Está na altura de comprar o Token Pillar (PLR)

in #introduceyourself7 years ago

Caros amigos, peço perdão por não me ter apresentado até agora, e por começar com este artigo em vez da própria apresentação.

O meu nome é Valdemar e vivo nos E.U.A. há mais de 20 anos. Sou programador por profissão, e músico/cineasta por paixão. Pode ser que as cripto-moedas venham mudar isso. Na minha primeira ICO (OMC) transformei 1.000 euros em aproximadamente 39.000 euros. Não sou perito, mas quero partilhar o que sei, para que nós, a arraia míuda, possa sair da fossa em que nos meteram os políticos e gente de muito dinheiro.

Neste artigo venho falar de um token chamada Pillar (PLR) sobre o qual está a decorrer um ICO (Initial Coin Offering, ou Oferta de Moeda Criptográfica).

Antes de mais, peço desculpa por não estar informado sobre a terminologia em português. Tenho andado mais desligado da nossa terra e nossa cultura do que devia. O que é fácil vivendo no estrangeiro.

Enfim, Pillar é um projecto que visa começar como sendo uma super-carteira para 50 cripto-modeas, e que eventualmente pretende substituir o sistema operativo dos nossos telefones (por exemplo, Android ou iOS).

O que significa isto? Ora bem, isto quer dizer que eventualmente se vai poder subscrever a serviços em vez de ter de instalar mil e um aplicativos. Também significa que em vez de ter a sua informação espalhada pelos quatro cantos da Terra, você usará simplesmente a sua chave pública. Em qualquer altura você pode revogar esse acesso, em vez de perder horas a tentar fazer com que deixem de lhe enviar e-mails.

Eventualmente, até se poderá votar ou efectuar outras transacções de forma segura e discreta, sem os criminosos ou o governo se poderem aproveitar de nós. Perdão, as minhas desconfianças vêm rapidamente ao de cima. Até aqui, nos EUA o governo não é de fiar.

Este projecto teve um evento pré-venda que se esgotou em 40 minutos. Até tiveram de aumentar o limite de 1,6 milhões de USD até 4 milhões.

E tudo isto sem a intervenção do que em inglês chamamos «baleias» (grandes companhias com muito dinheiro) - e podem crer que essas companhias eventualmente vão querer investir. E nessa altura, o valor do token vai provavelmente disparar na vertical.

Este projecto tem tido tanta recepção que anda um monte de «scammers» (vígaros) a criar sites idênticos e a enviar e-mails que parecem legítimos. Tenham muito cuidado e usem apenas os seguintes sites:

Até a WIRED Magazine (revista de informática muito popular nos EUA) tem um artigo sobre eles:

Amigos, as eu acredito plenamente que as cripto-moedas vão ser a nossa liberação. A nossa forma de ganhar onde apenas os peixes graúdos venciam - nos investimentos, na criação de dinheiro, e manipulações dos mercados financeiros.

Aqui está o último e-mail que recebi do projecto:
Wow, what a morning! Our web site had so much traffic, we couldn’t update our own site to tell people the sale was live. Thankfully, the newsletter went out and people used that information to purchase tokens. As of this writing, here is what we have sold:

Ether transferred USD
70,461 $13 million

Amazingly, this has come from over 6,000 individual transactions, showing that we are backed by the people who truly believe in our project. This is a grass-roots effort without huge “whales” topping up our token sale.

First, thank you. We are humbled by the show of support from so many people putting in small amounts. We expected about $15 million from our true supporters, and it looks like we’re going to get that. Amazing.

A Word about Safety
Many scammers are now trying to get people to purchase using their own contract address. BE SURE you only go to www[dot]myetherwallet[dot]com (spell it out, never click on a link) and and only use this address:


Any scammer will do his best to look exactly like Pillar, but only this address is the one that buys our tokens.

Help us Meet our Goal
But. It is not time to rest. At Monday, 8pm UK time, all unsold tokens will be put on ice for ten years. We don’t want that to happen. We want to sell all 528 million tokens available, because this is the ONLY way we can finance our project. The Pillar wallet is open-source. We have no business model. The way we raise money is by selling tokens in an event like this one.

We have 58 hours to go, and now is the time to ask you, our believers, to help us. PLEASE reach out to your network, your family and friends, your coworkers, and your readers, followers, and YouTubers. You have skin in the game now. If you purchased 3 ether, please reach out to five people and get them to purchase 3 ether. If you bought 10 ether, get five people to purchase 10 ether.

