#Introduceyourself : Hi I'm Wraxu, a newbie in steem site, a hacker in life #en #中文 #cn

in #introduceyourself7 years ago

Invited to become a speaker in TedxChungChengU 🏃在Tedx中正大學擔任講者

👉Quick brief 自我介紹

Actually, I do not know how to explain why I'm here...My name is Wraxu, I'm 24 and a Taiwanese,i love to trade and write my thoughts down since sophomore. Now i am a trader in investment Bank. I love to write about how to earn money in smart way, and sometimes share my opinion about the market. Today i want to share my story with you guys. (my English skill is not very well, but i believe you will be attracted)

i transfer to three schools to complete university studies. becuz i love to experience different people and thoughts.when i in another envirments, the cultural shock is very impressive, and u can find so many opportunities. The Universities i've studied are :
Fu Jen Catholic University, Taiwan
Lingnan University, Hong Kong
Renmin University of China, China

👉Wait! Let me explain...等等!讓我解釋一下

read to here,u may think im a winner at the game of life(not Winner Winner Chicken Dinner... ),BUT acutally, it's NOT!
I come from a small fishing village near Tapei, and i'm a loser when i am a student, let me show you some of my childhood photos 😁

elementary school 國小

I'm the boy in the red square, you can find out that i'm not close to my teacher (by my unreasonable body posture lol), actually, i don't like my teacher, becuz she see me as a problem, i will be good friends with anyone whose seat naerby me, then we will make a lot of noisy in the classroom( but it hav a reason, i will explain below), so in the end, no one allowed to sit by my side.

junior high school 國中

when i graduate from elementary school, i registered to a private junior high school, the school is very strict, we need to go to school 7 days a week, form 7:00am to 9:00pm, also they hav some ridiculous rules, like hair regulations (you can see my legendary-level hair-style in the pic) and we need to recite whole content in our Chinese subject, if u miss one word, you're fuked up, becuz you need to write down the content for 10 times. In the 3 years in this school, i always sleep a few in order to deal with the homework (the class over at 9:00pm, so usually i will go home and take a shower first, then start to write my homework at "10:00pm" (#F$%U^&*C()#$%^K&!!!)
國小畢業後,我進入基隆一間很有名的私立國中 (北北基的朋友因該都知道),這間學校非常嚴格,有許多不合理的規定,像是學生周一到日都要上課,勞工還有一例一休,我們是0例0修...從早上七點到晚上九點,平常九點回家後我會先洗個澡,然後從"晚上十點"開始寫回家作業以及準備明天的考試。在老師眼裡只有成績是重要的,成績好的學生品格如何並不重要,我們還有髮禁,所以我留了三年的純情平頭,這是我最痛苦的時光。
senior high school 高中

So, in the high pressure environment, i get a great score in the basic examination (test to get into senior high school in taiwan), my score rank is 94% ( it means your score is better than the other 94% student who take the exam ), in the summer, becuz i got a sick so my mom take me to see a doctor, the doctor observe that i had some specific behavior, than he suggest my mom to take me to another big hospital for a complete examination. In that examination, the doctor said that i have Tourette Syndrome(TS), a common neuropsychiatric disorder with onset in childhood,characterized by multiple motor tics and at least one vocal (phonic) tic, and there is no treatment to deal with TS for now. The doctor suggest my mom that me stop my education in senior high school and seek for a better treatment.I remember the doctor said something to my mom

"Your kid will have some impulse behavior, you know what? Actually you can let him do what he what to do, just let him live happier "

But, Obviously , i have parents who love me a lot, they believe me that i can overcome TS and finish my senior high school.
國中基測後,我取得了PR94的成績,錄取的內湖高中,暑假的時候我得了一個小感冒,在看病過程中醫生觀察到我有一些特定的舉動,於是建議我媽帶我去大醫院檢查,於是我就多了一位朋友 - 妥瑞氏症候群,神經生理基礎的毛病。雖致病機轉,仍不清楚,無治療藥物,可以說是無藥可醫(?)。我既記得那時候醫生把我叫出去,跟我媽說:"你知道嗎?這個小孩可以不用升學,讓他開心過日子就好,或是去工作。"

