Hello Steemit! I would like to introduce myself!)

 Hello dear Steemit! Let me introduce myself. My name is Alexander, I am from Ukraine and I am 61 years old. I know that most of people are younger here but I hope you will accept me to your friendly company too. What can I tell about myself? I am an officer in the past. I was a colonel in Ukrainian army and was fighting in Afghanistan in 1982. I have seen a lot of terrible things there but it helped me to appreciate my life and close people more. My being in Afghanistan taught me to take only the best from life because our life is too short and people never know how long they will live. Actually, this is one of the reasons I love traveling. No single lifetime is enough to see all wonderful places on Earth. Our world is filled with incredible beauty and we should not lose a chance to experience it. People also get tired of daily routine. In this case traveling helps us to get new impressions and gives us a plenty of positive energy. As for me I like to exchange opinions about everything I see around, and that is why I mostly take my wife with me. Actually, it was her idea that I join Steemit today. She is here too.) So, if you have problems in private life or if your boss gets on your nerves, please take a plane and go on vacation. It will help to get rid off any depression, I promise. There are a lot of places I have been to, I also plan to visit Alaska soon. It is one of my dreams. The nature is amazing there and I am a type of a person who always makes his dreams true. ) So, in the nearest future you will see pictures of me and wonderful Alaska nature around.)) I also have a lot of other hobbies, such as fishing for example and I will tell you about all of them. 

      my old picture

        travel by train                                                                                                                            

me and my wife))

Why am I here? I want to share experience about amazing places I have been to, maybe it will be useful for somebody and will help to choose a right country to go to on vacation. I also would like to get important knowledge reading posts of other people. I find it great that people have an opportunity to exchange their knowledge on Steemit.                                                                                                                                               

So if you are interested in my posts, please follow me and thank you for your attention. See you) 


hello @virogovarq
welcome to steemit. There is a saying i love so much "Old but Gold". On steemit age is not a barrier, your voice is just as valuable as the next steemian.

Thank you for your support, I love this saying too and totally agree with it) I followed you)

Saluton Alexander kaj bonvenon je Steemit !
Welcome here. Nice to have you on board. It will be an adventurous journey with visits to places like Alaska ahead.
Ĝis revido !

thank you, I hope you will like my posts)

Great introduction post:
A very warm welcome to the Steemit community to you

Welcome to Steemit! :)

welcome to steemit.
let's enjoy it....^^

thank you, it is great here)

Welcome to this community hope you have fun and great experiences that i believe matters a lot and dont you even worry about the age factor here, most of us dont care at all and i bet your posts would be very interesting!

Welcome! Good luck with both your travel aspirations and Steemit contributions. Following, cheers!

thank you for kind words, I followed you)

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