Hello, I Am Nobody

in #introduceyourself8 years ago (edited)

I believe that one's life is a path and the greatest adventure. So let me tell you a story of a young unnamed adventurer of this time, seeking the truth without any clue where to find it.

The Path and the Great Adventure Begins

There has been nothing too outstanding in the life of this guy. He was interested in martial arts, trying Taekwon-Do, then Iaido, eventually ending up practicing Bujinkan Budo Taijutsu, which is of Japanese origin and consists of 9 traditional schools - 6 schools of the samurai origin, 3 remaining containing ninja arts. He didn't know at that time what is so fascinating about martial arts, but he kept practicing following the spirit of Ninpo, to endure.


Then a small twist in otherwise pretty boring life happened. Attending the university (studying computer science) turned out to be a tough call for a moderately clever guy. What usually takes 3 years took him 6, eventually driving him into a deep crisis where he started to question everything. But as in all legends, when all hope seemed to be lost, the Higher Power decided to offer its helping hand and sent a messenger bringing powerful potion made in the wild rainforest of the Amazon. Attending a ceremony where the brew was offered, a spark ignited within the wanderer and he started finding the inner strength and power that has always been there, but that he was ignorant about it. He managed to finish the university to much of his surprise and to the surprise of everybody around.

And this is really where the adventure behinds. You have to be thrown into the deepest black pit so that you can once again find the spark within, ignite it and come back, clad in the fiery armour being fed by the fire burning deep within the body and soul. Going for a university, doing all the meaningless work just to receive a mark, that all lead the young man to stop at one point and ask the dangerous question of what the meaning behind really is. And because he could not find any, he was simply thrown onto the path of an adventurer. No one really enters the path unless forced to. It is a dark and dangerous path where nothing is gueranteed to turn out well. That is why a crisis is the greatest gift from certain perspective, it is the gate to both Hell and Heaven.

Living Life to the Fullest

And what the life of the adventurer looks like now? He is still wandering around the world, learning through experience. What else is there to do even? Walk the earth and feel it under your feet, feel the reality, feel the elements and the whole universe all around and within. Feel the life with every breath you take in, die every time you breathe out. Step out of all duality and see things with clear eyes. Yes, everybody can do that. Do not just seek the greatest mystery, live it all the time. For life is too short even though something eternal is there. Find what you hold dear, care for it and protect it. Burn with the power of life, otherwise you are just wasting your time here. That is what the adventurer would tell you if you joined him at the campfire.

What is next, you may be asking? Nobody knows. Good the adventurer is not British at least. But one thing is for sure. All the puzzles are starting to make sense. Practicing martial arts, doing this and that. Seems like everything has been happening so that the initial spark could happen and the power be awakened. But who knows, that can be just someone's wild imagination. But it doesn't really matter in the end. Who can say anything for sure about this world? And so the adventurer is wandering and will never stop as long as he is breathing.

Could You Get Normal Please?

Probably not, but let me try. Let's continue with some dry data.

I joined Steemit after being told by @hr1 about it. It seemed like a very cool concept so I decided to throw some horsepower at it, finally using my programming skills for something interesting and beneficial. Ever since I joined the platform I have been developing things I found interesting or handy. #steemwatch is the latest addition to the gang.

Before getting caught in this programming madness I was doing meditation and all sorts of spiritual activities as you might have guessed from the introduction. Even though I totally enjoy this stuff, my main focus is on developing SteemWatch these days, although I am looking forward to getting it into good shape and then going back to the craniosacral therapy that I am studying now.

I am anyway finding out that it is not about being spiritual here and there when you go for a retreat so much. It is about everyday life. Anybody can feel enlightened when sitting alone at the top of a mountain. But try living in a depressed city! I challenge you! So, I am just living my tiny life here, trying not to get too exhausted by everyday tasks and challenges. Just live a life where you don't need holidays. Make your life one!

Final Words

There is so much to say, but for now let me just wish Steemit and STEEM a bright future, I am sure that many people are working tirelessly to make it better every day. I also hope that we will be able to read more and more good content not only related to the platform and also not just compiled. Share pictures, share your work, share what grows in your garden or around, share cooking recipes, share the joy of life. It is tought not to just keep thinking about money, but you see, you are just yet another nobody on this planet ;-)

Having said that, in case you enjoyed the story you might as well be interested in some of the older articles I published as @void since they are related. In case you cannot bear with my writing style but find the stuff interesting, you can just send me a message on Steem Slack, that is cool too :-)

"When we encounter the Void, we feel that it is primordial emptiness of cosmic proportions and relevance. We become pure consciousness aware of this absolute nothingness; however at the same time we have a paradoxical sense of its essential fullness. This cosmic vacuum is also a plenum (full assembly) since nothing seems to be missing in it. While it does not contain anything in a concrete manifest form, it seems to comprise all of existence in a potential form. In this paradoxical way we can transcend the usual dichotomy (division into two) between emptiness and form, or existence and non-existence. However, the possibility of such a resolution cannot be adequately conveyed in words; it has to be experienced to be understood."
-- Stanislav Grof


A guy has no name? :-)

It was really nice to read about your life! I am a huge fan of #SteemWatch; great job with that!

I like the quote about the Void. I think the concept is similar to "you have to lose yourself to find yourself" but expanded upon in your quote. Thanks for sharing the quote and for writing this great introduction. Best wishes!

The quote is there just because it is related to my account name :-) It describes the experience as it is. What you are saying relates more to the poetic part I guess :-)

I gotta tease you that you were a computer science student and you misspelled crisis the way the game spells it... hehe.

I've also got a love for Zen. Over the last couple of years I've become enthralled by so much of what it can teach anyone about how to live life. Glad to have you around!

Awwww :-) Not a native speaker, so sometimes it explodes right into my face :-)

No problem. I just wanted to tease. :-)

Seems like the collective unconscious part of all programmers, though, since I never really played Crysis :D

がんばって fellow buyu!

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