Very nice to meet you. My steemit account is now activated.

in #introduceyouself6 years ago (edited)


I so wanted to write and express myself.

I have been waiting this moment for many days now. Days felt like weeks, because i read seconds so they could turn to minutes. Same is in life, if you are rushing around then time goes as wind. If you are bored then time is stretching. If you are keeping count on seconds, then you can see how they turned to be a minutes.

But if you stay only in the present moment, then there is no TIME at all. You get it?

It is nice to meet you, that is something how my mind operates, but let me tell you about myself. About my "earthly character" with a little bit EGO, CHARISMA, DREAMS in it.

You can call me Alan. First things first - I am on my twenties and I have been diagnosed with schizophrenia , personality disorder and many other stuff that i dont remember from a flash. Mostly they were some pseudos calculating around my schizophrenia and can be called just as phobias.


Mostly people will run every corner they could after hearing someone is mentally ill, but these kind of people isn't on my focus anyways, because i could just waste my energy with them. They are living whole another dimensional lifespectre where there is 9-20 worktimes, government filtered education, medicine that wont cure the sickness itself and much more... i couldn't speak them anyways so i hope here on steemit people are different, at least on their mindstate.

If you do not have clear information / knowledge then i guess foregin things are scary.

I can function maybe even better than a normal (regular) human being in this use-to-be 3-rd dimensional word, but now where i am is 4th-and-5th dimensional plane where there is more like an instant manifestation of every thought and idea. Almost there actually. Today is the FULL MOON and you will see/feel for youself what is going to be different.


So now we could talk more earthly things. 

Now you know that my mind is altering in different ways and i let you know that with that mindstate (skizo) - i have difficulties to find proper words to express myself. My mind is working around some trees and parallel universes to gather words. It is hard, i guess, but thats what i have used to be in my whole life almost. So thank you for your support if you atleast understand my effort to write here hopefully people will understand my message. If these lines of words are clear to understand then there is another level of really UNDERSTANDING what this MESSAGE actually are. Is it hidden on the lines? Is it on the plain sight? What kind of message are we talking about here?

Well let me make it even less interesting or esoterical by saying that message should be introducing myself in more earthly commons. (But no worries, there is hidden message also included my dear illuminatifan-humans.. or reptilians etc.)

As a kid i ....

I was also different child than others. I lived on a countrysided quiet place and i ran with my bare foot over the sharp stones, i ran into the forest alone, i saw animals, i even get to touch a rattlesnake with my foot by accident, i freezed and looked down and there was a rattlesnake sizzling as took defensive position, head was facing towards me and its tale did same as cobra species do.. weird... but it did not attack me somewhy. I ran like a little girl. Thank god snake was a fellow.

Here i some photo with me and my father, when i was a kid.


Well every kind of stuff happened. I had weird dreams about ZEPPELINS flying on skies, but that it actually excisted i realized when i got older and we got an TV where there was documentary about flying balloons and zeppelins. I had dreaming about zeppeling catastrophe (falling down from sky and exploding on fire) when i was very little and there was no TV or nothing. So maybe my previous life....

Anyways my regular childhood... playing on outside, being happy in nature and @ nights seeying blue beam coming towards from window letting me hovering around my room and then no memories. I also remember "3 teddybears coming to look over me behind window, with very big eyes and fake smiles on their faces".

So yes, i have been abducted many times and i have very clear stories about later happened abductions that i encountered another plane (astral dimensional) greys. I have also seen ghosts... but that is another story.

I am writing articles in my facebook wall. 

My words are my art. Sometimes i write for media. I have been published a book about aliens, spirits which i have seen both in my life. Let me know in comments if you are interested about hearing what have i been seen and i could make an effort to even tell you about it. 

Now i start to help Estonian community here on steemit as well as i can so after that i will mostly write in Estonian. Here is a look of my book that i published in Estonian:

Now you see my background story and what i shall write mostly is something to do esoterical things. I WILL WRITE SEPARATELY OF MY HOBBIES AND ACTIVITIES THAT I DO IN SOME NEXT POST. Nice to meet you and i hope you got interested about my character to see even more that i could offer. Please do follow and if could, resteem so there would be much more people reading this. It helps me to get motivational when i know that there actually are people who is interested in this not only the bots and government.

Ja edasipidi tuleb emakeeles artikleid ka. Püüan siis võimalikult originaalse ja unikaalse kvaliteetkontenti tuua lugejateni - teised eestlased kes te siin olete juhul lugemas, siis andke kommentaariumis nõu, et kas inglise- ja eestikeeles vaheldumisi on normaalne avaldada oma mõtteid?




You read it? I hope you are not this bot or what... :)

Lol definitely not a bot, nice to meet you

Alright :) Awsome!

Welcome to steemit and thank you for joining my contest. I have heard a lot of people talking about similar things but most of them wont write it down and wait for others to talk about it first. For me aliens don't scare me as I have seen the bad of what humans can do.

If we are talking about the 4th/5th dimensional aspects you have to remember one thing and that is time is a perspective of the 3rd dimensional aspect. If everything is a state of energy at some level then it acts and reacts with each other and we act and react with the space around us.

Act... React... = Tick... Tock...

This means we are always moving through space in some degree and for our limited senses we can only comprehend a small part of whats really going on around us.

Time is but space that we act and react with on our path of lest resistance. This means we can change the path we are on but it takes navigating to really control where and how. Maybe making a map is possible? It would at least be worth a shot.

Look at your self as a scientist and you approach your problems in a professional manner things become less scary at that point because your more concentrated on solving the mystery as it now has a value that you can control. You will have to re program your self of course, can you do that?

Also the 4th/5th dimensions from a 3rd perspective mindset would be, every probability exist, every choice you could of made you did and it all exist all the time as it's chaotic space. So navigating through this space for us is limited, we have 3 points, past present and future <-- 3 states of existence because we are looking at it from a 3 dimensional aspect.

This is just my point of view of course and I'm sure people will agree/disagree on some if not all of what I'm saying. I know people will say that "that's not what the 3rd/4th/5th dimensions are" and that's okay as I'm not here to debate anything but am will to learn other peoples point of views in a respectful manner.

You seem to be of reasonable sound mind and in control of your self so don't ever let anyone make you feel less then equal. Do not let them feel sorry for you and do not let them take away who you are.

I just realized i wrote a post in a comment lol

Wow @jonbit , you really took your time and focus here. Haha, you are the greatest being ever! Like this long comment that really is like an mini-novel, such effort and focusing on my text. You are smart and intelligent and i greet you with all my heart.

Thank you man! Really!

Thank you @alan-durier should you ever want to talk about this subject I'm on discord. jonbit#3509 add me as a firend.

Im pretty new in discord, but i think i can manage to add you. Awsome. Thanks :)

Kui vaadata, et see on sinu esimene postitus, siis ma ütleks, et paremat postitust ikka annab otsida! Hea töö, tere tulemast!

Kui hästi saab avaldada oma arvamust. Vau. Kui see on Sinu esimene arvustus, siis paremat kommentaari annab ikka otsida! Aitäh motiveerimast ja loodan, et lugejaskond leiab oma tee siia.

Kui nii jätkad, siis muidugi leiad lugejaid. Eks me aita sind discordis kõigi küsimustega :)

Aitäh! Tähtis, et kõik mis me loome annaks oma panuse maailma paremaks muuta. Followisin vastu Sind ja hea kontent!

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