Hello Steem world

My Lupine and me. I grew her from a tiny seed. :)

After reading several days of introductions, I’ve come to the conclusion, we all have very different experiences, each of them amazing in their own way.
I know my name is “warped weaver” it does have significance 😊. Around this lil ranch I’m known as the Hippie in the attic.
I’ve been watching my steemit roommates for several months doing these “selfie” contests. I even helped with a couple. All the time trying not to let them see me enjoying myself. I’m thinking, these people are totally nuts! Even at 68 years old I’m still intrigued and interested in what’s going on in this world. Well, since I’m originally from the Midwest, I started heckling them about showing me something tangible. Blah Blah Blah, talk all you want, I want to see bling or long green. Lo and behold, delivered by post woman, 1 oz. of silver bling. Of course, my ears got bigger.
I’m no different than anyone else. Who knows where any of its going to go, but I think the opportunity for currency diversity is great. If it gets me a van or camper by spring, I’ll be thrilled. 😊
My account was my Christmas present. I’ll reserve the thank you for later, wink wink. I am glad to be here and to begin a new adventure. I hope to meet many wonderful and not so wonderful people 😊 I’ll continue the saga of “How I got to be this way “another time. Please enjoy a few pictures of what I do and where I live

My 4 harness loom.

A sample of my weaving.

The chicken flock.

@fishyculture blowing snow!

The front door tunnel, enter at your own risk!
All photos are my own.


Thank you for the opportunity to join this remarkable community


welcome to steemit enjoy, follow me .

Thank you very much. Looking forward to reading your blogs

Having known @warpedweaver for 5-6 years I am so glad she is going to be sharing Steemit. She is a jewel of a person.

Thank you Longsilver. Don't be spreading rumors! lol Let them find out for them selves. :)

Welcome to steemit! If you are ever looking for a group, actually a community, of homesteaders/gardeners/self-sufficient like-minded people, I am the moderator of a group here... also the "un"official ambassador to the group.
let me know and I can post an invite link here for you!

I would love that. My whole life has been about self-sufficiency. I've lived in some pretty remote areas and have many stories I would love to share. Thank you!

I must be a total dumecoff! I am trying to get started with discord. How do I invite friends, or just get in on a chat room. HELP. lol @goldendawne

I'd LOVE an invite, too @goldendawne. Thank you!!


this homestead is 100 years old. At one time this area hosted the largest apple orchard in the united states. Mesa Orchards. The house is amazing and very drafty in the winter. lol I'm going to follow you around. :)

Welcome to the Steemit community and good luck with your blog!

I will need all the luck I can get! lol Thank you for the welcome

I am excited and nervous all at the same time! Thank you so much

Wow it's awesome that you're here! That is a really cool Christmas gift, in my opinion.
Good to have you here, welcome to Steemit ;)
I look forward to your posts.

lol Honeydue! that used to be my CB handle when I drove long haul! I'm new to this concept but I think after some time I will get the hang of it. Thank your for your welome! I look forward to sharing information.

Welcome, welcome, @warpedweaver!! I need to get on my loom very, very soon. I am currently knitting a blanket shawl for my daughter which is coming along nicely. I will try to post some pictures soon.

Happy New Year!!!!

another weaver! yeah! I can perhaps pic your brain from time to time. Always learning something new. I will be weaving panels for a huge bedspread. My loom is only 36" wide so will have to do the panels in double weave. I had to give up knitting :( There is nothing like something hand made with love. :)

Agreed! I love thinking about the person I am knitting for while I am making their scarf, hat, blanket, sweater, etc. :-) Luckily my husband and adult kids love what I make them and wear it with love and pride.

So awesome! Welcome to Steem...I've found this community is friggin' awesome. You get to meet people from all over the world, it's so exciting.

My husband and I have been growing Lupines...they are just magnificent!

I love my flowers. The green thumb does get to throbbing sometimes! lol I plan to make time today to look at every ones posts. I have a project on the loom that needs finishing. Hope everyone will be patient with me as I stumble through all of this. Thank you for your welcome! It means a lot to me.

:-) Take your time! Do you sell your creations? I love meeting new people who are so talented and creative with their hands.

From time to time I do peddle my work. It's something I do in the winter months. I have a consignment coming up. I will be making 3 panels for a California king bed spread. very large project. I work with wool/silk blends and cotton.

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