Hello friends! I came here for truth and freedom!steemCreated with Sketch.

in #introduceyourself7 years ago (edited)

Hi everyone, i'm Alan and i've just started posting things on Steemit and thought i should introduce myself as i have seen many other people do. I am a obsessive online researcher and documentary-maker. I have unslaved myself in order to work on my unpaid research and documentaries and I live rent-free in squats (industrial buildings which have been abandonned for years) around London. In recent months i have made documentaries exposing the charities Amnesty International, the WWF, Hope Not Hate, Save The Children and Oxfam, which are all fraudulent charities run by establishment interests which exploit people's trust and good nature. I wanted to expose these charities because there's little more offensive to me than something evil being wrapped inside something appearing charitable. I have also made documentaries recently on the fraudulent propaganda which led to Trump's bombing of a Syrian airbase, and i made a video with my wonderful love Maria about the Westminster bridge "terror attack" and all the inconsistencies with the official story we have been asked to believe.

One day about 12 years ago i decided to go vegan. I came to a very sudden realisation that i didn't want to eat animals any more because i didn't need to, and after doing some research into animal industries i could no longer justify eating any animal products. I didn't want to have anything more to do with the industrial suffering of animals simply for people's pleasure. So i gave up everything which contrbutes to that, the hardest of which being gambling on horse racing, which i had done keenly since i was 16. I felt so passionately about furthering the seemingly helpless cause of animals that i quit my full-time job and dived right into activism. We would go out and do protests most days, handing out leaflets explaining all the industries we were opposing: meat, animal testing, fur, foie gras, animal circuses, horse and greyhound racing, etc., etc.. 

As we were doing regular protests against the big pharmaceutical companies for performing horrible experiments on animals, i realised that pharmaceutical companies were not there to help us. All the drug scandals which prove time after time that they put profits first and people no-where. Pharmaceutical companies want to produce drugs and vaccines which cause longer-term health problems which will of course have to be medicated with more drugs. There's a lot more to that, but it was clear to me from starting to research this that Big Pharma was rotten to the core.   

After i questioned more the protests and the methods, i started working at a wonderful vegan cafe called Pogo which was completely vegan, voluntary and anarchist. The cafe eventually went under in 2012 or 13, but it lasted 10 years, created a lot of vegans and a lot of fun to everyone that was involved, and all my cooking skills i have now are thanks to the opportunity to make mistakes that Pogo offered.

About 10 years ago i decided to research 9/11, at the risk of being labelled a "conspiracy theorist", and like anyone who honestly looks into it i came to the realisation that 9/11 couldn't have happened like we were being told. Not even close! Planes don't crash like that! Buildings don't collapse like that! (I won't go into all the evidence because believe me it's not just based on my visual impression that led me to this truth). So with this new realisation i had to come to some kind of understanding of what's really going on in the world, because i understood that thousands and thousands of people knew about 9/11 before it happened. It has been a long process of discoveries, first exploring the history of the financial system and things like the birth of the private Federal Reserve System at Jekyll Island. Then things like Skull and Bones (The Order) and Cecil Rhodes' Group. These secret societies have weilded tremendous influence over every aspect of the Western world and to most people they don't even know they exist, and there's a poisonous religious fundamantalism that underlines them and all the secretive elitst networks.

Then there's all the fascinating hoax terrorist events which have been happening for quite a few years, including of course Sandy Hook, the Boston bombing, the Orlando Pulse shooting, the Charleston shooting, the WDBJ Virginia shooting, etc., etc., and of course the fake ISIS beheadings.

The more i researched the more i realised we have been lied to about practically everything from official sources, and for very good reason. The greater the differential in knowledge between us and the satanic rulers of this world, the easier we are to play like a flute. These days the education is indocrination, news is a fiction, terrorism is fake, climate change is a lie, the holocaust is a joke, politics is an irrelevant circus, scientists believe in "settled science" and "intelligence" agencies are full of brain-dead statists.

In recent times my research has led to the more metaphysical, into things like Natural Law, Kabbalah, mysticism, the works of Manly P Hall and Helena Blavatsky, etc. which attempts to explain all those things which "science" completely disregards. There's a scientific truth in our spiritual existance too, and great thinkers throughout the millenia have devoted themselves to discovering our place in the universe. 

I want to know who i am, what i am, why i am and how i am. But most of all i want peace and freedom for everyone on this earth. I want people to know Natural Law and encorporate it into their lives. Once people do this, there will be peace and true freedom. We don't need government or authority or anything like this. All we need to do is collectively understand that our actions have consequences under Natural Law and that when we're harming others we are in a very direct way harming ourselves too.

Anyway, this has been a brief insight into me as a person. If you like what you read, please subscribe to me here on steemit and to my youtube channel (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCuj7cCOj7xJR_MSThf-XcKA).

Have a lovely day guys!


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Welcome to Steemit! I hope you like it as much as I do. I upvoted, and I'm following you to know you better. Feel free to follow me @lulita 😀

Many thanks following you now too. :)

Thank you

Welcome to Steemit Alan. Enjoy the ride here. See you around! :-)

Welcome to the community, Alan! Follow me at https://steemit.com/@bitgeek

Thanks bottymcbotface :)

Welcome to Steemit :)
I follow u and voteup

Thanks izbing! :)

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