
Thank you Scott & Ren. I'll check out your post. And it's lovely to make your acquaintance. :)

I hope the introduction has helped. We really enjoyed your introduction and are interested in reading more.

I will make a point of following your posts and getting to know the steemians you have found. It seems like a great way to build a community. Thank you for doing what you are doing. I appreciate your support.

You are very welcome. When we started our introduction numbers were low and it was frustrating, but there were others out there that did just what we are and it helped. Something else that might help is this link (Thanks @snook) It gives you some information about this platform that will help.

Also, go here to keep track of where your Resource Credits (what enables you to post and comment) and your Voting Power. Try to keep your Resource Credits at 80% each day so it will regenerate faster.

Hope this helps.

Thanks for your help. It is much appreciated. :)

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