We're in Wired!
The Pillar project is featured on Wired Magazine today! Please use this to send to your friends and followers:

The Pillar project is open source. YOU hold your own data, you control your own data, no big company will make decisions that affect your data. We are raising money now to make the Pillar brand a household name.

WE WILL NOT HAVE ANOTHER CHANCE TO RAISE MONEY. This weekend and Monday are our only chance to raise the funds we need to fuel this project for the next five years. We are going to use the money very carefully. If you want to see this dream come alive, please become a Pillar spokesperson and get everyone you can to buy Pillar tokens on the ICO now.

Mission Control is Live
In the previous newsletter, we announced that there would be a live video feed showing all of us working behind the scenes. That URL also didn’t work for some time, but we have it up now, and you can see it. Warning - I’ll be asking you to go help us tell more people purchase our tokens!!
Pillar Token Sale Mission Control LIVE
Take me to Mission Control!

In case you haven’t purchased, we have the next email right here, so you can learn how. If you want to send it to your friends, you can copy what’s below or send them the previous email.

Welcome to the Pillar main token sale! READ everything please …

There are many scammers trying to get your ether. Common scams look like “official” communications from MyEtherWallet or Pillar, but they aren’t from those organizations. For example, you click a link and everything looks good, but if you look closely at the URL, it’s one letter off - that’s a scammer. BE CAREFUL. Don’t click on a link - type in www[dot]myetherwallet[dot]com yourself to be sure.

Please note: If you purchased tokens in the presale, you won’t see your tokens until our sale is over. Please be patient and wait for an update via our newsletter.

It’s time to buy your Pillar tokens. We recommend using MyEtherWallet. Go to, and select “Send Ether and Tokens” at the top. Then enter your password, private key, or select your keystore file to unlock your wallet. Do the next part carefully:

The contract address is


Copy and paste that into the “To Address.” Your page should look like this, where you have four fields to set:

You should set the gas price to 60 (sixty) Gwei. Normally you don’t, but today you do. This will cost more, but it will also help increase your chances of getting tokens.

Enter the amount of ether you want to send.

For gas limit, put in 200,000 (two hundred thousand)

Press the “Generate Transaction” button, then confirm.

Smile, knowing that whether you get tokens or not, you’re now part of the Pillar family. You can now click on “Verify Transaction.” It could take a few seconds or as much as 20 minutes to get your confirmation. If you see a red error message and the ether is still in your wallet, you did not get into the sale. If your ether is gone, you’ll have a green circle confirmation, and you’re in.

That’s it. You will not see any tokens yet!

Assuming the sale passes its minimum, the smart contract will issue tokens when the sale is over. At that time, we’ll send instructions on how to see your tokens in your MyEtherWallet. The newsletter will tell you how to get access to your tokens later. Remember - your tokens are safe on the blockchain, and your private key helps you move them later. Don’t contact us asking where your tokens are - that’s the next step.

Remember - your tokens are safe on the blockchain, and your private key helps you move them later, after you’ve held them and cherished them, and it’s time to transfer them to your own Pillar wallet to use (some time next year).
Here is our founder, David Siegel, buying some of the first tokens from this same contract: Watch the Video - Please!

Once Again, Americans
The Pillar Project was the lead story in a new piece on on the ICO boom, in which the author quotes Peter Van Valkenburgh, a researcher at blockchain-focused think tank Coin Center:

“SEC’s default position is ‘we're proceeding cautiously because, while we are worried about investor protection, we're not certain this is within our purview, and we don't want to stifle innovation’,” he says. “There's no indication that anything is gonna happen in the very short term.”

Thank you!
It’s a big day for us at the Pillar Project. We wish you good luck, and whether you buy or not, we welcome you as part of the Pillar community. The work begins now.

Only for email subscribers ... once you have purchased, you can watch us live, on YouTube, as we run mission control on the launch. You’ll see and hear us as we announce the numbers for our sale. We can’t know what’s coming, but you can be part of it. Come watch:
Take me to Mission Control!

Best of luck to you from David Siegel and the all-volunteer Pillar team.
[email protected]

Feel free to forward this to your friends and ask them to sign up for the newsletter. Thank you.


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