Introduceyourself: Vagabundler - Travel Reportage Maps and Streetart Trackers

Hello Steemians! I am new here on this plattform and want to introduce my vagabundler project, my writing and myself to you. I love to travel and to produce documentations about it, as well I have a special fable for streetart and graffiti. Actually it all started with a journey to Australia after school. Once I got in touch with exploring the world some strange and strong curiosity took over and since then I keep on travelling and backpacking as often as possible. My masterplan is to see every country in the world. Next step would be to see every state in the world and maybe every city.... I don´t know, I think the plan isn´t really made for reaching an end. It´s just my passion.


[ Cementerio de Trenes - Uyuni - Bolivia ]

During my travels which are usually longer distances and are going inside the environment I am not enjoying the culture and nature only for me, I developed beeing a journalist and I want to circulate the information. So I take fotos, make movies and record interviews with the people I meet (mostly by accident) and about the situations I sense in my perception juicy. I want to inform my friends and the ones who are interested about other cultures and motivate them to travel more by themselves. If more people would travel more - and not only the two-week-all-inclusive-style - everybody would have less problems understanding each other and the differences between us.


[ Two guys playing some Asian checkers with crown caps - Luang Prabang - Laos ]


[ Strolling monk with umbrella - Vientiane - Laos ]

For writing about and presenting my travel experiences I started using the several social media plattforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and so on. Every platform has something nice, interesting and special in usage. At some you can show your fotos, others are better for interaction with other members. Still there was something missing in the way I wanted to introduce my content and reportages. I started writing for the German online magazine Feinripp, there I could combine text, photographs, movies and as well audio interviews in podcasts. Fantastic and a good combination. I was still not happy about it and since there are some new and easy apps for Google Maps in website building I started my own website last October, it´s in English: I am open for your feedback and I would appreciate your opinion about the page very much. One big advantage I have now is that I am able to put in trackers on the map myself. Here is an example for Ghana.


On Google Maps you can search for doctors, for restaurants and mechanics. But there are not really maps for streetart and graffiti. On my trips I asked the locals and tried to find the nice spots by myself, but often I didn´t discover the hidden ones. I always would have been glad for some kind of map or something on my smartphone with the locations of this places. With this kind of streetart map somebody could even make his own walking route through an area. My idea of a streetart tracker map was born and I added this to the website as a last level in some cities where I have enough footage. Here is an example of the meanwhile uploaded content for the city of Frankfurt where I live. I have so many many many more pictures to upload and it´s still a lot of work to do.


So... what brought me to Steemit then. Of course I am very satisfied with the website and with working on it. There I can really combine all the different media instruments. I can put in the articles the photographs, the writing, embed audios and movies, and now I can even add the special maps with routes and trackers. It´s perfect for presenting. But I still have all my other social media accounts as well and I love to use them. The direct interaction with other users and consequently developing discussions are missing on only a website. Therefore I want to write as well here on steemit to get feedback from you and I want to see what others produce and interact with them. I want to see how others are exploring and explaining the world and how others give access to content and written knowledge and I think steemit is an interesting new concept of sharing and promoting information. Here I want to write as well about topics which don't fit to the website thematics or I can discuss and write about some aspects from articles more in detail. Feel free to comment and criticize about the website and about the usage of this tracker idea. I am open as well for any improvement or alteration.


[ Father and daughter passing the streetart murals on Cerro Polanco - Valparaiso - Chile ]


[ Fushimi Inari-Taisha shrine (伏見稲荷大社) - Kyōto - Japan ]


[ Arabic Streetart - Wadi Shab - Oman ]


[ Fox & Raven Graffiti House by 140ideas - Sofia - Bulgaria ]


Welcome to Steemit!

Thanx! Still need some time to figure it all out, but step by step. I like it here :-)

Great life and great pictures! Welcome!

Thanx a lot :-) !!!

Welcome to Steemit! Loving the idea of asking the locals for the street art and graffiti...I never thought about traveling like's a very good way to travel and explore the city.

Thank you very much! On the one hand I love to document the things I like during my travels. On the other hand I was very often looking in the internet for something like that. Like a map for the graffitis or something like that. ... so I started it myself :-)

Hello welcome to the community of Steemit ❤ Great post.
I must say that I loved your #Introduceyourself is great for me to read the "presentations" of the other new Steemians like me on this platform ... Thank you for taking the time to write about yourself, about your life and let me know a part of what you are. I hope to read more about you soon, as well as I hope you can succeed in this social network.
By the way, I want to take this opportunity to tell you that, like you, I'm also new to this platform and I made my first post, I would greatly appreciate it if you read it and if you like it, give me a vote, comment something, give me resteem or follow me, I'll do the same if you want.
Without further ado, I say goodbye. I remain attentive to your next publications. 💋
@Mjzo here to support you in what you need. Regards!

Thank you very much for this nice and charming reply :-) I checked as well your page, Iit´s sympathic and interesting, I like it as well that you took your time to write it and that you put in a lot of pictures. Some people just write a few sentences. Of course nobody is excited to follow what this person has to write and to show. Keep on going, nice documenation style. I follow you now, follow me back and we can support each others articles :-)

Thank you very much for reading my post, I followed you back to not miss anything you post!

Hallo @vagabundler, herzlich willkommen auf Steemit.

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Danke!!! Ich schreibe momentan nur auf englisch, weil es mir zunächst so vorkam, als ob dies die gängige Sprache hier ist, hab aber mittlerweile auch ganz viel deutsche oder spanische Artikel gesehen. Dennoch werde ich wohl weiter auf englisch schreiben, ein Durcheinander find ich nicht so sinnvoll. Oder was würdet ihr mir hier empfehlen? Auch einfach mal was auf deutsch mit rein? Dann wird es aber eben ein Durcheinander.... Man könnte Artikel natürlich auch zweisprachig gestalten, das ist dann wiederum abhängig von der zur Verfügung stehenden Zeit. Dank auf jeden Fall für die Infos!

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Dank dir für die Infos!

Welcome to Steemit @vagabundler! You'll fit right in with your travel stories and passion for street art. Big fan of your master plan :)

Thank you very much! And yes.... the masterplan is said to visit all the countries. .... but actually it´s about to keep the passion running ;-)

good writing, always work....

Visit to @bandrek17

Thanx! Yes... there is still a lot of work to do but I like it :-)

Thank you for the information links. I still have to read a lot and figure all this out. Especially with the steem power, and the steem and the other steem and some more other steem and the steem dollar and the steem dollar power...... :-) But step by step I get it and understand how it works.

Its not as hard to understand as it seems. Just keep reading and youll figure it out :)

That street art is awesome, you will find Steemit a good place to showcase it

Thank you very much!

Welcome to Steemit @vagabundler!

A couple of Steemit tips, ignore the automated bots, they do nothing for you and just earn from your votes.

For many new people, the voting and points system seems complicated at first. Here is an excellent post and entertaining video about how it all works.

You also earn rewards for resharing (resteem) and commenting. How cool is that? So it pays for us all to get involved with other people and their content.

Welcome aboard and full Steem ahead! =)


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