You do not get a second chance to show first impression, at least that is the maxim but who am I?

I know you may find the subject of this article weird but that is it, I am trying to give myself a second chance at my first impression to Steemians

Frankly I came here via the hard work of @kshemen looking rather confused and I had to do something unlike me by way of introduction. What I did was that I took my about page on my website instead of just saying who I was as I should to any community. Forgive me, like I said, I was a bit lost. Steemit was entirely different from all the communities I had been before.

After being here for what? 3 weeks? and making some number of post like what? 71? , at least that is what my profile says; I think I now understand what this community stands for and think I should say a word or two about myself as way of introduction.
That is me || Photo credit: @tj4real

As most of you would have noticed I am a Medical Laboratory Scientist by profession and I'm currently a student undertaking my professional doctorate degree. I also blog for the Association of Ghana Medical Laboratory Scientist.
As a scientist, I have worked on validating the Glomerular Filtration Rate estimation equations for the black population and I am currently working on the hemoglobin A1c concentration and cardiovascular risk factors. Well, do not border if you do not understand a thing about the above. I only included it for the benefit of the medical scientist in the community.
Me in the office at UDS ||Photo credit: Shemen photography (@tj4real)

I am an author and I published my first book on dating in 2016: WHEN YOU WANT TO DATE ANY GIRL
If you search Ehm Kannde on google you will see samples of my work.

So what do I have to offer this community?
For starters I will be here as a member! This contribution may be underrated but it is the most important as I deem it. I am sure the owner of this platform had to worry first of all about how to get people here. I am now identified as a Stemian and as a Ghanaian Stemiam I am naturally a member of the @steemitghana community. Which means I will be attending the Steemitghana maiden mega meetup event on 6th January in Sunyani.

Secondly, I will write on the following topics that depicts my passion; Health, culture and traditions, peace building, blogging, motivational messages and more...

As a relationship expert I am also available on steemit chat to offer any help to fellow members of this community!
I am a fun guy and I love to laugh a lot. This means I also make people gag out their tommies!
I love making real connections so you can always contact me via this email: [email protected]
You can also contact me through: [email protected] but remember make your subject line Steemian for a special attention.


Indeed, your initial introduction was just a kid play. I know you have a lot to offer and am glad i have you in the Steemitghana community. Welcome once again

Thank you my boss @tj4real you are my greatest resource in here! your continuous support is simply astonishing! I am indeed lucky to have you are a boss

Great post man and you are once again welcomed to this platform..hope you be of great help to this community

Thank you! and yes, I will definitely try my best to give my all

I am always glad to see you here... I know you will soar much higher here and you will reach millions. Welcome once again.Stay blessed.

Thanks my man!! Thanks again for introducing me here....

it's good to know more about. I'm glad you are part of teamghana and a great steemian too. Looking forward to read more of your post. Welcome

Thanks, I am glad you liked it bro

Great intro post bro. Welcome once again.
By the way do you mind telling me what inspired you to write your first book "when you want to date any girl"? Lol.

See me in chambers bro! I will narrate the story!

Will surely do that. Can't wait

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