fellow Steemians

To be continued..


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