👉freshman 大學

When i am a freshman, i found the value of bachelor is priceless in taiwan, becuz anyone can get a bachelor simply. So I think I don't want to be the top in the university, I want to be different! I think there are TWO sides of life, one side is work, and the other side has freedom, you can spend time on the person you like, do a lot of work for your dream. But if you want to do whatever you want, you need to fix a problem first : IT'S MONEY.
So i start to studies economics, and in the same time, i join several Forex trade contest and get some good grade in these.
我覺得人生就像一枚硬幣有兩面,一面是工作,一面是自由,人們就是不斷地在這兩面中勞動,但我想要更多自由 (自由不是只想做什麼就做什麼,而是有選擇"不做"什麼的權力),去把時間花在我喜歡的事物、陪我喜愛的人上。所以我決定往投資外匯這一塊邁進。從大二開始我參加了許多選擇權/外匯交易競賽,也取得了一些不錯的成績。

rank 2nd in a forex trading contest, my roi is 278% 🏃一個為期三個月的校級的外匯交易比賽,我拿到了第二名,投報率是278%

Then i found that there is very interesting to share my experience on the internet, so i start a facebook fan page called " Lounger Economics"and i share a lot of knowledge about forex trade and ecnomics. Gradually, more and more people will pm me to ask for some forex problem on facebook, and most of time, i will reply they very serious (for some people who don't think thrice before their question, like: what should i buy??? I will ingore lol) One of them called "Amy", she keep to ask me about the forex trading(like the investment environment in taiwan, my strategy for my fan page, in spite i think she is a little bit noisy, i still chat with her. After three months, we talk a lot, and something magical happened, Amy tell me she is a promotions manager in a investment bank in Hong Kong, she invite me to take a intern in their asia headquarters- Hong Kong. Here are some pics which taken in hk 😀
參加過許多比賽後,我發現外行人要來學投資往往要先付出極大的成本,參加昂貴的收費課程,或是免費但是處處是陷阱的 ooxx大師教學,常常還沒學會一點皮毛,就繳了許多學費...所以我決定開設一個粉絲專業-懶人經濟學,把我投資的經驗放上去,讓更多人能加快進入投資理財的腳步。也因為開設了粉絲專業,有越來越多人會私訊我詢問關於外匯交易的問題,通常我都匯回的蠻詳細的,除了一些很明顯就是沒做什麼功課、伸手牌的問題 (像是: 外匯怎樣才能賺錢??),其中有一個姐姐問我的問題比較特別,她問了我台灣外匯保證金交易的市場情況、行銷痛點有哪些,接著又問了我為什麼粉絲頁沒打廣告卻可以成長的那麼快,點閱率那麼高? 雖然覺得有一點煩,但我還是都詳細地跟她解釋了我的思路,就在第三個月的時候,才發現是她是一間投資銀行的行銷經理,她跟我坦承他並不是單純的跟我聊天,而是想要找我去他們的亞洲總部實習 (所以三個月的閒聊是面試嗎...)
這麼好的機會當然不能錯過XDD 下面是一些在香港實習時候的照片~

my working desk, these screens are used as market monitoring, Bloomberg system and soap drama 🙌我在香港實習時的辦公桌,三個螢幕分別用來看市場行情、彭博系統跟Dcard。我的螢幕還算少的,這裡每個人都有很多螢幕,用來看市場行情。

photo was taken in Central District, I fuxk myself perfectly! (I'm junior of the social science at that time)
🏃在香港中環拍的照片,香港的白領都要穿西裝上下班,就算氣溫超高也是....但是每個禮拜五都有casual day,可以穿休閒服裝來~

photo was taken in Central District, my friends and i in IFC, the view is so awesome!

Invited to a innovative education exhibition called Zashare

a post in my fan page, a analysis about Brexit.

When i back to taiwan, i write a lot of article, and make several speech in different organization, I don't have the skills about marking, but I ALWAYS believe keep sharing is the best way to marking myself.


In the end, i hope everyone can share their thoughts in steemit, it's such a great platform. Nice to meet you guys!

p.s I think steemit have more english user than chinese user, so i will have two language version in each article !!!

Someday i search Cryptocurrency for some info,then i found #steemit then i think maybe i can share my articles here.
其實發現steemit是誤打誤撞,我在找關於虛擬貨幣的資料時,意外發現了這個網站,看過xiaohui 介紹steemit文章後,非常支持這個網站的理念,因為身為一個原創內容的生產者,我產出的內容曝光數少到幾萬,多到幾百萬,但這對我的收入都沒多大的影響,所以我在想或許我能把我的原創文章首發在這裡。

主題是【大學生如何從0到有接觸投資,1000K經理人來告訴你!】 (這個標題是職輔組取的Q_Q)



Hi... Nice to meet you... Welcome to Steemet... I will follow you and upvote yo...

Nice to meet you @alcimarquez, i will follow back!

Nice to meet you, @wraxu! Welcome to Steemit!

thank you @god-is-love , I will write something amazing soon :D

Hello, welcome to steemit! Chinese writing looks amazing, my life goal is to learn it. Check out my forex blog 🖐️


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