The story of a talking monkey and how he got here!

in #introduceyourself7 years ago

Hello friends!

Don't know if you already figure this much, the blog is made by a talking monkey, and my name is Toppo, the username ymfiu, I'll explain it at the end of the post. I would like to bid you welcome and hope that you like hearing about our stories and different things we experience every day because it's not easy being here.

Let me tell you that we are not from here or maybe not even from this world. We got here because of Ummiir ( this is the name of my partner ) who got into an argument with a very ... let's say charismatic lady wizard named Serene. Yeah ... and about Serene, I have to say she's not that "serene" if you get my drift. But anyway, I'm here to talk about me, well, about the blog, us, how it got started, how we got here and what we hope to achieve.

Let's just start! Right!

It was very strange at first and it took a lot of time to adjust to this new world. Let's make it short and sweet.

We were traders mainly in Rodu. This is like one of your continents, it's very large, almost as big as America, well I mean North America ( you have strange continent names, but it has a nice ring to it ) with lots of countries, big cities that stand proudly on the surface, others traveling in the sky or hidden with their secrets buried underground, rivers that stretch as far as the eye can see or lakes close together like a family, forests that are dark as the face of a grumpy old man ( yes, I've seen them ) or montains that reach the sky like a teenager's ego ( sheesh ... ). It has many more beautiful places but also scary places and it's magical because let me tell you, it has magic. Magic is the way we got here.

Traveling trader's life is the most beautiful life and it's hard but we would not change it for anything else and I thank to this day Ummiir who took me with him and taught me his craft. Magic items, spells, spell books, potions or normal and interesting items, we bought them cheap from adventurers, normal folk and sold them for a profit how we could ( if you could see me wink ). We herd and had some great adventures of our own and can't wait to start to tell you some of them. We sometimes joke and say that this is like an adventure that we are waiting to finish, so we can get home.

Like I said we got here because Ummiir and Serene had an argument about a strange item we had in inventory. We bought it from an old man and he told us that it was named Chronosting Rune, we bought it cheap so we didn't think much about it at the time. It was a strange thing oddly shaped green rock, it looked like a rune with a marking on it and had two different influent magic force about it.

chronosting rune poster example

In one of our traveling days with the trader's caravan, we meet a group of wizards and they joined as we all were going to the city of Kta, a trader's dream of a city. As night was approaching the caravan we camped near an oasis. We drank a bit and told some stories with a few of the other traders and wizards at the fire and after it got late we were ready to get a shut eye. When we got to our traveling carriage one of the wizards were near it and it looked like she had her look fixed through the window at something in the carriage. Ummiir as he knew his kraft well asked if she liked our inner decoration or if something found her eye. She said she was sorry for staring, she recommended herself as being Serene and one item did couth her eye, it was the Chronosting Rune. We had a bit of bartering but she looked like she didn't have what we have asked for or not pay at all, maybe she realized we didn't know what we had in our possession. After that, she started to get angry and just ask for it for nothing. We backed and Ummiir said if she doesn't have what to pay with we can't make a transaction and the deal is off.

In a split second, she jumped at us. I thought it was to take it but to my surprise, she punched it as Ummiir was holding it in his hand. I was on Ummiir's shoulder ( because I'm a small monkey, but do you hear me ... don't call me short!!! ) so I saw the whole thing and I didn't know what to do, I was shocked. After that, a white light enveloped us. It was so bright that Ummiir or I couldn't keep our eyes open so I grasped my friend's jacket. I don't know what happened next because I don't remember anything else.

When I opened my eyes I was lying down on a beach and next to me was Ummiir but in my hand was a piece of her cloak. I don't know what really happened but we believe that this is evidence that she was teleported, transported ( or call it whatever you want ) with us but not in the same spot. At least this is our theory because it's our hope that she did and she has the Chronosting Rune with her or at least the Chronosting Rune teleported with us.

So we find ourselves in a strange land with only humans that can talk (I now know you call yourself humans), strange languages and the clothes you wear that was strange too, with no magic but instead only science and technology. It was scary at first because we knew nothing and thought we had nothing, our luck was that Ummiir always carries with him in his magic belt bag the items that we can easily sell to the prospected customer. As we earlier met with some wizards we put some stuff together maybe we can make a quick business.

Because in our world to be a successful trader u have to know how to speak all the languages to be able to interact with clients, earlier in our career we paid a wizard for a spell to enable us to learn fast a new language, practical in minutes of hearing a little bit of it but let me tell you I scared a man so much that he fainted when he heard me speak. In that moment we realized that in this world I can't be a talking monkey.

Being new in this land Ummiir started working here and there to be able to feed and clothe ourselves and I was the shoulder monkey and got sadder and sadder. Regardless, I had to uplift myself and we had to start looking for Serene and our Chronostring Rune. We have learned a lot about your world or as you say Earth and in the meantime, I have learned a lot about the internet and what you can do with it because had a lot of free time, you know that talking monkeys you don't come across often in your world and we didn't want to be in the center of attention. Started to look for Serene over on Facebook, Instagram ( seen a lot of good-looking human woman there ... ) and other social media but Serene is nowhere to be found, like I said we don't really know how to survive in your world but the one thing we knew as traders is that money can't make you happy but will make everything easier.

This is how the blog was born!

That evening I put my brain to work and thought what can I do to make some money. It would be easier with some extra for us to find Serene, or find the Chronosting or just make our life easier and not just dump everything on Ummiir because we are partners and friends. I knew I liked to tell stories and sell stuff. I didn't have anything to sell so I had the stories part. Maybe if I can sell my stories or integrate it in some way to make some money and bring people joy, that would be great.One week ago I found and thought this could work. This is the part where username comes in play because in Rodu when we were talking to clients all conversations would have these words in them even if we wanted to speak them or by coincidence: "You may find it useful!" and the short version ymfiu.

So now I am writing stories for you guys that I hope you enjoy. If would like to help us just upvote it or u can donate to us in bitcoins at the address below ( you know I'm a smart monkey :) have to have one of those ), maybe even become a friend on all of our facebook. The biggest thing you can do is follow us, read our stories or articles and have a great time while you do it because we really want to share love and friendship.

Let me thank you one more time and take you to the links below where you can find the BTC wallet, our social and the blog where you can read some more about us and our adventures.

BTC wallet - 19ewAy8WZvLVgLUrKCoWnWjw8syvnWs53c



Glad to welcome you here on this website good luck and wish you all the best. =)

Welcome to steemit ☺️ it's great to have you here here in this community..... enjoy the platform

Welcome to steemit. Great post.
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