Hello Steemites
I'm new on this platform. In this my very first post, i will be doing a brief introduction of myself and then share my opinion on why i think steem is a major stakeholder in the future of cryptocurrency.
My name is Emmanuel, i'm a licensed medical practitioner and a forex trader with 10 years trading experience. I love classical musics, arts and poems. I spend at least 100 hours every 6 months doing voluntary community services at various levels.

As a forex trader of many years experience i decided to expand my niche to encompass cryptocurrencies. During my study of cryptocurrency, i discovered steem and a few other cryptocurrencies were able to adquately compensate for the pit falls assocciated with bitcoin. Below are advantages of steem over bitcoin;

  1. Sending bitcoin requires a high transaction fee which is becoming a thing of concern as this amount to several hundreds to thousands of dollars. The higher the price of bitcoin, the higher the transaction fee in dollars. Any client who refuse to pay such high transaction fee, will have his transaction dropped at the bottom of the chain. Steem takes care of this problem by offering free transactions.
  2. Bitcoin takes a longer time to completely process a transaction (an average of 10 minutes). Transactions with steem are almost instantaneous.
  3. Bitcoin offers complicated wallets address like Mi6fT7S7hfj8CVj3GhplE3hdgf7GDS7utE90Fruty, this makes transactions a little more complicated. On the other hand steem addresses are simple and straight forward, e.g mikemartin.
  4. Mining one bitcoin usually consumes as much electricity as is consumed by a household in United State for an entire week. Unlike bitcoin steem require no tremendous amount of energy to mine.

Now that we have established the above points lets now ask ourselves some important questions;

  1. What does the future really holds for steem?
  2. If steem is a stakeholder in the future of cryptocurrency, then why is the price not at the same competitive level as other crypto which shares similars characteristics as stated above?
  3. Do we think the recent huge influx of people into steemite, can provide the demand which will drive up the value of steem?
  4. If the answer to question 3 is yes, what is the price projection at the end of 2018.
    I will like to stop here, as this is my first article. I will continue from here in my next post.images (1).jpg

Thank you


Welcome to the Steemit platform, nice report you posted, I agree with your strategy, thank you.

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.18
TRX 0.16
JST 0.029
BTC 64050.44
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USDT 1.00
SBD 2.65